Library Exhibits Proposal Form


In order to support the research, scholarship, artistic, and creative work that is representative of California State University Dominguez Hills, the library invites faculty, students, and community members to participate in the Exhibits program.

Proposals must be made a minimum of two months (60 days) in advance, or at the beginning of the academic year, in order to assure consideration.


Proposals must reflect our exhibit policies.

Complete this form and submit the proposal to Greg Williams, Director of Archives & Special Collections at:

Proposals for exhibits in the community galleries, together with the calendar of exhibits will be reviewed by the Director of Archives & Special Collections as well as the Library Dean. Proposed exhibits will be notified of status or acceptance.

Contact Information





Affiliation or Department:


Phone #:

If you are a student:

Faculty Advisor:

Faculty Email:

Proposed Location:

Please complete separate forms if using multiple locations

Proposed Run of Dates of Display:


Title of Exhibit:

Provide a brief description of proposed exhibit’s primary theme or focus, and format

Please identify campus partners if applicable:

Please describe how this exhibit fits the criteria for projects shared in these spaces

Please provide a detailed description of content. Include formats such as posters, photographs, framed photographs, etc.

Please detail specific information for potential sensitive subject matter if applicable and how this will be addressed in the display

Does the exhibit include labels or signage? ☐Yes ☐No

Describe any publicity such as press releases, advertisements, calls for participation or events that would run in conjunction with the exhibition

Is this exhibit in conjunction with any planned event?

If yes, please describe below

Please review the library exhibits policy page.

☐I have reviewed the library’s exhibit policies.

Please submit proposal to Greg Williams, Director of Archives & Special Collections at: