Friday 6th February
Year 2Visit to Kew Gardens on Tuesday 17thMarch
Dear Parents and Carers,
As part of our topic on The Earth: Our Home, will be travelling to Kew Gardens on Tuesday March 17th to walk around the gardens, green houses and high tree top walk, as well as takepart in a workshop all about the science of plants.
We will be leaving immediately after morning registration and taking a coach to Kew Gardens in Richmond. We will return the same way and arrive back at school between 3:30 and 3:45, depending on the London traffic.
The children will need to bring a packed lunch. Please do not include sweets, excessively sugary food or glass bottles or any other drink except for water; this will help to keep the children calm and not over excited. You may order a packed lunch from school at a cost of £1.90. Children who are eligible for a free school meal are entitled to a free packed lunch, but must order this below or it will not be ordered. Please make sure your child wears suitable footwear and clothing for when walking outside. We will be walking outside come rain or shine!
The Friends of John Ball have kindly subsidised this trip; however, there remains a small charge of £2.50 per child. The trip with entry fee and coach cost would have been substantially more without The Friends generosity. Please return your payment in a sealed envelope (a reused envelope is fine)along with your signed reply slip; cheques payable to John Ball Primary School. Please hand this into the school reception rather than your class teacher.
We are also looking for adult helpers to accompany us on the day. Please indicate on the slip below if you are free to join us on the trip.
Yours sincerely
The Year 2Team
Please sign and return byFriday 27th February (without written permission beforehand pupils cannot attend)
Year 2Kew Gardens visit on Tuesday 17th March
Child’s Name______Class______
I give permission for my child to attend the Kew Garden
trip as outlined in the accompanying letter.
I enclose £2.50 as a contribution towards the cost of the trip
My child requires a school packed lunch and I enclose £1.90
I am free to accompany the class on the day and my telephone number is______