Rigby City Hall Council Chambers
April 03, 2007
7:00 PM
Present were the following:
Mayor: Art Goody
Councilmen: Lawrence Blackburn via telephone, Ryan Brown, Darwin Dinsdale, Keith Smith, George Marriott via telephone, Connie Keller
Chief of Police: Larry Anderson -
City Clerk: Jeanne Kerbs -
City Attorney: Shan Perry
Pledge of Allegiance: Connie Keller
Prayer: Mayor Goody
Mr. Boyd Price did not attend therefore public hearing was tabled.
Mr. Paul Hepworth and Mr. Kevin Thompson presented to the Council the request to annex into the city approximately 20 acres for R1 development.
Public Comment: People In Favor of the Annexation
Gerald Simonson - Mr. Simonson would like to see the council work out an agreement with Mr. Hepworth so that this property could be annexed into the city.
Jodi Hepworth – Mrs. Hepworth stated that with this annexation the tax base would increase and would also bring in more families into the area.
Charles Taylor – Mr. Taylor has seen the good things that H&S Development has done and the annexation would bring in more growth for the city.
Sarah Redd - Mrs. Redd stated that she is currently looking forward to purchasing a building lot in the new area.
Jeremy Redd – Mr. Redd stated that he moved to Rigby for what the community had to offer.
Nathan Bowman – Mr. Bowman liked the look of the area and looks forward to the growth.
Corbet Miskin – Mr. Miskin stated that he has a business on Main Street and has an investment in Rigby. Mr. Miskin stated that he was impressed the new homes and is in favor of growth.
Misty Stoker – Mrs. Stoker stated that when she looks out her window she see homes that are not in the City and feels sad for the lost revenue. With the annexation the City will gain more tax revenue.
Heath Treasure – Mr. Treasure stated that he was in favor for the annexation for the same reason the have been expressed. Mr. Treasure stated that this is a great community and enjoys living in Hunter Creek Subdivision.
Kris Thompson – Mr. Thompson feel that with this annexation if will promote growth and will be a benefit to the city’s business.
Public Comment: People Neutral to the Annexation
Doug James - Mr. Jones felt that before H&S annexes the property they should first finish the road. Mr. Jones asked that H&S be allowed to put in the utilities before they complete the road.
Public hearing for annexation closed at 7:40 p.m.
Councilman Blackburn made the motion to annex the property contingent on acceptance of the preliminary plat. Councilman Brown 2nd the motion, all approved.
Paul Hepworth turned the time over to Kevin Thompson of Thompson Engineering to present the preliminary plat to the Council. Mr. Thompson presented to the Council a drawing of the preliminary plat showing the areas that were to be developed. Mr. Thompson explained that the plat was divided into three blocks with two roads. These roads will connect to existing roads, 5th West and Foxhill Drive. The sewer and water will connect to the sewer and water lines on Aspen Drive.
Public Comment: People In Favor of the Preliminary Plat
Charles Taylor – Mr. Taylor stated that this development is a good move and complies with City code. The City should work with the developer and allow the developer to upgrade to an eighteen inch line to provide for future growth.
Jodi Hepworth – Mrs. Hepworth stated that she lives in Hunter Creek Subdivision. Many of the people who grow up are returning to Rigby raise their children in this community.
Gerald Simonson – Mr. Simonson state that the City needs to done with this and move forward and that he was in full support of the preliminary plat.
Jeremy Redd – Mr. Redd stated that he and his wife are not from Idaho. They moved to Rigby because they like the area and the development.
Sarah Redd – Mrs. Redd stated that the development is meeting the standards of City code and that we should move on.
Dee Stoker – Mr. Stoker stated that he has talked some business and they express that they are looking forward to the growth.
Corbet Miskin – Mr. Miskin stated that he was in favor of the plat and that it should be approved.
Misty Stoker – Mrs. Stoker stated that the subdivision as well as the people in this room are all friends and family and want to see this plat approved.
Jeff Dabell – Mr. Debell stated that he had moved into the subdivision
Martha Browning – Mrs. Browning stated that she owned the land west of 1st North and as far as she knew there was not right-away agreement with the county.
Doug Jones – Mr. Jones stated that he has property in the City and is tired of hearing about the City and H&S Development butting head and that the plat should be approved.
Heath Treasure – Mr. Treasure stated that he loves the subdivision that he lives in and that is a wonderful place to live. And this development is the only plan the City has for growth at this time.
Lacey Treasure – Mrs. Treasure stated that the City has hired a building inspector and with this development it will bring more building permits and revenue for the City.
Public hearing closed at 10:00 p.m.
Councilman Blackburn made the motion to approve the preliminary plat with the condition that by doing so it did not void the 5th West Settlement Agreement. Councilman Brown 2nd the motion and the vote was as follows:
Councilman Blackburn – Yes Councilman Brown – Yes
Councilman Dinsdale – Recused Councilwoman Keller – Yes
Councilman Marriott – Yes Councilman Smith – Yes
The motion passed.
Mayor Goody present to the Council Mike McCowin to be appointed as the City’s building inspector. Mayor Goody informed the Council that Mr. McCowin would help in enforcing an in updating our building ordinances.
Councilman Brown made the motion to appoint Mike McCowin as the City’s building inspector. Councilman Smith 2nd the motion, all approved
This matter was tabled until a latter date.
Councilman Smith was concern with the increased rate for the City’s business. Councilman Smith stated that the City’s businesses were going to be charged $112.00 and that this was a large increase from their $ 28.00. Councilman Smith asked why the residents cost were lower and the business were higher. Ken Galloway from Eagle Rock Sanitation explained that the business was being charged based on cubic yards.
Councilman Smith asked if the garbage rate were to be increased would the sanitation fund still be operating in the red. Mayor Goody stated that he would ask the City’s accountant how much of an increase would be needed to cover the costs.
Councilman Brown reported that he had received a letter from the County Commissioners for leasing part of the courthouse. The monthly least amount would be $1,000.00 and the City would responsible for the utilities and maintenance.
Councilman Brown made the motion to accept the lease with the County for the old courthouse. Councilman Blackburn 2nd the motion, all approved.
There was no public comment.
Councilman Dinsdale made the motion to pay the bills. Councilwoman Keller 2nd the motion, all approved.
Councilwoman Keller made to motion to adjourn. Councilman Brown 2nd the motion, all approved. The Council meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m.
Honorable Art Goody, Mayor
Jeanne Kerbs, City Clerk