Town of Stockton Springs
Planning Board
June 7, 2017
- Roll Call: Call to Order: Establishment of Quorum
Present: Dick Tinsman, Bill Cosmano, Mac Smith, Ernest Kalinisan, Dick Butler.
Absent: Richard Caesar.
Also Present: Courtney O’Donnell – Town Manager, Lesley Cosmano – Select Board, John Larson – Code Enforcement Officer. Alexander Liversidge - Applicant.
A quorum having been achieved, Mr. Tinsman called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
- Public Hearing – Ordinance Amendments
Mr. Tinsman explained the proposed changes in the Land Use Ordinance and Site Plan Review Ordinance. There was no discussion. The Public Hearing was closed.
- Public Hearing – Liversidge Property Development, LLC
The Public Hearing was called to order. Mr. Tinsman, who is an abutter to the project, recused himself.
Mr. Kalinisan motioned for Mr. Cosmano to act as Chair for this portion of the meeting. Mr. Cosmano said Mr. Smith had chaired the previous meeting on the application and suggested he act as Chair.
Motion was made, seconded and passed 3-0-1, with Mr. Smith abstaining, to appoint Mr. Smith as the Chair for this portion of the meeting.
The public was given a chance to express concerns and raise questions. Two letters from the public were introduced. The public hearing was closed.
Approved – Planning BoardJune 7, 2017Page 1
Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to conduct a site walk at 5:50 p.m. on Friday, June 30, to be followed by a regular meeting at 6:30 at the Town Office for Section 9 review of the application.
- Adjustments to the Agenda
There were no adjustments to the agenda.
- Approval of Minutes
Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2017 minutes as corrected.
6. Board Correspondence and Email
There was no correspondence or email to discuss.
7. Old Business
Liversidge Property Development, LLC
Tax Map R7 Lot 5-2 Mixed Use/Shoreland
Stockton Harbor Yurts
This item was postponed until June 30.
8. New Business
There was no new business.
9. Adjournment
Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Approved – Planning BoardJune 7, 2017Page 2