Center of concern
Don't Spoil My Future: End Early Marriage Now South Omo Zone /
7/17/2015 /
Abstract This project proposal is prepared by Center of Concern as an effort towards the reduction of Early Marriage Prevalence and Practice through strengthening the existing Social, Economic and Political structure in a systematized and coordinated means of combating Early Marriage Practices in the project sites sustainably. /

Table of Content




Background Information

Problem Statement

Project Goal

Specific Objectives


Project Beneficiaries

Direct Beneficiaries

Indirect Beneficiaries

Expected Results

Project Activities


Time Frame


Human Inputs

Material Inputs

Financial Inputs

Stakeholder Analysis

Logical Frame Work

Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning




Risks and Assumptions

Project Sustainability Strategies, Project Phase-In and Phase-Out Strategies

Phase-In strategy:

Phase-Out Strategy

Work plan

Budget Break Down


AIDS / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
BCC / Behavioral Change and Communication
CBOs / Community Based Organization
EM / Early Marriage
FBOs / Faith Based Organizations
GBV / Gender Based Violence
HIV / Human Immune Deficiency Virus
HTP / Harmful Traditional Practices
IEC / Information Education and Communication
LOE / Level of Efforts
PCM / Project Cycle Management
PTA / Parent Teacher Associations
SCPPS / Strengthening the Coordinated Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation System of the Community Against Early Marriage Practice
SNNPRS / Southern Nations Nationalities People Regional State
STD / Sexually Transmitted Deceases
UNICEF / United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
WCYA / Women Children and Youths Affairs


Background Information

Early Marriage is an ancient, deep-rooted traditional practice in the east Africa, especially Ethiopia. It is a deep rooted tradition in many Ethiopian communities, perpetuated by poverty, a lack of education and economic opportunities, and social customs that limit the rights of women and girls.

In Ethiopia, two in every five girls are married before her 18th birthday and nearly one in five girls marries before the age of 15 (UNICEF, 2015). Ethiopia is the first 18th country where Early Marriage practiced.

A study on Impact of HTP on the participation and gains of women in Development: with special reference to the Women Development and Change Package of SNNPR (2014) showed that the percentage occurrence of Early Marriage in SNNPRS in 2014 was 13.5% and that it was ranked 7th in the region.The study also shows the occurrence percentage of Early Marriage by zone and/or special woreda, and the highest percentage (11.2%) went to South Omo and the lowest was in both Wolaita and Konta special woreda.

Looking in the attitude of community in SNNPRS towards Early Marriage, 91% of the residents in the region consider Early Marriage as bad culture where as 88.2% argued that Early Marriage affects one’s health. On the other hand, 15.7% said waiting till marriage age is not right and 3.7% intend to accept marriage request before their daughter reaches marriage age (Ibd).

Some of the major reasons that compel parents to marry off their children early in Ethiopia in general and in the project areas are ensuring the girl marries while she has her virginity; the fear that a girl will become too old for marriage, which will represent a failure on the part of her parents; creating a bond with the bridegroom’s family through common grandchildren; and maintaining family status in the community.

As a result of the high magnitude of Early Marriage Practices in Ethiopia in general and in SNNPRS in particular thousands of girls women are living an awkward life and most of them are illiterate, have a number of children early, infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD), unable to plan or manage families, marital instable and physical and sexual abused.

Problem Statement

Early Marriage is one of the most harmful practices as it usually denies girls educational opportunities, leads to poverty and economic insecurity and has a serious negative impact on their health and decision making capacities. It also reinforces other forms of gender-based violence and problems.

SNNPRs is one of fifth region of the country where Early Marriage Practiced for a long period of time. The percentage occurrence of Early Marriage is 13.5% in the region (Women Development and Change Package of SNNPR, 2014). In the region South Omo Zone is the top prone area where Early Marriage and other forms of Gender Based Violence like Abduction, Rap, Labour Exploitation, Physical Violence, Financial Violence, and FGM practiced (South Omo Zone WCYAs, 2015). The percentage occurrence of Early Marriage is the highest in the Zone which is 11.2%.

South Omo Zone has nine administrative woredas having a total estimated population of 724,183 (362, 155 male and 362,028 female) where a number of Gender Based Violence (GBV) practiced highly. Among the nine administrative woredas three of them (Dasenech, South Ari, and Selamago) having a total estimated population of 341,082 are the most prone woreda for Early Marriage practices (South Omo WCYA, 2015).

During our preliminary and pilot study that we have been conducted in collaboration with south Omo Women Children and Youth Afairs department in 2015, we have identified that low educational background of the community, low awareness on serious effects of Early Marriage in particular and GBV in general, Elder/Senior people influence or interferences, Social Norms, Isolation of the community from outside world and loose coordinated system in the community to combat Early Marriage in these wereda are the major factors that aggravates the practice of Early Marriage.

So as to mitigate and resolve this identified problems Center of Concern has prepared this project proposal which is going to be implemented at Dasenech, South Ari, and Selamago woredas of South OMO zone in SNNPRs, Ethiopia with the aim of contributing towards the reduction of commutative Early Marriage occurrence from 11.2% to 8.2% by the end of 2017 in Debub Omo Zone through increasing the literacy and awareness level of the community, decreasing the influences of senior and elder people, facilitating cultural exchange and experience sharing with the nearby community who have shown best practices on GBV reduction.

Project Goal

The overall Goal of the project is to contribute towards the reduction of Commutative Early Marriage occurrence from 11.2% to 8.2% by the end of 2017 in Debub Omo Zone.

Specific Objectives

  1. To strengthening the community coping system and structure of Debub Ari, BenaTsemay, and Selamago Community in to a coordinated momentum of combating EarlyMarriage practice in the Woreda.
  2. To increase the involvement of Debub Ari, BenaTsemay, and Selamago Community members in reacting against Early Marriage Practices in the woredas.
  3. To increase the knowledge of 90% of community members (306,974) on the negative impacts of Early Marriage practices in the target woredas.
  4. To enable the local Community Based Structures to react up on 95% of reported Early Marriage practice cases during the project period.


While implementing the project in the project sites, Center of Concern will utilize the following major strategies:

Community Mobilization

Community Conversation

Networking and Referral Linkage

Awareness Creation


Active Participation and Involvement

The following Figure depicts the conceptual frame work of the project which is intended to address and mitigate the problem aforementioned herewith.

Figure 1: SCPPS- Project Conceptual Framework

Project Beneficiaries

The project mainly targeted vulnerable and victim girls for Early Marriage and their parent/families, CBOs, FBOs, local government structures, Elder and community leaders, and Community members at large.

Direct Beneficiaries

Accordingly, the project will directly benefit 450 vulnerable and victim girls for Early Marriage and 1,800 Parents/families of vulnerable and victim girls for Early Marriage; 30 CBOs, 8 local government institutions (Women and children affair offices, health center, police, CBOs, FBOs, PTAs, Youth Associationsand first instant court) at each project sites, and 1089 community members (144 CC facilitator/Anti-HTP promoters, 120 CBO leaders, 60 network members, 450 volunteer, 45 law enforcer, 60 FBO leaders, 75 Elder people, 60 PTA members, and 75 Youth Association members) with in the project period.

Indirect Beneficiaries

In addition, the project will benefit 90% of community members (306,974) from the targeted project sites of 42% of community members resided in Debub Omo zone indirectly.

Expected Results

Impact: Cumulative percentage occurrence of Early Marriage practice reduced from 11.2% to 8.2% by the end of project period

Expected Outcome 1: Three Community Based Anti-Early Marriage Responsive system become fully functional in a coordinated manner

  • Expected Outcome 1.1: Three Wereda level Coordinated Networking system established
  • Expected Outcome 1.2: The functionality of referral linkages emplaced at three targeted woredas fully

Expected Outcome 2: All of the targeted local structures in the target woreda mainstream the issue of Early Marriage practices in their day to day activities

  • Expected Outcome 2.1: 30 CBOs adopt and practice Anti-Early Marriage policy and guidance in their by laws
  • Expected Outcome 2.2: 12 FBOs mainstream Early Marriage practice reduction module in their preaching curriculums and schedules

Expected Outcome 3: The Knowledge and Understanding level of 306, 974 community members in the target woredas improved

Expected Outcome 3.1: 230,000 literate community members reached with IEC and BCC materials having a messages Early Marriage and its consequences

Expected Outcome 3.2: 44,574 community members will access massages on Early Marriage Practices and its negative impacts via FBOs and CBOs

Expected Outcome 3.3. 32,400 community members access information on Early Marriage Practices and its negative impacts via Community Conversations

Expected Outcome 4: 95% of 450 reported Early Marriage practice cases will get preventive, protective and rehabilitative reaction from the local structures

Expected Outcome 4.1: 60% of reported Early Marriage Practices cases (270) will get immediate preventive actions

Expected Outcome 4.2: 35% of the reported Early Marriage Cases (157) will get protective and rehabilitative measures

Project Activities

Objective 1: To strengthening the community coping system and structure of Debub Ari, BenaTsemay, and Selamago Community in to a coordinated momentum of combating Early Marriage practice in the Woreda.

Expected Outcome 1: Three Community Based Anti-Early Marriage Responsive system become fully functional in a coordinated manner

Expected Outcome 1.1: Three Wereda level Coordinated Networking system established


  1. Organize a day long project launching workshop with 120 project stake holders coming from CBOs, FBOs, PTA, police, Women and children affairs offices, elders, Youth Associations, Finance and economic development offices, and City mayors
  2. Undertake two days long consultation workshop with 120 representatives’ concerned local structures (Women and children affair offices, health center, police, CBOs, FBOs, PTAs, Youth Associations and first instant court) on the possible ways of establishing Anti-Early Marriage practices Networks.
  3. Officially establish three Anti-Early Marriage practices Network and Facilitate the signing up of Memorandum of Understanding among the members and work plans.
  4. Undertake quarter review meeting among 60 Anti-Early Marriage practices Network members

Expected Outcome 1.2: The functionality of referral linkages emplaced at three targeted woredas fully


  1. Emplacing three functional referral linkage among the network member institutions
  2. Regularly strengthening the referral linkage systems via technical and material support

Objective 2: To increase the involvement of Debub Ari, BenaTsemay, and Selamago Community members in reacting against Early Marriage Practices in the woredas.

Expected Outcome 2: All of the targeted local structures in the target woreda mainstream the issue of Early Marriage practices in their day to day activities

Expected Outcome 2.1: 30 CBOs adopt and practice Anti-Early Marriage policy and guidance in their by laws


  1. Develop one contextualized and community based Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline for CBOs
  2. Organize validation workshop for Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline having a participants of 45 community representatives
  3. Print 1200 copies of Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline
  4. Organize a day long consultation workshops with 45 CBOs representative on the possible ways of adopting and mainstreaming the Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline in to their bylaws utilize it accordingly
  5. Sign Memorandum of Understanding with 30 CBOs so as to assure the formal adoption of the Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline in supporting their response on the reduction of early Marriage in their locality.
  6. Orient and distribute 1200 copies of Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline to CBOs
  7. Recruit 60 Volunteer from 30 CBOs in collaboration of CBOs so as to assign them as Anti-Early Marriage practices mainstreaming focal persons of each CBO.
  8. Provide three days training on Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline for 60 recruited volunteer and assign them as a focal person for each CBO
  9. Provided technical and material support for 30 CBOs adopting the Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline in their bylaws so as enable them to apply the policy, cascade messages related with Early Marriage to their members, collect, analysis, and document data reflecting their efforts effectively and efficiently.

Expected Outcome 2.2: 12 FBOs mainstream Early Marriage practice reduction module in their preaching curriculums and schedules


  1. Develop four contextualized and Faith Based Anti-Early Marriage teaching manual and four implementation guidelines for FBOs
  2. Organize four validation workshop for Faith Based Anti-Early Marriage teaching manual and implementation guideline among participants of 45 representatives from FBOs
  3. Print 1200 copies of four Faith Based Anti-Early Marriage teaching manual and four implementation guidelines
  4. Organize a day long consultation workshops in four sessions with 60FBOs representative on the possible ways of adopting and mainstreaming the Faith Based Anti-Early Marriage teaching manual and its implementation guideline in to their preaching curriculums and schedules
  5. Sign Memorandum of Understanding with 12FBOs so as to assure the formal adoption of the Faith Based Anti-Early Marriage teaching manual and its implementation guideline in supporting their response on the reduction of Early Marriage in their locality.
  6. Orient and distribute 2000 copies of Faith Based Anti-Early Marriage teaching manual and its implementation guideline to FBOs
  7. Provided technical and material support for 12FBOs adopting the Faith Based Anti-Early Marriage teaching manual and its implementation guideline so as enable them to properly cascade messages related with Early Marriage to their fellows, collect, analysis, and document data reflecting their efforts effectively and efficiently.

Objective 3:To increase the knowledge of 90% of community members (306,974) on the negative impacts of Early Marriage practices in the target woredas.

Expected Outcome 3: The Knowledge and Understanding level of 306, 974 community members in the target woredas improved

Expected Outcome 3.1: 230,000 literate community members reached with IEC and BCC materials having a messages Early Marriage and its consequences


  1. Develop and print 10,000 leaf-lattes having a message on Early Marriage its consequences
  2. Orient and distribute 10,000 leaf-lattes to 10,000 literate community members
  3. Develop a comprehensive and contextualized script module having 96 episode on Early Marriage messages suitable for Mass media communication
  4. Organize a day long validation workshop for comprehensive and contextualized script module having 96 episode on Early Marriage messages for 30 Concerned participants
  5. Finalize and print the comprehensive and contextualized script module having 96 episode on Early Marriage messages in 10 copies
  6. Transmit messages on Early Marriage and its consequences through FM radio program using the module as a guideline for 96 episodes for at least 220, 000 targeted community members.

Expected Outcome 3.2: 44,574 community members will access massages on Early Marriage Practices and its negative impacts via FBOs and CBOs


  1. Facilitate the transmission of messages related with Early Marriage to 24,574 members of CBOsin the target areas adopting the contextualized and community based Anti-Early Marriage policy and implementation guideline
  2. Facilitate the transmission of messages related with Early Marriage to 20,000 fellows of FBOs in the target areas adopting the Faith Based Anti-Early Marriage teaching manual and its implementation guideline

Expected Outcome 3.3. 32,400 community members access information on Early Marriage Practices and its negative impacts via Community Conversations


  1. Develop users’ guide on Community Conversation session facilitation which is contextualized in to Early Marriage practice reduction campaign and community norms and cultures.
  2. Conduct a day long validation workshop on the user guide with 30 concerned participants
  3. Finalize and print 200 copies of user guide
  4. Recruit 144 Volunteer CC facilitators/Anti-Early Marriage promoters from the community
  5. Provide five days long training on Community Conversation and facilitation skills which is contextualized in to Early Marriage practice combating actions and local cultures and norms for 144 recruited facilitators
  6. Organize 1, 296 Community conversation sessions at 36 different districts and reach 32,400 community members through getting them involved and participated.
  7. Strengthening 36 the local 36 community conversation centers technically and materially so as to effectively accommodate the CC sessions
  8. Cover the local transport cost of 144 CC facilitators/Anti-Early Marriage promoters at monthly basis

Objective 4: To enable the local Community Based Structures to react up on 95% of reported Early Marriage practice cases during the project period.

Expected Outcome 4: 95% of 450 reported Early Marriage practice cases will get preventive, protective and rehabilitative reaction from the local structures