Paper title (16pt Times New Roman, Centered, Bold) Paper sub-title (14pt Times New Roman, Centered, Bold)

(leave a blank line here, between the Title+Sub-Title and the affiliation)

Author’s names + Surnames (italic, 12pt Times New Roman, centered)

Department (italic, 11pt Times New Roman, centered)

University/Institution (italic, 11pt Times New Roman, centered)

City, country (italic, 11pt Times New Roman, centered) [for corresponding author only]

Abstract: (11 pt Times New Roman). Leave one blank line before the abstract, after the affiliation. Do not use citations or abbreviations in your abstract. This is a sample of the format of your full paper. Please format your text according to this template. The abstract has to be written in English. The abstract should contain 5000 signs at most (without spaces).

For the words Abstract, Keywords and References use Italics.

Keywords: [11pt Times New Roman] Leave one blank line after the Abstract and write your Keywords (6 - 10 words). Leave three blank lines after the Keywords and then star your main text.


Please note, that the present template is obglitatory for your paper. Send us the document in a Word and PDF file until September 18, 2016. We ask you to send the paper both as WORD and PDF file (this means you should send 2 files)(). The text should be the last version of your paper. Submitted papers will be reviewed until October 16, 2016. You will receive feedback promptly. On November 24.-25., 2016, final paper versions are presented and discussed in front of the audience. Until November 13, 2016, print versions have to be submitted, in order to publish the papers in a collected edition.

Your paper’s plain text should contain 10 pages at most. The paper format is A4 standard size (21 x 29 cm). The top margin is 2,5cm and the bottom margin is 3,0cm. Left and right margins of 2,5cm. Use single space. Use one column format after the Keywords. Use 11pt size Times New Roman for body text throughout the paper. Use grouped style when it comes to the plain text.

Page numbers have to be positioned at the top right corner.


The heading of each section should be printed in Times New Roman, 13pt, left justified, bold.

Use numbers 1, 2, 3, ... for all sections, as shown in this template.

The text should be left and right justified. Do not use underlined nor bold nor colored text. Italics may be used for emphasizing a non-conventional use of a word.

Please, leave one blank line between successive sections as here.


Subsections headings appear in 12pt, left justified, bold, Times New Roman as here. (if any)

2.1.1 Sub-subsections

Sub-subsection headings appear in, 11pt, left justified, bold, Times New Roman as here. (if any)


Please send images, photographs and tables as an extra file (photos: TIF or JPG; images and tables: EPS). Besides, we ask you to incorporate photos and illustrations in your text in a low resolution. ´The file size mustn’t be larger than 4MB.

Figures and Tables should be numbered as follows: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ... etc Table 1, Table 2, ....etc. Table headings should be centered above the tables and figures captions below the figure, in 10 pt, italics. Captions should be self-evident; don’t forget to acknowledge the source. All Figures and Tables should be referred to in the text.

Footnotes might be used sparingly to clarify the text. Do not use footnotes for citations of references, except for a reference to a URL.


For citations within the text use the name and year system with page number, e.g.(Bertrand 1983: 221). Indirect quotes are labeled by adding a “cf” just before mentioning the author, e.g. (cf. Miller 1985: 33).At the end of the paper a list of all referenceshas to be added.

Use a footnote to refer to a URL.

5 Citation style

Use the recommended style.

References(Times New Roman, 12pt, italic, left justified, bold):

A Monograph/collected edition

Second name, 1stletter forename (maybeeditor) (year): title. subtitle. edition (if 2nd or following). Place of publication.

Examplemonograph: Lefebvre, H. (1970): La révolution urbaine. Paris.

Example collected edition: Läpple, D.; Mückenberger, U.; Oßenbrügge, J. (Ed.) (2010): Zeiten und Räume der Stadt. Theorie und Praxis. Opladen.

Example edition: Blakely, E. J.; Snyder, M. G. (1999): Fortress America. Gated Communities in the United States. 2nd ed., Washington D.C.

B Articles in a collected edition

Second name, 1st Letter forename (year): title. subtitle. In: Editor’s second name, 1. Letter of editor’s forename (Ed.): title of collected edition. Place of publication. Page references of the article (first-last page).

Example: Spiegel, E. (2004): Die europäische Stadt – eine schrumpfende Stadt. In: Siebel, W. (Ed.): Die europäische Stadt. Frankfurt am Main. pp. 182-196.

C Publication series

Second name, 1st letter forename (year): title. subtitle. edition (if 2nd or following). Place of publication.(= Title of the series, issue number within the series).

Beispiel: Wehrheim, J. (2002): Die überwachte Stadt. Sicherheit, Segregation und Ausgrenzung. Opladen (= Stadt, Raum und Gesellschaft, no. 17).

D Articles in journals

Second name, 1st letter forename (year): title. subtitle. In: title of journal, volume, issue, page references of the article (no place of publication!).

Example: Rink, D.; Bernt, M.; Holm, A. (2010): Gentrificationforschung in Ostdeutschland: konzeptionelle Probleme und Forschungslücken. In: Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 185-203.