Board of Directors Meeting

July 28t, 2014


A duly noticed Board Meeting was held on Monday, July 28, 2014 at the Celebration Town Hall, 851 Celebration Ave, Celebration, FL. The following Board Members were in attendance: Richard “Larry” McDonald, Michael “Bill” Carbrey, Flavio Della-Pupa, Todd Scott, and Biagio “B” Russo by teleconference. Jeff Davis and Tim Stoner representing Associa Community Management Professionals were also in attendance.


Larry McDonald called for a unit Owner Forum to allow members to express their concerns and ask questions.

Robert Metcalfe stated the landscaping is doing better, but weeding is a little behind schedule, he asked how the owner screen re-mounting is going. Bill Carbrey requested a News Flash be emailed.

Antonio Canaan asked about recommendations on replacing aging water heaters, required background checks on renting his unit, and cracks in the exterior stucco at building 4.

Larry McDonald went over the background check procedure, discussed water heater replacement, and stated that the cracks would be inspected..

Tom Varacky asked about the pet policy and license requirement. He stated the lights by the dumpster were blinking. Bill Carbrey informed owners that the 40 pound limit on pets had been removed when the policy was approved in April., and new solar LED lights have been discussed with the maintenance supervisor..

Catherine Sherman stated there are cats loose on the property, asked about the policy on color for blinds.

Bill Carbrey stated the best solution is to call Animal Control, and informed Catherine about the color restrictions on blinds and that all of the blinds in a unit must be consistent.


A quorum of the Board was established with four Board members present and 1 by teleconference, and with proper statutory notification.

Larry McDonald called the Board Meeting to Order at 7:01 p.m.


Larry McDonald asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Flavio Della-Pupa motioned to approve, Bill Carbrey seconded, motion passed unanimously.


Larry McDonald asked for a motion to approve the April minutes. Flavio Della-Pupa motioned to approve the minutes of the April 21,, 2014 Board Meeting. Todd Scott seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.


Larry McDonald reviewed the June Financial Report, highlighting the delinquency accounts, there was 1 foreclosure left, 2 were settled under Safe Harbor Act, which did not net the Association much funds.

The Association was in a joint action with Celebration on the remaining account. A court date has been set by the foreclosing bank for September 8, 2014, so the joint action is temporarily on hold.

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The Operating Fund showed $286,000, with $47,000 in prepaid accounts, leaving nearly $240,000 available in operating funds. Reserves were fully funded per the most recent study, with $453,000 as of June 30th.

Some aging invoices for Palmer Electric were resolved and paid.

Larry McDonald asked for a motion to approve the financials. Bill Carbrey motioned to approve the April, May and June financials. Todd Scott seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Management reports for April, May, June and July were reviewed by the Board. Jeff Davis stated the Standpipe System Test by Central Florida Fire Protection is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, August 8, 2014 at 8:00 AM.


Biagio Russo reported;

·  He had discussed with the new TruGreen regional manage, the board’s disappointment in losing

The long-time supervisor, Jeremy, and he put them on notice that the Terraces would change landscape companies if the overall quality of care and service is not maintained.

·  There is a list of items still unfinished, including plant replacements, root treatment, and some bare areas that need attention.

·  A walk through will need to be done once finished, by the Regional Manager, Todd Scott and Jeff Davis.


Jim Wright was not present, Larry McDonald reported that Building 3, 709 Westpark Unit 302 had 2 Lowes containers used for planters, and they were attached to the balcony railing with bungee cords. Unit 301 still had Christmas lights attached to the balcony railings. Bill Carbrey requested a monthly Covenants Volition report in the future, as had been provided in the past.


·  Roof Cleaning Project

Larry McDonald asked for a motion to rescind the previous approval for the All Florida Roofing

Proposal for $48,000. Motion by Bill Carbrey, seconded by Todd Scott, motion passed unanimously.

Addendum for repairing the tile roofs on the breezeway overhangs..

Larry McDonald asked for a motion to approved additional work, with extra tiles for $3,840 by JNL Roofing. Motion by Bill Carbrey, seconded by Flavio Della-Pupa. Motion passed unanimously.

There was a discussion on the bids, obtained to clean the roofs.

Larry McDonald asked for a motion to ratify approval to the roof cleaning test done by JNL Roofing for $1500. Motion by Bill Carbrey, seconded by Todd Scott, motion passed unanimously.

Larry McDonald asked for a motion to approve the rest of the Roof Cleaning Project by JNL Roofing for $62,500. Moved by Biagio Russo, seconded by Flavio Della-Pupa.

Comment by Biagio Russo of responsibility for any resulting landscape damage.

Flavio Della-Pupa requested extra money to have a third party inspector for the project.

Bill Carbrey questioned the different company names on the quote by JNL Roofing, and

And should be verified.

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Motion Withdraw, moved by Biagio Russo, seconded by Todd Scott, motion passed unanimously.

Motion by Biagio Russo, seconded by Todd Scott to accept proposal from JNL Roofing not to exceed $72,000 to include a Performance Bond, extra tile, verify proper licensing, insurance and paperwork, and to seek a project inspector, possibly by the Hydrosheen Company.

Motion Passed unanimously.

Motion by Bill Carbrey to fund from operating account, building maintenance, seconded by Biagio Russo, motion passed unanimously.

Remolding Policy

Motion by Bill Carbrey to approve the Remolding Policy, seconded by Flavio Della-Pupa, motion passed unanimously. Policy is to be mailed to owners.

Window Replacement

Larry McDonald gave an update on the window replacement project. He explained the differences in glass between an insulated window and a single hung window and explained that a flat mutton is necessary on the outside of the bottom opening sash, for an insulated window since the glass is thicker. He stated the window specs have now been submitted to the Celebration ARC, and they will be presented with an actual bottom window sash to show how it would look behind a screen, thus demonstrating the exterior appearance of both the flat and raised muttons. Tentatively scheduled for ARC meeting on August 18th.


·  Pine Tree Removal

Larry McDonald asked for a motion to ratify emergency approval to remove 9 diseased Pine Trees by the Building 1 dumpster enclosure, which was done in June, that were infected with Borer Beatles at a cost of $5,705.43. Bill Carbrey made a motion and Flavio Della-Pupa seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

·  Pavement Repair, Sealing, and Stripping

Motion by Todd Scott, seconded by Flavio Della-Pupa to accept the proposal from Asphalt Preservation Systems for $14,290.

Comment – Bill Carbrey had reservations and questioned clauses 7, 11, 19, 21, and 23 of the contract.

Vote called, motioned passed unanimously.

Parking would need to be coordinated by Jeff and Bobby, plus a notice being mailed to all unit owners.

Motion by Bill Carbrey to pay from operating fund, building maintenance, Todd Scott seconded.

The motion passed unanimously.

·  Reserve Study Update

Larry McDonald stated the updated study would now include windows, and asked for a motion to approve.

Motion to approve the Reserve Study Update by Reserve Advisors for $2,700, by Bill Carbrey, seconded by Todd Scott, motion passed unanimously.

·  Insurance Appraisal Update

Motion by bill Carbrey to accept proposal from Allied Appraisal Services for $1275, seconded by Flavio Della-Pupa, motion passed unanimously.

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·  Background Check Service

Motion by Flavio Della-Pupa to provide background check (with signed release) for renters if requested at a price not to exceed $35. Seconded by Biagio Russo, motion passed unanimously.


A motion to adjourn was made by Bill Carbrey at 8:25 p.m. It was seconded by Flavio Della-Pupa,. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Jeff Davis, Community Association Manager