Brecknock Primary School

Dear Holly Charles,

Re: Freedom of Information Act

Our ref: FOI 04/15

We have now considered your request for information in line with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in the email sent on 28th August 2015 and we will respond to your questions below.

The total number of pupils on the school roll:

Our school roll fluctuates almost weekly. At the end of the summer term it was 411.

and this number broken down by:

religious affiliation: we do not hold this information because there is no requirement for parents to provide it or for schools to collect it. Although we hold some data this does not reflect the ‘total number of pupils’. This is because this information is provided on a voluntary basis.

ethnicity : at the end of the summer term this was:

Albanian 0.2%

Any other Asian background 2.78%

Any other Black background 1.7%

Any other Mixed background 7.34%

Bangladeshi 19.35%

Black Congolese 1.5%

Black Nigerian 1.5%

Somali 17.21%

Black Caribbean 1.77%

Chinese 2%

Kosovan 2%

Latin American 0.2%

Other Black African 6%

Other Ethnic Group 4%

Irish Traveller 0.2%

Pakistani 1%

Turkish 0.75%

White British 21.77%

White Irish 0.2%

White and Black African 0.75%

White and Black Caribbean 2.78%

White European 5.3%

White Other 1.5%

first language/mother tongue: at the end of the summer term this was: First language English – 66%, First language not English 44%

gender: at the end of the summer term this was: Boys 53% Girls 47%

Information about your SRE policy

Please highlight when it was last reviewed indicating what that review process consisted of?

May 2014, reviewed at leadership level and new scheme of work introduced and policy shared with staff and incorporated into curriculum maps for the year.

What is taught in SRE in your school?


Year 1 – Differences, Personal qualities

Year 2 – Feelings, Risk

Year 3 – Differences, Influence and persuasion

Year 4 – Feelings, Safety

Year 5 – Growing up, Differences, Persuasion

Year 6 – Trust, Responsibility


Keeping healthy

Keeping safe

Differences and similarities in our bodies

Yr 1

Medicines – are medicines safe?

Deciding for Myself – what shall I say?

Keeping Healthy - What do I need to keep healthy?

Keeping Safe – Who helps me keep safe?

If I were…- Who am I?

Differences – How are we different?

My personal qualities - What are you good at?

Your personal qualities – What do I like in other people?

My perfect day – What do I want?

Who are the parents? – How do parents care for babies?


Keeping Healthy

It’s good to be different

Yr 3

Influence and persuasion

What are we good at?

Comments that hurt

How to keep safe

Needs and wants

Yr 4

Reading Feelings

Future Choices

New Challenges

Boys and Girls, Persuasion and What do I want?

Duties and Responsibilities

Yr 5

SRE – Growing Up- Body changes with puberty

Feelings about my body

Changing feelings

SRE (Health and Transmission of Disease)

Yr 6


Feelings about babies

Who’s responsible? Who can I trust?

Dealing with change

What is family?

At what age do you start teaching SRE?


Please provide a list of what resources/materials are used.

Relationships in Sex education

Ages 5-11

Sue Neame & Ashley Ross

Spellbinder Education

Please supply a list of external individuals and/or organisations involved in SRE delivery of any kind?


SRE Consultation

Who did you consult when writing your SRE policy and deciding on which resources to use? Please indicate: Parents (other than parent governors), governors, religious organisations, LA, other stakeholders.

Local authority

Leadership team

Please list the names of any other organisations involved in providing advice on your SRE policy and/or resources.


If you consulted parents other than parent governors, please outline how you conducted the consultation process.

not applicable

If you have held a consultation event for parents, how many parents attended? Please supply a copy of the invitation letter and any notes/documents given to parents at the event.

Not applicable

Please supply any notes or other documents resulting from your consultation with parents.

Not applicable

Do you inform parents before an SRE programme starts? Please supply, letter, email or school newsletter containing this information.

In curriculum meetings

How much notice do you give to parents?

The information is on the school website. Termly meetings with parents are held at the start of each term detailing areas of the entire curriculum. If there are particularly sensitive areas such as Year 5 and 6 with discussions such as those around homosexuality that the teachers feel additional notices to parents would be beneficial then an additional letter may be written. The schools policy on accepting difference and homophobia is clear to all parents from our equal opportunities policy. This is decided on a class by class basis to support the lessons in the best way possible

Do you inform parents of the dates and approximate times (i.e. morning or afternoon) when SRE lessons will be delivered?


Do you hold an information meeting for parents prior to delivering the programme? Please supply the latest letter inviting parents to an SRE information meeting.

See above

Do you show parents any DVDs or worksheets of the sexual information to be delivered during the lessons?


Approximately how much time do you spend during the meeting on this aspect of the programme?

Not applicable

Do you inform parents that they are legally entitled to withdraw their children from SRE lessons? If so, how do you communicate this?

It is in our school policy document.

Do you tell parents that SRE is a non-statutory part of the curriculum? If so, how do you communicate this?


What provision do you make for children who are withdrawn while the SRE lessons are being delivered?

Children work in a parallel class

Do you have an SRE withdrawal policy for parents? If you do, please supply a copy.


How do you notify parents before the start of SRE delivery?

In curriculum termly meetings

How do you send letters to the parents notifying them about SRE?

Not applicable, website and meetings

How many children were withdrawn from SRE classes during the last two academic years?

September 2013 – July 2014 - one

September 2014 – July 2015 - none

I trust that our response is useful.

Under the Freedom of Information Act you have the right of appeal against our response and if you wish to do so please set out in writing your grounds of appeal (within 2 months of this letter) and send it to: Brecknock Primary School, Cliff Villas, London NW1 9AL and your appeal will be dealt with through our Internal Review procedure. If you are still not satisfied following the Internal Review, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office. They can be contacted at: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Yours sincerely,

Marianne Porter


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