The Food Pyramid
Jennifer Parker
LTEC 3100 003
On this site the children can sing along to songs and learn the food pyramid. It will show them what foods to eat and how much to eat to be healthy.
In this activity you are able to look at a food pyramid that is not finished and complete it using the tools that it gives you. You then go on to matching the foods with the correct part of the pyramid. This will help the students realize what foods are vegetables, grains, produce, milk, etc.
This is a great interactive game that allows you to go through a course and when you get to a certain point you have to take food out of your backpack and get a good balanced diet to gain your energy to keep going on the adventure. This allows children to realize they need to eat the balanced diet to keep up their energy to continue.
Software Application
This is a website where teachers can go download worksheets about the food pyramid and learn ways to eat better. There are some where you can feel out what you are eating daily and then compare it to the food pyramid to see if you have a balanced diet. This will allow the students to see first hand if they are eating correctly.
Internet Project
This is a website that you can go to and find many different sites that you can connect to other states or countries and work on projects with other classrooms. They could connect to another classroom in a different country and see how their diet is different from theirs. This would be very beneficial to the students. They will be learning about different cultures at the same time.