Life Skills Grade 7 and 8:
Mrs.Beinert Hunnewell
Text @bhls7 or @bhls8 to 781-518-0184 to sign up for text alerts
1. Life Skills Folder
1.Report to class on time! (Before the late bell rings) being late affects your daily grade
2. Have a serious attitude. Let’s have fun but know when to stop and be serious too!
3. No put downs – treat everyone with kindness and respect.
4. One person speaks at a time. RAISE YOUR HAND! DON’’T raise you hand to go to the bathroom-use sign language and then sign out and take the pass
5. Avoid asking TOO personal of questions
6. Classroom discussions are to be kept private. “What happens in life skills-STAYS in life skills”!
7. Take responsibility for any class work missed
8.Help keep classroom neat and clean – respect school property…this is NOT my classroom I am “renting” it
50%,25%,25% breakdown for grades 7 and 8 life skills
7th graders:
50% of your grade will be called your DAILY GRADE.~ You will be given a maximum of 10 points to earn per class – 5 for classroom achievement and 5 for behavior. Showing up to class without folder and pencil will automatically put you at an 8, sitting through the whole class without contributing would get you a 6 etc. Please speak up and be active in class- this is a HUGE part of your grade.
25 % of your grade will be based on a PROJECT that must be completed before the term ends. You will have a choice of the following:
1.Research paper 1st project due:______
2.Poster 2nd project due:______
3.Current event paper
4.Powerpoint 3rd project due:______
5.Book report
8.Video/rap/dance/etc.- talk to me about other options
I will give you 2 bonus points for each week it is early (up to 10 bonus points)
Each term you must choose a different type of project – IE. Poster, book report, Powerpoint etc. HOWEVER ONE OF THE 3 PROJECTS MUST BE USING TECHNOLOGY!!
25% of your grade will be random folder check, homework, and quizzes
7th grade life skills covers the following topics: Child abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, body image/eating disorders, resisting drugs, marijuana, inhalants, over the counter drugs, prescription drugs, ecstasy, puberty, human growth and reproduction.
8th graders:
50% of your grade will be called your DAILY GRADE.~ You will be given a maximum of 10 points to earn per class – 5 for classroom achievement and 5 for behavior. Showing up to class without folder and pencil will automatically put you at an 8, sitting through the whole class without contributing would get you a 6 etc. Please speak up and be active in class- this is a HUGE part of your grade.
25 % of your grade will be based on the PSA PROJECT. There will be due dates each quarter for this (except 4th quarter). I will explain this in more detail and you can find more info on my website.
25% of your grade will be folder, homework, quizzes etc.
8th grade life skills covers the following topics: Obesity and nutrition, health vs. unhealthy relationships, friends, family, dating relationships, abusive relationships and teen dating violence, mental illness, stress, depression, gender issues, sexual harassment, teen sexuality, abstinence, teen pregnancy, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, AIDs/HIV.
Make sure your health folder is clearly labeled “Life Skills” with your name, day/class period on it.~ Remember to put your name on all materials given to you.~ If a paper is passed in without identification then you will not get credit for it. I cannot guess who you are.
You must ALWAYS bring your Life Skills folder and a pen/pencil to class.~ It is important that you keep ALL papers given to you in your folder.
Absences, although they cannot be avoided, greatly effect what you are learning in class.~ If you miss a class then it is your responsibility to make up the work you are missing.~ You will have one week to make up any missing lessons.~ If lessons are not made up then you will not get credit for it. Please utilize my webpage where I will put all assignments that you might miss:
Disclaimer: Life skills/Health only meets ONCE per week and if we have a snow day or a half-day or MCAS we miss a class and it could be weeks before I see you again! L
I understand it is hard to remember assignments for a class that meets only once in a 6 day cycle but with your agenda book, text alerts, and my website I am confident you will have no problem being ALL OVER IT J NO excuses!!! Remember my homework policy is as long as I have it in my mailbox, hand, or in my email inbox by midnight on the day it is due I will accept it. Please please please utilize my website as it has all the rubrics and PowerPoint and notes from class on it!
Extra credit is always available! All you need to do is find an article in a newspaper or magazine about a topic relating to health and copy that article and write a one page review of what you learned from this article.
Please sign and bring back to class next class as your first homework assignment!
I, ______have read this expectation sheet and am ready to learn in life skills this year with you Mrs.BH J
I,______parent/guardian of the above student also have read this expectation sheet and understand what is expected of this student this year in life skills J