DELIVER TO: 2379 Broad Street, Bldg. 4, Room 282, Brooksville, FL 34604-6899
This is not an order, nor is the District under any obligation to purchase these items.
TITLE: RFQ1 18-1804 Submersible Pressure Transducers
ISSUE DATE: Thursday, January 25, 2018 / DUE DATE & TIME: Thursday, February 8, 2018 4:00 p.m.
VIA:Phone: 352-796-7211, Ext.4133; FAX:352-754-3497; E-mail:
  • Failure to submit quote on this form may be cause for rejection.
  • Quantities are for quoting purposes and do not represent the minimum or maximum the District is obligated or limited to purchase. Unit prices shall prevail.
  • Prices shall remain firm for a period of☐thirty (30) /☐sixty (60)/☐ninety (90)days from date of quotation.
  • If any proprietary, trade, brand or manufacturer’s name or part number is used to indicate the minimum standard of composition and acceptable quality, it shall not be construed to exclude products of equal or better functional capability and quality unless indicated “Do Not Substitute.” If an equivalent product is being quoted, it must be indicated, and documentation and/or samples may be required at no expense to the District.
  • The resulting Purchase Order will be awarded based upon the best value and/or the lowest responsive and responsible quote and will be governed solely by the terms and conditions attached. The District does not bind itself to accept the minimum specifications stated in this quote, but reserves the right to accept any quote that, in the judgment of the District, will best serve the needs and the interest of the District. Payment is Net 45 and will be made in accordance with the Local Government Prompt Payment Act, Part VII of Chapter 218, F.S. All prices must be F.O.B. destination unless otherwise agreed in writing by the District.

SPECIFICATIONS: Submersible pressure transducers fully compatible with Campbell Scientific Dataloggers per the attached Specifications.
1 / 316L Stainless Steel SubmersiblePressure Transducer with a Cable Length of 25 Ft. per Probe and a Pressure Rating of 0-14.5 PSI / 20 / $0.00 / $0.00
2 / 316L Stainless Steel Submersible Pressure Transducer with a Cable Length of 25 Ft. per Probe and a Pressure Rating of 0-29 PSI / 20 / $0.00 / $0.00
3 / 316L Stainless Steel Submersible Pressure Transducer with a Cable Length of 50 Ft. per Probe and a Pressure Rating of 0-14.5 / 5 / $0.00 / $0.00
4 / 316L Stainless Steel Submersible Pressure Transducer with a Cable Length of 50 Ft. per Probe and a Pressure Rating of 0-29 PSI / 5 / $0.00 / $0.00
5 / 316L Stainless Steel Submersible Pressure Transducer with a Cable Length of 100 Ft. per Probe and a Pressure Rating of 0-14.5 PSI / 6 / $0.00 / $0.00
6 / 316L Stainless Steel Submersible Pressure Transducer with a Cable Length of 150 Ft. per Probe and a Pressure Rating of 0-14.5 PSI / 3 / $0.00 / $0.00
7 / 316L Stainless Steel Submersible Pressure Transducer with a Cable Length of 200 Ft. per Probe and a Pressure Rating of 0-14.5 PSI / 1 / $0.00 / $0.00
Delivery Days after Date of PO: ARO Days / Delivery/Freight Charges: / $0.00
QUOTE TOTAL: / $0.00
Vendor Name: Vendor Name / Reason for No-Bid:
Mailing Address: Mailing Address 1 / Reason for No-Bid /
City-State-Zip: Mailing Address 2
Telephone Number: 999-999-9999 / Fax Number: 999-999-9999 / Toll-Free Number: 999-999-9999
Email address for correspondence:
I the undersigned, as Quoter hereby declare that I have carefully read this Request for Quote and the resulting Purchase Order terms and conditions attached and fully understand the requirements. I certify that this quote is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, entity, or person submitting a quote for the same goods/services (unless otherwise specifically noted), and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Request for Quote. I certify that I am authorized to sign this quote for the Quoter and that all the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Authorized Signature: / Date: Date
Full Name: Authorized Agent’s Name / Title: Authorized Agent’s Title

Please visit the District’s website for our Tax Exempt Certificate and Vendor Registration Form at

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ThisPurchaseOrderissuedbytheSouthwestFloridaWaterManagementDistrict(District)constitutesabinding contractunderthetermsandconditionscontainedhereinandonattachmentsheretowhenacceptedbytheVendor/ContractornamedonthisPurchaseOrder,eitherbyacknowledgementorbyshipmentorbycommencementofwork.


2.Allinvoicesmustincludethis PurchaseOrder numberand bemailed tothe “BillTo” addresson thefaceof thisPurchase Order.Paymentwillbemade inaccordance withthe LocalGovernmentPromptPaymentAct,PartVIIofChapter218, F.S.TheDistrict'spaymentandperformanceunderthisPurchaseOrderarecontingentupontheDistrict'sGoverningBoardappropriatingfunds.

3.Timeisoftheessence.ThisPurchaseOrdermay be terminatedbytheDistrict withoutcausebyprovidingten(10) dayswrittennotice totheVendor/Contractor. IfVendor/Contractorfailstocomply with anyprovisionofthisPurchase Order, theDistrict will provide Vendor/Contractorwithwritten notice ofdefaultand Vendor/Contractor willhave ten(10)calendardays,orsuch other time asstated inthenotice, tocurethedefault. If thedefaultisnotcuredwithinthe statedtimeframe, thisPurchaseOrder willterminateandtheDistrictwill beentitledto recoverre-procurementcosts, attorneys'feesandcosts,andanyotherexpensesandcostsincurredbytheDistrict.The Districtreserves therightto cancelthis PurchaseOrderor anypart hereof,withoutobligation,if Vendor/Contractorfails to completedelivery or performancewithin the specifiedtime period.The rightsandremedies in thisparagraph arein additionto any otherrights andremedies providedby laworunder thisPurchaseOrder.TheDistrict'swaiver ofany obligationofVendor/Contractorwillnot be construed as theDistrict'swaiverofanyotherobligationofVendor/Contractor.

4.Vendor/ContractoragreestoindemnifyandholdharmlesstheDistrictandallDistrictagents,employeesandofficersfromandagainstallliabilities,claims,damages,expensesoractions,eitheratlaworinequity,includingattorneys'fees and costsand attorneys'fees andcosts on appeal,caused orincurred,in wholeor inpart,as aresult ofany actoromissionby the Vendor/Contractor,its agents,employees,subcontractors,assigns,heirs or anyone for whoseacts or omissions anyof these persons or entitiesmaybe liable duringVendor/Contractor's performance underthis PurchaseOrder.Vendor/Contractoralso agrees todefend all actions or claimsbroughtagainst the District and hold harmlessthe District fromalllosses,costs or damages related to actual or allegedinfringement of anypatent,trademark orcopyright.Vendor/Contractor's obligations contained inthisparagraphwillsurviveacceptanceofthegoodsorservicesbytheDistrict.

5.Vendor/Contractor agrees tocomplywithall applicablefederal,state and locallaws relating to performanceunder thisPurchaseOrder. The Vendor/Contractorwill notdiscriminateagainst anyemployeeor applicantforemploymentbecauseofrace,color,religion,sex,handicap,disability,maritalstatusornationalorigin.

6.All aspects ofthis Purchase Order aresubjecttoandgoverned by Floridalaws,including withoutlimitation,Section 768.28, F.S.,andtheprovisionsoftheUniform CommercialCode, Chapters671and 672,F.S. AnydisputearisingfromorrelatedtothisPurchaseOrder willberesolvedinacourtof competentjurisdictionintheStateofFlorida andvenuewill lieinHernandoCounty.

7.In accordance withSections287.133(2)(a) and287.134(2)(a),F.S., Vendor/Contractorwarrantsthat itis notcurrentlyonthe convictedvendor list orthe discriminatory vendor list,ithasnotbeenplaced ona convictedvendorlist inthepast36months,and agreesto notifythe Districtif placementon eitherof theselists occurs. Ifsubcontracting isallowedunderthis PurchaseOrder,Vendor/Contractoragrees toincludethisprovision inallsubcontractsissuedasaresultofthisPurchaseOrder.


9.Unless otherwise provided herein, no party mayassign or delegate any of its rights andobligations underthis Purchase Order,voluntarilyor involuntarily,whether bymerger,consolidation, dissolution, operation oflaw,oranyothermannerwithoutthepriorwrittenconsentoftheotherpartyandthepartiesagreethatanyunauthorized assignmentisnulland void.

10.ThisPurchaseOrder constitutestheentireagreementbetween theparties andanychangesmustbemutuallyagreed toinwritingbyauthorizedrepresentativesofthe parties.This Purchase Ordershall bebindinguponandinuretothebenefitsofthepartiesheretoandtheirrespectiveheirs,successors, assigns,executors,administrators,andlegalrepresentativeswherepermitted.



13.Inspectionof items will be made atthedestination,unlessotherwisespecified, andbefore paymentisdue.The District reserves therighttorejectany goods which are defectiveornotinaccordancewith specificationsastoqualityorperformance.TitletopropertypassesonlyafterinspectionandacceptancebytheDistrict.RejectedmaterialswillbereturnedtotheVendorattheVendor'sriskandexpense.

14.Allprices mustbeF.O.B.destinationunlessotherwiseagreedinwritingbytheDistrict. Whereaspecific purchaseisnegotiatedF.O.Bshippingpoint,theVendor will prepayshippingchargesandincludethemontheinvoice.





18.TheContractorwillperform asanIndependentContractorandnotasanemployee,representativeoragentoftheDistrict.Ifsubcontracting ispermittedunderthisPurchaseOrder,nothing hereinwillbeconstruedtocreateorbeimpliedtocreate,anyrelationshipbetweentheDistrictandanysubcontractorofContractor.


20.All documents,includingreports,drawings, estimates,programs, manuals,specifications, and all goods or products, includingintellectual propertyand rights thereto,purchased under this Purchase Orderwith DistrictfundsordevelopedinconnectionwiththisPurchaseOrderwillbeandwillremainthepropertyoftheDistrict.

21.Intheeventofanynational,stateorlocalemergencywhichsignificantlyaffectsVendor/Contractor'sabilitytoperform,suchashurricanes,tornados,floods,actsofGod,actsofwar,orothersuchcatastrophes,orotherman-madeemergenciesbeyondthecontroloftheVendor/Contractorsuchaslaborstrikesorriots,thentheVendor's/Contractor'sobligationtocompletesaidworkwithinthetimeframesrequiredbythisPurchaseOrder will be suspended fortheperiodof time theconditioncontinuestoexist. The foregoing will constitutethe Vendor/Contractor'ssole remedy orexcusewith respecttothedelayandno claimfor damages, otherthanforanextensionoftime, willbeassertedagainsttheDistrict.


IfVendor/Contractorisapublicentity,thefollowingprovisionshallreplace paragraph4ofthisPurchaseOrder:

22.Each party heretoagrees to indemnifyand hold theother harmless,to the extentallowed under Section768.28,F.S.,fromall claims,loss,damageand expense,includingattorney feesand costs andattorney fees andcostsonappeal,arisingfromthenegligentactsoromissionsoftheindemnifyingparty'sofficers,employees,contractorsandagentsrelatedtoitsperformanceunderthisAgreement.Thisprovisiondoesnotconstituteawaiverofeitherparty'ssovereignimmunityoranylawfuldefensesorextendeitherparty'sliabilitybeyondthelimitsestablishedinSection768.28,F.S. Theobligationscontainedinthisparagraphwillsurviveacceptanceofthegoods orservices bytheDistrict.

The District expectstheContractortomakegood faithefforts toensurethat disadvantaged business enterprises, which are qualified undereitherfederalor state law, have themaximumpracticableopportunityto participateincontractingopportunitiesunderthisPurchaseOrder.InvoicedocumentationsubmittedtotheDistrictunderthisPurchaseOrdermustincludeinformationrelatingtotheamountofexpendituresmadetodisadvantagedbusinessesbytheContractorinrelationtothisPurchaseOrder,totheextenttheContractormaintainssuchinformation.

IfContractorisadesignprofessional under 725.08, F.S.,thefollowing provisionshallreplaceparagraph4 ofthisPurchaseOrder:

23.Contractor'sliabilityis limitedasprovidedinthisSection 22.Contractoragreestoindemnify andholdharmlessthe District andall District officers andemployees, fromliabilities,damages, losses,andcosts,eitheratlaworinequity,including,butnotlimitedtoreasonableattorneyfeesandcostsandattorneyfeesandcostsonappeal,asaresultofanynegligentorrecklessactoromissionoranyintentionallywrongfulconductbytheContractorandotherpersonsemployedorutilizedbytheContractorintheperformanceofthisPurchaseOrderinaccordancewithSection725.08,F.S.Contractor'sobligationscontainedinthisparagraphwillsurviveacceptanceoftheservicesbytheDistrict.

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This Addendum is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Purchase Order.

  1. Paragraph 1 of the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions is hereby replaced with the following:

Vendor/Contractor shall allow public access to project documents and materials made or received by the District in accordance with the Public Records Act, Chapter 119, F.S. To the extent required by Section 119.0701, F.S., the Vendor/Contractor shall (1) keep and maintain public records required by the District to perform the service; (2) upon request from the District’s custodian of public records, provide the District with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided by law; (3) ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the term of this Agreement and following completion of the Agreement if the Vendor/Contractor does not transfer the records to the District; and (4) upon completion of this Agreement, transfer, at no cost to the District, all public records in possession of the Vendor/Contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the District to perform the service. If the Vendor/Contractor transfers all public records to the District upon completion of this Agreement, the Vendor/Contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records requirements. If the Vendor/Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of this Agreement, the Vendor/Contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the District, upon request from the District’s custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the District.


Peggy Meinhardt, Records Manager

Southwest Florida Water Management District

2379 Broad Street

Brooksville, Florida 34604-6899

OGC Approved 12.7.16

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ITEM 1: 20 Submersible Pressure Transducers; Must be fully compatible with all Campbell Scientific Dataloggers.

General Specifications:

  • Measurement Time: < 1.5 s
  • Outputs: SDI-12 (version 1.3) 1200 bps
  • Resolution: 0.0035% FS
  • Dry Storage Temperature: -10° to 80°C
  • Operating Temperature: 0° to 60°C
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±0.2°C
  • Overpressure: 2 x pressure range
  • Power Requirements: 6 to 18 Vdc

Power Consumption:

  • Quiescent: < 50 µA
  • Measurement/Communication: 8 mA (1-s measurement)
  • Maximum: 40 mA

Measurement Range:

  • 0 - 14.5 psig (33.4 ft depth of fresh water)


  • ±0.05% full-scale-range Total Error Band (TEB)

Cable Length:

  • 25 feet per probe

Air Gap:

  • Standard (non-weighted nose cone): 0.653 cm (0.257 in)


  • Cable Type: Hytrel Jacket, five conductor, 26 AWG
  • NPT Fitting: 1/4-in. NPS
  • Top Cone Material: Delrin
  • Body Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Element Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Length: 213.36 mm (6.875 in)
  • Diameter: 21.34 mm (0.84 in)

ITEM 2: 20 Submersible Pressure Transducers; Must be fully compatible with all Campbell Scientific Dataloggers.

General Specifications:

  • Measurement Time: < 1.5 s
  • Outputs: SDI-12 (version 1.3) 1200 bps
  • Resolution: 0.0035% FS
  • Dry Storage Temperature: -10° to 80°C
  • Operating Temperature: 0° to 60°C
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±0.2°C
  • Overpressure: 2 x pressure range
  • Power Requirements: 6 to 18 Vdc

Power Consumption:

  • Quiescent: < 50 µA
  • Measurement/Communication: 8 mA (1-s measurement)
  • Maximum: 40 mA

Measurement Range:

  • 0 - 29 psig (67 ft depth of fresh water)


  • ±0.05% full-scale-range TEB

Cable Length:

  • 25 feet per probe

Air Gap:

  • Standard (non-weighted nose cone): 0.653 cm (0.257 in)


  • Cable Type: Hytrel Jacket, five conductor, 26 AWG
  • NPT Fitting: 1/4-in. NPS
  • Top Cone Material: Delrin
  • Body Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Element Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Length: 213.36 mm (6.875 in)
  • Diameter: 21.34 mm (0.84 in)

ITEM 3: 5 Submersible Pressure Transducers; Must be fully compatible with all Campbell Scientific Dataloggers.

General Specifications:

  • Measurement Time: < 1.5 s
  • Outputs: SDI-12 (version 1.3) 1200 bps
  • Resolution: 0.0035% FS
  • Dry Storage Temperature: -10° to 80°C
  • Operating Temperature: 0° to 60°C
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±0.2°C
  • Overpressure: 2 x pressure range
  • Power Requirements: 6 to 18 Vdc

Power Consumption:

  • Quiescent: < 50 µA
  • Measurement/Communication: 8 mA (1-s measurement)
  • Maximum: 40 mA

Measurement Range:

  • 0 – 14.5 psig (33.4 ft depth of fresh water)


  • ±0.05% full-scale-range TEB

Cable Length:

  • 50 feet per probe

Air Gap:

  • Standard (non-weighted nose cone): 0.653 cm (0.257 in)


  • Cable Type: Hytrel Jacket, five conductor, 26 AWG
  • NPT Fitting: 1/4-in. NPS
  • Top Cone Material: Delrin
  • Body Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Element Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Length: 213.36 mm (6.875 in)
  • Diameter: 21.34 mm (0.84 in)

ITEM 4: 5 Submersible Pressure Transducers; Must be fully compatible with all Campbell Scientific Dataloggers.

General Specifications:

  • Measurement Time: < 1.5 s
  • Outputs: SDI-12 (version 1.3) 1200 bps
  • Resolution: 0.0035% FS
  • Dry Storage Temperature: -10° to 80°C
  • Operating Temperature: 0° to 60°C
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±0.2°C
  • Overpressure: 2 x pressure range
  • Power Requirements: 6 to 18 Vdc

Power Consumption:

  • Quiescent: < 50 µA
  • Measurement/Communication: 8 mA (1-s measurement)
  • Maximum: 40 mA

Measurement Range:

  • 0 - 29 psig (67 ft depth of fresh water)


  • ±0.05% full-scale-range TEB

Cable Length:

  • 50 feet per probe

Air Gap:

  • Standard (non-weighted nose cone): 0.653 cm (0.257 in)


  • Cable Type: Hytrel Jacket, five conductor, 26 AWG
  • NPT Fitting: 1/4-in. NPS
  • Top Cone Material: Delrin
  • Body Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Element Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Length: 213.36 mm (6.875 in)
  • Diameter: 21.34 mm (0.84 in)

ITEM 5: 6 Submersible Pressure Transducers; Must be fully compatible with all Campbell Scientific Dataloggers.

General Specifications:

  • Measurement Time: < 1.5 s
  • Outputs: SDI-12 (version 1.3) 1200 bps
  • Resolution: 0.0035% FS
  • Dry Storage Temperature: -10° to 80°C
  • Operating Temperature: 0° to 60°C
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±0.2°C
  • Overpressure: 2 x pressure range
  • Power Requirements: 6 to 18 Vdc

Power Consumption:

  • Quiescent: < 50 µA
  • Measurement/Communication: 8 mA (1-s measurement)
  • Maximum: 40 mA

Measurement Range:

  • 0 - 14.5 psig (33.4 ft depth of fresh water)


  • ±0.05% full-scale-range TEB

Cable Length:

  • 100 feet per probe

Air Gap:

  • Standard (non-weighted nose cone): 0.653 cm (0.257 in)


  • Cable Type: Hytrel Jacket, five conductor, 26 AWG
  • NPT Fitting: 1/4-in. NPS
  • Top Cone Material: Delrin
  • Body Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Element Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Length: 213.36 mm (6.875 in)
  • Diameter: 21.34 mm (0.84 in)

ITEM 6: 3 Submersible Pressure Transducers; Must be fully compatible with all Campbell Scientific Dataloggers.

General Specifications:

  • Measurement Time: < 1.5 s
  • Outputs: SDI-12 (version 1.3) 1200 bps
  • Resolution: 0.0035% FS
  • Dry Storage Temperature: -10° to 80°C
  • Operating Temperature: 0° to 60°C
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±0.2°C
  • Overpressure: 2 x pressure range
  • Power Requirements: 6 to 18 Vdc

Power Consumption:

  • Quiescent: < 50 µA
  • Measurement/Communication: 8 mA (1-s measurement)
  • Maximum: 40 mA

Measurement Range:

  • 0 - 14.5 psig (33.4 ft depth of fresh water)


  • ±0.05% full-scale-range TEB

Cable Length:

  • 150 feet per probe

Air Gap:

  • Standard (non-weighted nose cone): 0.653 cm (0.257 in)


  • Cable Type: Hytrel Jacket, five conductor, 26 AWG
  • NPT Fitting: 1/4-in. NPS
  • Top Cone Material: Delrin
  • Body Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Element Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Length: 213.36 mm (6.875 in)
  • Diameter: 21.34 mm (0.84 in)

ITEM 7: 1 Submersible Pressure Transducers; Must be fully compatible with all Campbell Scientific Dataloggers.

General Specifications:

  • Measurement Time: < 1.5 s
  • Outputs: SDI-12 (version 1.3) 1200 bps
  • Resolution: 0.0035% FS
  • Dry Storage Temperature: -10° to 80°C
  • Operating Temperature: 0° to 60°C
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±0.2°C
  • Overpressure: 2 x pressure range
  • Power Requirements: 6 to 18 Vdc

Power Consumption:

  • Quiescent: < 50 µA
  • Measurement/Communication: 8 mA (1-s measurement)
  • Maximum: 40 mA

Measurement Range:

  • 0 - 14.5 psig (33.4 ft depth of fresh water)


  • ±0.05% full-scale-range TEB

Cable Length:

  • 200 feet per probe

Air Gap:

  • Standard (non-weighted nose cone): 0.653 cm (0.257 in)


  • Cable Type: Hytrel Jacket, five conductor, 26 AWG
  • NPT Fitting: 1/4-in. NPS
  • Top Cone Material: Delrin
  • Body Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Element Material: 316L stainless steel
  • Length: 213.36 mm (6.875 in)
  • Diameter: 21.34 mm (0.84 in)

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