Week of December 16th, 2013
Attention College and University Applicants
College Applicants - When you look at your on-line OCAS application, you should be able to see your grade 9-12 completed courses and marks and your current courses and marks from your November report card. Please see your Guidance Counsellor if this information is not available. Current year updated course marks will be sent to OCAS Feb. 10, 2014.
University Applicants – When you look at your on-line OUAC application, you should be able to see your grade 11 and 12 completed courses and marks and a list of your current Earl Haig courses. Please see your Guidance Counsellor if this information is not available. Current year course marks will not be sent to OUAC until February 12, 2014.
Attention OUAC Applicants
In order to reduce the chance of delays and the frustration of slower online response times, you are encouraged to complete and submit your online application well in advance of the January 15, 2014 deadline.
The OUAC is officially closed for the holidays from December 24, 2013 to January 1, 2014, inclusive. The OUAC website will remain available during this time.
Applicant Services Extended Hours Prior to Application Deadline:
Monday, January 13 - Wednesday, January 15 - 9:00 am - 7:00 pm (EST)
Applicant Services Phone: (519) 823-1063
Night School
Semester 2 Night School Registration begins January 6th, 2014. Request an appointment with your counsellor for an application.
Classes begin Week of February 10th, 2014
Waterloo Unlimited
Waterloo Unlimited invites students of exceptional potential to engage with other motivated students in a pre-university enrichment experience. This program for grade 11 students takes place during March Break and will use concepts from engineering and the environment to focus on the theme of Design. The application deadline is December 19, 2013. For information go to https://uwaterloo.ca/unlimited/programs
Western University National Scholarship Program
If you are applying to Western University and wish to be one of 4 Earl Haig students nominated for the Western University National Scholarship Program, you must first pick up a nomination package from Mrs. Storms in Guidance. The criteria for the program includes that you must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident and have demonstrated the “highest levels of academic and extracurricular achievement”. You must have a minimum average of 90% in all of your grade 12 courses completed previously and on the November 2013 report card. The deadline to submit the nomination package to Mrs. Storms is Friday, January 17, 2014 at 9 a.m.
For more information and other important details go to -
Free tutoring/mentoring/enrichment opportunity is available for grade 9 and 10 students at U of T starting February 2014. It is an 11 week program. See Ms. Zaghikian for more information.
These $1,000 scholarships offered by the Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation are available to students from across Canada who exhibit exemplary citizenship, community involvement and who are in need of financial assistance. Applicants must be Canadian residents. To apply to go http://www.futureaces.org/ and find the scholarship tab. All applications must be postmarked by January 15th, 2014
· Schulich Leader Scholarships
It is now possible to make applications to the Schulich Leader Scholarships. These $60,000 scholarships are specifically for students entering science, technology, engineering or math programs (STEM). If you are applying to one of these programs, have a very high average, financial need and outstanding leadership then you should consider applying. Be aware not all universities are partners in this program. You must do your research. For information please go to http://schulichleaders.com/sites/default/files/downloads/brochure2013.pdf
The Allan Simpson Educational Fund Awards provide post-secondary education financial assistance for students who are full orphans (both parents deceased). The current awards are $2500 per year and will be disbursed in two installments. Application forms are available by contacting Charles Benson, Fund Administer at: . Deadline for application form submission: March 1st, 2014.
To see previous postings, visit www.earlhaig.ca
Click on: Guidance > Guidance Page > Job & Volunteer Opportunities.
NEW Job opportunities
· House of Commons – Page Program
Seeking bilingual (English & French) students heading to an Ottawa-area university in 2014-2015
Position: 1-year contract as a page in the House of Commons, salary $13,633+
$1,200 at end of contract
Visit www.parl.gc.ca/hocpage
To see previous postings, visit www.earlhaig.ca Click on: Guidance > Guidance Page > Job & Volunteer