X as appropriate
First PEP
Annual PEP
New school
Key Stage 5
ICS number:
Date of birth:
Date of PEP:
Date of PEP Review:
Year group:
Personal Education Plan (PEP)
Part 1: Social Worker to complete or update and bring a hard copy
to the meeting (page 1 and 2)
Part 2: Designated Teacher to complete prior to the meeting (page 3 and 4)
Part 3: Designated Teacher and pupil to complete
prior to the meeting (page 5)
Part 4: Meeting record and action plan: Designated Teacher to complete
with attendees at the meeting,
Social worker to return to Virtual School PEP administrator for typing
The PEP to be reviewed after 6 months (or as required)
Part 5: Review of Personal Education Plan - Pages 9-12
· Social Worker to update Part 1, Key Information and Contacts and bring a hard copy to the meeting (page 1 and 2)
· Designated Teacher to update Part 2, attendance and attainment, progress and achievement record prior to the Review meeting( page 3 and 4)
· Designated Teacher and Pupil to complete Pupil's view page in the Review Section (page 10) prior to the meeting.
· Review meeting record and action plan: Designated Teacher to complete
with attendees at the Review meeting. (page 11 and 12).
Social worker to return to Virtual School PEP administrator for typing
PEP Administration:
SFAR 138, First Floor, Farnham House,
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2FQ
01438 843251
PART ONE To be completed by the Social Worker prior to the PEP meetingKey Information and Contacts
Restricted Access / Yes / No / (Please tick)
Include name of anyone for whom contact is prohibited and what the school should do if contacted by this person.
Date of start of current care episode
Care Status (Please tick) / Section 20 / Interim Care Order / Full Care Order
Placed for adoption / Yes / No / (Please tick)
If yes, pupil’s address is restricted - information via Adoption Team
Foster Carer/ Head of Residential Care
Name and address
Postcode: / Tel No:
Email: / Mobile Tel:
Name and address
Postcode: / Tel No:
Email: / Mobile:
Name and address
Postcode: / Tel No:
Email: / Mobile:
Social Worker
Postcode: / Tel No:
Email: / Mobile:
Education Advisor for Children Looked After
Postcode: / Tel No:
Email: / Mobile:
School (including name of Designated Teacher/Practitioner)
Name and address
Postcode / Tel No:
School No: (HCC only) / Email:
Other important
PART ONE To be completed by the Social Worker prior to the PEP meeting
______likes to be known as: ______
Communication (Please tick)
PEP / Letters/Reports / EmergencyMother
Allocated Worker
Education Advisor
Permission for outings given by:
Permission for child's image to be taken and used in publicity material for the school / Yes /No
If yes, permission given by:
Can the pupil access a computer at home? Yes /No
Number of Foster Placements to date:
Previous Schools Attended
School Year / School name / Date joined(DD/MM/YYYY) / Date left
(DD/MM/YYYY) / Reason for change
Period without a School Place
From / To / ReasonPART TWO To be completed by the Designated Teacher prior to the PEP meeting
Current School: / Date joined: / Year Group:Attendance %
(current academic year) :
Special Educational Needs / School Action? / School Action plus? / Statement?
Need ( e.g. MLD / Specific learning difficulties / BESD/ SLD /ASD etc)
Exclusions ( fixed term) / Yes / No
number / days
Has this pupil been identified as able, gifted and/or talented? / Yes / No / (Please tick)
Areas in which they excel
Does this pupil speak English as an additional language? (EAL) / Yes / No / Language(s) spoken
Review of targets of Previous Academic Year (list progress towards each of the previous targets)
Please discuss with young person before the PEP meeting
Previous Targets / Comments1.
Additional Support - within school resources or from extra funding such as pupil premium.
Please comment on how additional funding has been used for this Young Person to promote progress:
PART TWO To be completed by the Designated Teacher prior to the PEP meeting
Subjects (these may range from GCSEs, BTECs and other vocational courses to AS Levels and A2s)
Year 12 Actual / Year 13 ActualSubjects / Qualification type / Autumn / Spring / Summer / Autumn / Spring / Mock Grade / End of Key Stage target grade
or aspirational target
Areas where pupil will exceed expectations:
Areas where pupil will achieve expectations:
Areas where pupil will not meet expectations:
Version 2013/2014
PART THREE To be completed by young person with help of the Designated Teacher in school prior to the PEP meeting
Pupil's views – KS5
Current situation
Version 2013/2014
What subjects are you pleased with?:
Choose a subject you would like to improve? What might help?
What concerns do you have about coursework or exams?
Any other concerns about school?
Who would you go to in school if you needed help? What might they do to help you?
What sport activities do you do?
Is there anything else you would like to have a go at?
Version 2013/2014
Looking to the Future
What ideas do you have about what you would like to be doing in the future?
Go to college/university? / Seek Employment? / Have training for employment / apprenticeship?Have you had a Youth Connexions interview?
When? / With Whom? / What is the action PlanPlease see overleaf
PART THREE To be completed by young person with help of the Designated Teacher in school prior to the PEP meeting
Looking to the Future – continued
Do you have a particular course, career or job in mind? If so what is it?
Have you done any research about this yourself? If so what?
Further into the future, what are your hopes, dreams and ambitions for further or higher education and training
What work experience have you had?
If no/none relevant, would you like some?
Please specify what would be helpful
What needs to be done to help you work towards your career aspirations?
PART FOUR To be completed by Designated Teacher during the PEP meeting
Record of meeting
NB Prior to the meeting please confirm that the contact sheet is accurate
Name / Attendee/RoleIndicate who chairs and who scribes the meeting
Pupil ( if he/she is not present, please specify who will feedback to him/her following the meeting)
Designated Teacher/Practitioner
Social Worker
Education Advisor:
Other (s)
Update, share information on anything that will affect the young person’s educational progress including health information.PART FOUR To be completed by Designated Teacher during the PEP meeting
School Consultation Meeting
When does next consultation meeting take place?Who will be attending the consultation meeting?
What is going well?
(Use information on attainment, attendance and pupil’s views. Include examples of accelerated progress)Issues that need addressing
(Areas to target in the action plan to improve attainment and accelerate progress)Issues that need following up at the next PEP meeting
( Issues which are not included as a target in the Action Plan, e.g. schooltrips, transition etc.)PART FOUR To be completed by Designated Teacher during the PEP meeting
PEP Action Plan
Please indicate where PEP targets link to any additional plan e.g. IEP/ provision map / annual review / PSP/ / N/A Yes /NoLong term educational objective within this key stage
NB the detailed targets below need to be steps towards this annual / end of key stage objective
* Some targets will be very short term and will need to be reviewed within school monitoring systems before the next PEP - see RH column
Detailed Targets / Actions and Interventions to achieve these targets / By whom and by when / DT notes for review1.
Date of PEP Review:
/ Date of next Annual PEP: / Date of next CLA review:
PART FIVE To be completed by Designated Teacher during the PEP Review meeting
PEP Review Meeting
To be reviewed after 6 months (or as required)
Name:Date of PEP:
Date of PEP Review:
Year group:
NB Prior to the meeting please confirm that the contact sheet is accurate
Name / Attendee/RoleIndicate who chairs and who scribes the meeting
Pupil ( if he/she is not present, please specify who will feedback to him/her following the meeting)
Designated Teacher/Practitioner
Social Worker
Education Advisor Virtual School
Other (s)
PART FIVE To be completed by Designated Teacher during the PEP Review meeting
Update: Record changes in care arrangements, health issues and progress in school including analysis of any new data and pupil views.Progress towards previous targets
Long term educational objective within this key stageNB the detailed targets below need to be steps towards this annual / end of key stage objective
Target Progress* / Targets to remain: / Further Actions/Comments
1. / Yes
2. / Yes
3. / Yes
* ( If funded intervention, e.g. tuition, or input from other agencies has been used, please comment on its impact on progress)
PART FIVE To be completed by Designated Teacher during the PEP Review meeting
New Targets
Long term educational objective within this key stageNB the detailed targets below need to be steps towards this annual / end of key stage objective
* Some targets will be very short term and will need to be reviewed within school monitoring systems before the next PEP - see RH column
Detailed Targets / Actions and Interventions to achieve these targets / By whom and by when / DT notes for review1.
Date of PEP Review: / Date of next Annual PEP: / Date of next CLA review:
Version 2013/2014 12