Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U Federal and State Programs

Fiscal Year 2014

Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U
265 South Foster Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Sean P. Martin
Executive Director

Federal and State Funding

Grant Renewal Application

FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014

This WorkReady U Renewal Applicationprovides guidelines and documents to apply for Adult Education, Family Literacy, EL-Civics and/or Leadership (Regional Centers of Excellence) funds.

Complete one set of program forms regardless of the number of budget applications.

Due Date:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Federal Funds authorized under Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 84.002; 84.191; 84.255 and 97.010.
State Funds authorized under Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 17:1871 and 17:3217.1.

General Information

Project Period

Federal Funds – Adult Education, Family Literacy, and EL-Civics Grants: July 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014.

State Funds: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014

Submission Instructions

Completed renewal applications are due on Friday, May 17, 2013 at 5:00 PM. There will be no exceptions to the deadline date. It is suggested that you submit early to avoid the rush!

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications that are missing required signatures/initials are considered incomplete.

Applications must be organized in the order outlined in the Index of the application.

Applicants must submit three (3) complete copies of the application. Please submit two (2) paper copies and one (1) electronic copy. One (1) of the paper copies must bear original signatures.

Send electronic submissions .

Mailed/Hand-Delivered copies should be sent to:

Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U

265 South Foster Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70806

Any questions regarding the application may be address during the webinar scheduled for April 8, 2013 or emailed . Questions and responses will be posted on the LCTCS, WorkReady U website.

Applicable Laws and Regulations

Title II of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 authorizes the Adult Education and Literacy Program in Louisiana. The current Unified State Plan was authorized for five years from July 1, 1999, to June 30, 2004, and has been extended each year thereafter.

All recipients of funding shall comply with Louisiana Revised Statues, Title 17:1871 and 17:3217.1, and the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), P.L. 105-2220. Additional federal statutes governing local funding include the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) and the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR).

Recipients of federal funds who receive in excess of $500,000 from all federal sources must comply with Circulars A-128 and A-133 issued by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget regarding external audit requirements.

Local providers are responsible for issuing announcements concerning the allocation of federal funds to support the adult education program. When issuing press releases describing programs funded in whole or in part with federal money, all recipients shall clearly state:

  1. The percentage of the total cost of the program that will be financed with federal funds; and
  2. The dollar amount of federal funds for the program.

LCTCS reserves the right to reject any or all applications for failure to submit an application in accordance with the instructions in this renewal application packet or by the specified deadline. Receipt of applications by LCTCS confers no rights upon the applicant nor obligates LCTCS in any manner. 1

Program Forms Index

Program Form #1Abstract: InstructionsPage 3

FormPage 4

Program Form #2Program Service ChartPage 5

Program Form #3 Program GoalsPage 6

Program Form #4Partnerships/Coordination of Services – UpdatePage 7

Program Form #5Transition to Postsecondary & Occupational TrainingPage 8

Program Form #6Recruitment/Retention of Adults “Most In Need”Page 9

Program Form #7Technology & InnovationsPage 10

Program Form #8Professional Development PlanPage 11

Program Form #9Program Income FormPage 12

Program Form #10Regional Centers of Excellence- Leadership Activities Page 13

Program Form #11 Program Hours of InstructionPage 14

Program Form #12 Federal Certification(s) and Assurance(s) Page 15

Program Form #13State Funds AssurancePage 21

Program Form #14Correctional Program Services – Carryover Provision Fiscal AssurancePage 22

Program Form #15Non-Public Statement of Assurances (Act 14 of 2003, Section 18B)Page 23

Program Form #16Board ResolutionPage 24

Program Form #17Appendices/Budget InformationPage 25

Appendix AProgram Income Waiver Rubric

Appendix BCertification and Assurance Forms

Appendix CBudget Summary/Detail Form(s)


Instructions for Program Form #1 – Abstract

Provide a very concise overview or program abstract. Limit your response to the space provided. Highlight the outstanding aspects of the application for Adult Basic Education, Family Literacy, and EL/Civics programs.


Item 1 and 2 are self-explanatory.

Item 3:Place an X for types of funds requested in the application.

Item 4:Program Income Disclosure. If the answer is yes, complete the Program Income Form on page12.

Item 5:Enter the parishes to be served.

Item 6:Enter the Total Target Population.

Item 7:Enter the amount of each budget request. Please use the amount your program was awarded in FY13. However, the total amount of funding you will be awarded in FY14 will be contingent upon the availability of State General funds, Federal Funds made available under AEFLA, Section 211 (b) (1) and demonstrated program effectiveness.

The website link for the budget workbook can be found on page 25. Please complete a budget application (budget summary and budget detail form)for all applicable sources of funding your program was awarded in FY13: Adult Education, Adult Education/Family Literacy, EL-Civics, Leadership (Regional Centers of Excellence), and/or State.

Item 8:Enter the total Projected # of students proposed to be served from Program Form #2-Service Chart.

Item 9:Enter the estimated cost per student. Take funding request for all applications and divide it by number of students to be served for all applications.

Item 10-12:Using the space provided, provide a quick snapshot of the application program.

Item 13:It is now a requirement that Adult Education providers have a DUNS number and be registered with System for Award Management (SAM)at Please provide your DUNS number and respond to the question regarding registration with the SAM.

Signature of Authorized Representative


Program Form #1


1.Applicant Organization
Physical Address (Main Place of Performance)
City, State, Zip / 2.*WRU Supervisor Contact Information
Name Title
Telephone Number
*This information will be posted on the WRU website.
3. / Adult Education
Adult Education/Family Literacy
(WIA, Title II, Section 231) / EL-Civics (WIA, Title II, Section 231)
Professional Development/Leadership
Regional Centers of Excellence(WIA, Title II, Section 223) / State
4.Program Income Disclosure
Do you plan to collect program income from adult education students during FY14?
Yes No
If yes, complete the Program Income Form on page 12. / 5.Parishes Served:
6.Total Target Population:
7.Budget(s): Federal Adult Education: $ Federal EL-Civics: $
Federal Adult Education/Family Literacy: $
Federal Leadership Professional Development: $ State: $
8.Projected # of Studentsto be served in FY14: / 9.Estimated Cost/Student:
12.Anticipated program changes for FY14 that will expand literacy services:
13.What is your nine-digit Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number?
Are you registered with System for Award Management (SAM)?
It is now a requirement that Adult Education grantees have a DUNS number and be registered with SAM.
The signature below indicates that the applicant has read and is in compliance with all of the GENERAL and SPECIFIC requirements contained within the Federal and/or State certifications and assurances.


Program Form #2

Service Chart

  1. Complete the three-year data history chart below with the number of students served for each category.

Year / ABE / ASE / ESL / PL/
Undefined Level / Total / ABE EFL Gain / ASE EFL Gain / >=12 HRS / GED'S
FY 10-11
FY 11-12
FY 12-13
  1. Estimate the projected number of undereducated to be served in FY 2014. *This total number of participants should be entered on Program Form #1, “Projected # of Students, #8.”


/ ABE / ASE / ESL / Total Number Participants
Adult Education
(WIA, Title II, Federal 231)
Family Literacy
(WIA, Title II, Federal 231)


/ EL/Civics Education / Total Number Participants
(WIA, Title II, Federal 231)

*The projected number reported may be subjected to negotiation with the WRU office.


Program Form #3

Program Goals

  1. Goal for Level Completions (NRS Table 4)

Review your program’s three-year data history on NRS Table 4. Provide the following information: (1) an estimatednumber and percentage of students who will attain the goal; and (2) the action step(s) that will be incorporated to increase the number/percentage of students attaining the goal.

  1. Goal #1: To increase the percentage of students completing a level.
  1. *Number/Percentage of students to attain Goal #1:

(Number) (Percentage)

  1. Action step(s) to increase number/percentage of students attaining Goal #1:
  1. Goals for Core Indicators (NRS Table 5)

Review your program’s three-year data history on NRS Table 5. Provide the following information: (1) an estimatednumber and percentage of students who will attain the goal; and (2)the action step(s) that will be incorporated to increase the number/percentage of students attaining the goal.

  1. Goal #2: To improve participants’ success in obtaining a job in measurable terms.
  1. *Number/Percentage of students to attain Goal #2:

(Number) (Percentage)

  1. Action step(s) to increase number/percentage of students attaining Goal #2:
  1. Goal #3: To improve participant’s success in retaining a job or advancing in current job.
  1. *Number/Percentage of students to attain Goal #3:

(Number) (Percentage)

  1. Action step(s) to increase number/percentage of students attaining Goal #3:
  1. Goal #4: To improve participant’s matriculation to post-secondary education or job –training programs.

1.*Number/Percentage of students to attain Goal #4:

(Number) (Percentage)

2.Action steps to increase number/percentage of students attaining Goal #4:

  1. Goal #5: To increase the number of participants obtaining a GED or adult high school diploma.

1.*Number/Percentage of students to attain Goal #5:

(Number) (Percentage)

2.Action step(s) to increase the number/percentage of students attaining Goal #5:

*The number/percentages reported may be subjected to negotiation with the WRU office. 6

Program Form #4

Partnerships and Coordination of Services

  1. Describenewcoordination efforts for FY14that enable individuals to participate in adult education and literacy services, transition to postsecondary, occupational/technical education and/or employment opportunities. Partnerships may include but are not limited to: (1)educational institutions, (2) local/state agencies, (3) WIA, (4) business and industry organizations, (5)support services (i.e., health services, childcare, transportation, services for disabilities, etc.).

Organization or Agency Name / Describe the Agreement and Type of Service(s)

Written agreements should be available for review.


Program Form #5

*Transition to Postsecondary and Occupational Training

  1. WorkReady U has paved the way for eligible students enrolled in adult education classes to jointly enroll in technical/community college certificate programs.
  1. Describe any continuing or new coordination with postsecondary institutions to transition students utilizing integrated services (basic skills and/or ESL blended with occupational training) that you have implemented or will implement during FY14.
  1. How many students do you have currently dually enrolled in adult education classes and postsecondary classes?
  1. What barriers do your students have for being involved in dual enrollment programs?
  1. How do yousupport the students (childcare, special needs, transportation, etc.)?
  1. What programs and/or curriculum do you have in place that facilitates dual enrollment, occupational and soft-skill training?
  1. Managed enrollment and acceleration are instructional strategies utilized in many transition programs. Are you running an accelerated program? Yes No If so, please complete the following:
  1. Describe the program.
  1. Duration (how many days per week).
  2. Intensity (how many hours per day).
  1. Do you have or have access to a transition specialist for adult education students? Yes No

*State Initiative


Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U Federal and State Programs

Fiscal Year 2014

Program Form #6

Recruitment/Retention of Adults “Most In Need”

  1. Describe new Recruitment and Retention Goal(s) for FY14.

Recruitment Plan

Goal / Plan of Action / Responsible Individuals / Expected Outcome

Retention Plan

Goal / Plan of Action / Responsible Individuals / Expected Outcome


Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U Federal and State Programs

Fiscal Year 2014

Program Form #7

Technology and Innovations

1.Describe plans for new technology availability and training for adult learners and staff.

Available Technology / Available Software / Distance Learner Curricula
Adult Learner Access
Staff Training Opportunities
Has staff received training in each category? / Yes No
Comment(s): / Yes No
Comment(s): / Yes No


Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U Federal and State Programs

Fiscal Year 2014

Program Form #8

Professional Development Plan

Professional Development will focus on the needs of individual practitioners and program improvement in FY14. Program supervisors should ensure that staff attends focused trainings and state-approved activities that will be beneficial to both the individual’s professional growth and program improvement.

Effective program improvement consists of examining the professional strengths and needs of staff; in addition to setting individual staff development goals within the context of a program’s improvement goals.

Research has shown that professional development has greater impact when there is opportunity for professional dialogue at the program level.

  1. Describe your FY14 Professional Development Plan for program, staff and learner outcome improvements.

*Professional Development Plan
Program Improvement /Staff Development /Student Success
Focus Area / Data/Anecdotal Evidence / Action Plan
Example: Staff Development:
Improve instructional planning and delivery skills of all teachers. / Example: 20% of benchmarks met for past 3-years
Student Retention declines / Example: Schedule training on lesson planning; review class data reports monthly.

*WRU programs will be required to submit an end-of-the-year report showing the effects of professional development activities. The report shall provide information on improvements relating to the staff, program, and learner outcomes.


Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U Federal and State Programs

Fiscal Year 2014

Program Form #9

Program Income Form

Program income is defined as “gross income received by the grantee or sub-grantee directly generated by a grant supported activity or earned as a result of the grant agreement during the grant period.” Program income is governed by the terms of the agreement between the state and local sub-grantee. Program income must be accounted for in program records and used only for costs allocable under Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA). Program income may only be used to provide local adult education and literacy services. This can include the payment of salaries and purchase of materials.

Grant recipients must verify planned collection of program income in the grant application. Any grant recipient collecting program income must notify WorkReady U and complete a Program Income Report form, at the end of the fourth quarter of the grant cycle, detailing by object code all collections and expenditures, and certify that all program income was spent for costs allowable under AEFLA and in accordance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 34 CFR80.25; subsection 80.25(b) and 34 CFR 76.534. Program income shall not be used for match purposes or placed back in the local general fund.

Program Income Disclosure consists of two parts: (1) How Program Income will be collected; and (2) Program IncomeWaiver Process.

1)How Program Income Will Be Collected

Use the form below to list the service(s), class(es), or items for which income will be collected. Examples of service(s), class(es), and/or items includes AE classes, EL Civics classes, Family Literacy classes, Registration, Textbooks, IDs, etc.

List the service(s), class(es) or items for which you propose to collect income.


Service/Item/Class Amount to be charged


Service/Item/Class Amount to be charged


Service/Item/Class Amount to be charged


Service/Item/Class Amount to be charged

2)Program Income Waiver Process - Rubric

Applicant must provide the rubric, as Appendix A, used to determine hardship cases for students who are unable to pay the imposed fee.

Applicants must keep all copies of documentation/receipts for payment as well as records related to program income and/or expenditures.


Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U Federal and State Programs

Fiscal Year 2014

Program Form #10

Regional Centers of Excellence - Leadership Activities

Only Regional Centers of Excellence recipients for FY13 complete this form.

  1. Describe plans for your Regional Labor Market Area (RLMA) for FY14:
  2. Resource Library
  1. Leadership/Mentoring Activities
  1. Professional Development Activities
  1. Other:
  1. Use the chart below to describe plans for continued communication/collaboration with partners in your RLMA.

Meeting Type / Meeting Frequency / Expected Outcomes
Ex. Face-to-face, webinar, conference call, Google+, etc. / Ex. Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly / Ex. Incorporation of Digital Library; Material Review; etc.
  1. Describe purchase plans for FY14.


Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U Federal and State Programs

Fiscal Year 2014

Program Form #11


Adult Education/Family Literacy/EL-Civics Services

Site Name / Physical Address / Program Type / Day(s) of week instruction is offered / Time(s) of day instruction is offered / # of hours site meets per week / # of weeks site meets per year
Ex. St. Marks Baptist Church / 1245 Literacy Drive, City, LA / ABE/ESL/FL / M – F / 9 am –1 pm / 20 / 49


Louisiana Community and Technical College System

WorkReady U Federal and State Programs

Fiscal Year 2014

Louisiana Community and Technical College System