Toronto Zoo – Video conference Program – Survey

Name: ______

Title: ______

School: ______

School Board: ______

Do you currently use within your school system video conference programs to support the delivery of curriculum (e.g. internet based live speaker presentations, interactive discussions with experts, virtual tours)? Yes or No

If you have answered Yes, please use the questions in SectionA. If you have answered No, please use the questions in Section B.

Section A:

Please indicate the general curricula areas that best describe the video conferencing programs that participating schools currently use, or have used in the past?

 Business  Science  Arts  Social Studies  Technology


Please indicate which levels currently use the video conference capabilities most:

 Elementary – Primary (K-3) Elementary – Junior (4-6)

 Elementary – Intermediate (7-8) Secondary (9-12)

What external organizations do you use when connecting to video conference programs (i.e. websites, direct mail, etc.)?

On average, what was the cost of the program(s) you had purchased or participated in?


For the schools currently using video conference programs, what type of communication connectivity is used: ISDN or IP

How did you learn about the video conference programs?

How soon in advance did you have to book the program?

Please indicate the connection speed of your communication link: (circle one)


Does your school currently use Smart board technology as a teaching aid? Yes or No

If not, does it plan on adding it in the future? Yes or No

Would your school also be interested in distance learning programs presented over internet based video calling software (ex. Skype, Adobe Connect, etc.)? Yes or No

Additional comments:

Section B:

If you do not currently use video conference programs, would these programs be a support tool that you would consider incorporating into your lessons? Yesor No.

On a scale of 1-5, please rate your interest (circle one):


not interestedmildlysomewhatverydefinitely interested

Programs offered by the Toronto Zoo cater tobothelementary and secondary science curriculums. Please indicate whichlevels would MOST likely use the video conference capabilities:

 Elementary – Primary (K-3) Elementary – Junior (4-6)

 Elementary – Intermediate (7-8) Secondary (9-12)

Indicate below the cost you would be willing to incur for a 60 minute video conference presentation from the Toronto Zoo:


Do you have internet capabilities to support videoconference programs? If yes, where:

 School Board office Elementary schools only

 Secondary schools only All schools

For the facilities that have internet capabilities, what type of connectivity is used: ISDN or IP

Please indicate the connection speed of your communication link (circle one):

56K384K512K768Kother: ______

Does your school use Smart board technology as a teaching aid? Yes or No

If not, does it plan on adding it in the future? Yes or No

Does your school now, or in the future, plan on acquiring a video conference unit? Yes or No

If not, would you or your school be interested in alternate distance learning programs presented over internet based video calling software (ex. Skype, Adobe Connect, etc.)? Yes or No

Additional comments:

Responses to be returned by Friday, December 7th, 2012to

Thank you for participating in our survey.

Toronto Zoo Video Conference Survey1