MediHerb Tablets and Synergists (Revised & updated October 2009)
(Primary synergists are listed in Bold with the suggested amounts of tablets or capsules to be taken per day in divided doses) Example: Allerplex (3-6) = 1-2 capsules 3x per day.
Adrenal Complex – Primary use: Adrenal Depletion & Stress, –(1 tab 2-3xper day) - useful for conditions related to adrenal depletion & exhaustion such as: sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, inflammation, allergies, adrenal support in menopause, immune depletion & chronic illness eg: chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia,, autoimmune conditions including Addison’s disease, etc. Synergists for adrenal support, stress & chronic fatigue: Drenamin (3-6), Cataplex B (3-6), Min-Tran,B-6-Niacinamide, Cyruta, Cyruta Plus, Dessicated Adrenal, Drenatrophin PMG, Cataplex C, AC, ACP, G. Also see: Eleuthero, Astragalus Complex, Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex, and Withania Complex. Synergists for fibromyalgia, inflammation & pain see: Boswellia Complex, Cramplex, Rehmannia Complex and Saligesic. Synergists for sleeplessness, depression & anxiety see:Ginkgo 2000mg,Nevaton, Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex, St. John’s Wort, and Valerian Complex. Synergists for allergies see: Albizia Complex, Echinacea Premium and Euphrasia Complex. Synergists for menopause see:, Tribulus, and Wild YamComplex, Synergists for Addison’s disease and other autoimmune conditions see: Echinacea Premium,Eleuthero, Rehmannia Complex and Withania Complex. Additional synergists for promoting the healing of damaged tissues see: Gotu KolaComplex and Vitanox. Synergists for adrenal depletion with hypothyroidism see: Coleus Forte and Thyroid Complex. Synergists for adrenal depletion with immune depletion & chronic illness see: Astragalus Complex, Cat’s Claw Complex, Echinacea Premium, Eleuthero, Ganoderma & Shiitake, Rehmannia Complex, and Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex. Adrenal Complex is contraindicated in cases of hypertension, edema, congestive heart failure, low blood potassium, pregnancy & lactation, compromised kidney function and in patients taking potassium depleting medications. In some patients Licorice in Adrenal Complex may raise blood pressure by depleting potassium. For those needing potassium supplementation or replacement use OrganicallyBound Minerals (3-6).
Albizia Complex – Primary use: Allergies - (1 tab 3-4x per day) – airborne allergies, hayfever, asthma, etc. also skin allergic reactions like eczema & psoriasis. Combines well with Euphrasia Complex for airborne allergies if taken 2 hours apart from each other, or DermaCo for skin problems. For Food allergies add: DiGest (1 tablet 15-30 minutes before meals 3x/day). Synergists for all types of allergies: Antronex (6-12), Tuna Omega-3 Oil (2-6)Allerplex (3-6), Livaplex, Linum B6, OPC Synergy, Drenamin, Adrenal Complex, Cyruta Plus, & Catalyn. For chronic asthma consider adding: Rehmannia Complex and/or ResCo.
Andrographis Complex – Primary use: Acute Systemic Infections – (1-2 tabs 4x per day, up to 3 tabs 4x per day in severe acuteinfection) bacterial, viral & parasitic: colds, flu & throat, ear & sinus, gastrointestinal, etc. Combines well with Euphrasia Complex, Echinacea Premium or Garlic 5000 for more severe situations. Can be used with antibiotics. For chronic viral infections such as herpes, CMV, EBV, hepatitis. Add: St. John’s Wort 1.8g (3-6), Cyruta Plus (9-15), Immuplex, Cal-Amo. Nutritional synergists for URI’s, bacterial, etc: Congaplex (6-12), Cal-Amo (3-9), Garlic 5000,Antronex (for sinus congestion/anti-histamine), Calcium Lactate, Cayenne Pepper, Thymex. For parasitic & other gut infections see: Wormwood Complex, Gut Flora Complex. To reduce pain, inflammation & fevers add: Saligesic (2-4). To promote healing of damaged tissues see: Gotu Kola Complex.
Astragalus Complex – Primary use: Chronic Immune Depletion - (1 tab 3-4x per day) – a tonic for the chronically immune compromised patient, such as in conditions involving: AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue, radiation exposure, long term viral infection, etc., as an aid to recovery from conventional cancer treatments. This product needs to be discontinued at onset of a fever or acute infection, where switching to Andrographis Complex would be advised. Synergists: Immuplex (6), OPC Synergy (3-9),Cat’s ClawComplex (3-6), Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex, Adrenal Complex, Burdock Complex, Ganoderma & Shiitake, Cruciferous Complete, Spanish Black Radish, Silymarin, Super EFF, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Livaplex, Thymex, Echinacea Premium, Vitanox, Catalyn.
Bacopa Complex – Primary use: Brain & Cognitive Function - (1 tab 3-4x per day) – for improving brain & cognitive function, medium & long term memory. An excellent friend for students in aiding memory retention if taken every day throughout the school year. To differentiate Bacopa Complex from Ginkgo 2000mg in terms of memory: Bacopa promotes medium to long term memory retention, while Ginkgo promotes short term memory retention. Students will also benefit by taking Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex and/or Ginkgo 2000mg on exam days. And, Bacopa Complex in combination with Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex may be helpful for ADD or with Ginkgo for ADHD, with all three being helpful for Alzheimer’s, and some cases of Parkinson’s. Bacopa Complex also provides support for the adrenals and enhances liver detoxification. Synergists: TunaOmega-3 Oil (2-6),Ginkgo Synergy (3-6), or Ginkgo 2000mg (3-4), Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex (2-4), RNA, Neurotrophin, Cataplex B. For Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s consider adding the above plus: OPC Synergy (3-9), Neuroplex (3), Super EFF (3-6), Cyrofood.
Bilberry 6000mg – Primary use: Eye Complaints - (1 tab 3-4x per day) - visual fatigue, eyestrain, poor night vision, eye disorders such as: glaucoma, retinitis, retinopathy, macular degeneration, micro-vascular integrity etc. Synergists: Oculotrophin PMG (3), Cruciferous Complete (6-9), Gotu Kola Complex (2-6), Vitanox, Ginkgo Synergy or Ginkgo 2000mg,OPC Synergy, AC-Carbamide, Cataplex ACP.
Bone Complex – Primary use: Osteopenia/Osteoporosis, fractures, arthritic conditions, bone diseases, in women and men – (1 tab 3x per day) –Also useful with menopausal complaints and can decrease total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL in post-menopausal women. This innovative four herb formula contains many beneficial isoflavones & other important phytochemicals. Synergists for Osteopenia, Osteoporosis & fractures: Ostrophin PMG (3-6), Calcifood Wafers (6-12)or powder (1-2 Tbsp), Cataplex D (2-3), Gotu Kola Complex (3),Cruciferous Complete (especially helpful in neutralizing xeno-estrogens and as a source of Vitamin K), Zypan, Super EFF, Biost, Cal-Ma Plus, Cataplex C, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Cataplex F. For non-responders to the above, see & consider: Gut Flora Complex, Vitanox and Pre-Biotic Inulin. Synergists for menopausal complaints see: Wild Yam Complex, for Arthritic conditions see: Boswellia Complex, Gotu Kola Complex, Rehmannia Complex, Saligesic
Boswellia Complex – Primary use: Inflammation - (1 tab 3-4x per day with fat containing meals, up to 6 per day in acute cases) – all inflammatory conditions, rheumatic, arthritic (especially Rheumatoid), fibromyalgia, Crohn’s, inflammation associated with IBS and various cancers, etc. Synergists for rheumatic conditions: Glucosamine Synergy (3-9), Saligesic (2-4), Tuna Omega-3 Oil (6),Ligaplex I or II, Gotu Kola Complex, Adrenal Complex, Cayenne Pepper, Cyruta Plus, Betacol, Livaplex, Cyrofood. For rheumatoid arthritis add: Rumaplex (6-9),Rehmannia Complex (2-4), Gotu Kola Complex (3), Cat’s Claw Complex, Adrenal Complex. For Fibromyalgia add: Rehmannia Complex (2-4), Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex (2-4), Cat’s Claw Complex, Adrenal Complex, Gotu Kola Complex, Magnesium Lactate,Cataplex B & G, Folic acid B-12, Cal-Amo, For IBS/Crohn’s add: OkraPepsin E3 (6-9),Cramplex (6-8), Chlorophyll Perles,Pre-Biotic Inulin,Pituitrophin PMG,Gastrex, Zypan, Gotu Kola Complex, Cat’s Claw Complex, Gut Flora Complex, Spanish Black Radish, Dermatrophin PMG. Very Important:Boswellic acids (active compounds in Boswellia) are most effective when combined with dietary fats for reducing inflammation.
Broncafect – Primary use: Acute Bronchitis (and other Mid to Lower Respiratory Infections) - (2 tabs 3-4x per day) use for bronchitis, throat & related congestive conditions, dry or wet coughs, fever control, etc. If green mucus is present add: Golden Seal 500mg (3). Additional Synergists: Congaplex (3-12), Cal-Amo (3-9), Echinacea Premium, Garlic 5000,Calcium Lactate, Pneumotrophin, Antronex. For added fever control and reducing pain & inflammation add: Saligesic (2-4).
Burdock Complex (Essiac formula) – Primary use: Cancer/Systemic Detox - (1 tab 3-4x per day) –original formula known as Essiac used to treat cancer patients in Canada for over 60 years by Nurse Renee Caisse. Suggested for general systemic detoxification; lymph, blood, liver, digestive tract, etc. Adjunctive use with cancer, HIV, skin conditions such as: acne, psoriasis, eczema, boils; may be helpful with diabetes. Synergists for cancer and HIV: Cat’s Claw Complex (3-6), Cyruta Plus (15-21), Zymex (9-12),Specific Tissue Protomorphogen (3-9), Immuplex (6-9), Cruciferous Complete, Ganoderma & Shiitake, Astragalus Complex, Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex, Multizyme,Spanish Black Radish, Silymarin, Echinacea Premium, Livaplex, Sesame Seed Oil, Super EFF, Tuna Omega-3 Oil,OPC Synergy or Vitanox, Cataplex E, Thymex, Catalyn. For HIV/AIDS and other chronic viral infections add: St. John’s Wort 1.8g (3-6). For skin conditions add: DermaCo (3–6),Livaplex (3-6), Tuna Omega-3 Oil or Cataplex F (3-6), Livton, Wheat Germ Oil Perles, Cataplex E, Cataplex ACP, Dermatrophin PMG.
Cat’s Claw Complex – Primary use: Anti-Cancer, Anti-Pathogen, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant -(1-2 tabs 3-4x perday)useful in chronic & acute immune deficiency disorders, environmental toxin related issues, and autoimmune conditions including: HIV/AIDS, cancer, lupus, MS, shingles, chronic fatigue, organic depression, etc. Reduces side effects of chemo & radio-therapies, appropriate in cases of chronic & acute, viral, bacterial, yeast, fungal, parasitic infections, allergies &inflammatory conditions such as: hayfever, asthma, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s/IBS, gastritis, ulcers, dysbiosis, etc. For inflammatory conditions combine with Boswellia Complex (3-4) and/or Saligesic (2-4), Gotu Kola Complex,Tuna Omega-3 Oil,Rehmannia Complex, Cyruta Plus. For immune disorders, refer to the blue & cream pages of the CRG or choose from: Congaplex (6-12), Immuplex (3-9), Calcium Lactate, Echinacea Premium, OPC Synergy, Green Food, Thymex, Livaplex, EFA’s, Catalyn, etc. Add: Zymex (6), Lactic Acid Yeast (6), Spanish Black Radish (3-6), and see: Gut Flora Complex, Cal-Amo, Lact-Enz, Garlic, Golden Seal, if candida yeast or other pathogens are present in the gut. For serious immune related disorders such as: HIV/AIDS & cancer, consider the above and: Cyruta Plus (15-21), Zymex (9-12),Specific Tissue Protomorphogen (3-9), Burdock Complex (3-4) Astragalus Complex (3-4),Ganoderma & Shiitake (2-6), Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex, Cruciferous Complete, Multizyme, Spanish Black Radish, Vitanox, Silymarin, Echinacea Premium, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Seseame Seed Oil, Albaplex, Parotid PMG. For parasites see: Wormwood Complex and Gut Flora Complex. Add: St. John’s Wort 1.8g (3-6), Andrographis Complex, for viral infections, including HIV and those related to cancer. For inflammatory bowel add: Okra Pepsin E3 (6-9),Cramplex (6-8) and/or Boswellia Complex (3-6), Gotu Kola Complex, Gut Flora Complex, Spanish Black Radish, Gastrex, Chlorophyll Perles, Tuna Omega-3 Oil. For rheumatic conditions: Glucosamine Synergy (3-9), and/or Boswellia Complex (3-6), Ligaplex I or II, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Gotu Kola Complex, Cayenne Pepper. For autoimmune conditions see: Rehmannia Complex.
Chaste Tree – Primary uses: PMS, PMDD, Progesterone Production (indirectly), Elevated Prolactin and Latent Hyperprolactinemia (LHP), Increasing lactation, PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, Endometriosis, Corpus Luteal Insufficiency, Infertility associated with LHP, Miscarriage Prevention (not as an acute remedy), Sleep Disorders (promotes melatonin production), Libido in females, Acne in both males & females, etc. - (1/2 – 5 tabs per day depending on the condition as follows) – 1/2 tab per day for increasing lactation. – ½ - 1 tab per day for: PMS, corpus luteal support, LHP & infertility, progesterone production (by supporting optimal corpus luteal development), miscarriage prevention (as part of a preconception program). 1-3 tabs per day for: increasing libido in females, acne in both males & females. 2-4 tabs per day for: elevated prolactin, uterine fibroids & endometriosis. 1-4 tabs per day for: PCOS dependent on severity. 3-5 tabs per day for: sleep disorders including low melatonin secretion, jet lag and shift work. All doses over 1 tablet should be divided into 2-3 doses per day. Synergists depending on condition may include: MinChex (6-9) and/or Magnesium Lactate (3-6),Simplex F (3-6), Livaplex (3-9), Cruciferous Complete, Black Currant Seed Oil, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Cataplex F, For-Til B12, Chlorophyll Perles, Ovex or Ovex P, Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex, Tribulus, Nevaton, Dong Quai. For cramps add: Cramplex(6-8). Forpre-menopause & menopause see: Wild Yam Complex.
ChelaCo – Primary use: Heavy & Toxic Metal Chelation and Detoxification – (1 tab 3x per day for longterm chronic exposure and tissue invasion/proliferation, up to 2 tabs 3x per day with meals, for severe acute exposure, including: Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, etc.) – And, associated health issues, brain & cognitive functioning, cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, anti-oxidant, anti-pathogenic & liver support. PrimarySynergists: Super EFF (2-6), Zinc Liver Chelate (3-6), or Chezyn (3-6) when copper & iron are needed with zinc,Protomorphogen of effected organssuch as: Neurotrophin PMG (3-6) for Alzheimer’s or Autism. Additional considerations include: Spanish Black Radish, Parotid, Cholacol II, Cataplex C, Trace Minerals B12, Mintran. Protocols are suggested for 3-6 months followed by hair or other analysis. It is also suggested that in cases where ironsupplementation is required, such as with anemia, supplemental iron products (Chezyn, etc.) should be taken with meals, while ChelaCoshould be taken between meals. In addition, for brain & cognition, cardiovascular & circulatory issues see or consider: Bacopa Complex, Ginkgo Synergy, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Ginkgo 2000, Vitanox, RNA, OPC Synergy, Hawthorn, Garlic 5000, Cardioplus, Vasculin, Circuplex, cayenne Pepper. For liver issues see or consider: Livaplex, Betacol, Hepatrophin PMG, LivCo, Livton, Ganoderma & Shiitake and Silymarin.
Colax – Primary use: Laxative - (1 tab 1-4x per day – use lowest dose necessary) – a natural herbal laxative suggested for temporary use when needed; best taken before bedtime. Synergists: Zypan (6), Multizyme (6-9), Cholacol II, Spanish Black Radish, Collinsonia Root, Fen-Cho, Cayenne Pepper, A-F Betafood, LivTon Complex.
Coleus Forte – Primary use: Weight Management, Cardiovascular Diseases, Asthma, Digestive Insufficiency, Hypothyroidism, Psoriasis, etc.(1 tab 2-3x per day) - best used as an adjunct with the 21 day Purification Program to aid in fat burning & weight management, and ongoing in conjunction with a balanced, calorie controlled diet and exercise program. May also be helpful with the following conditions: hypertension, congestive heart failure, thrombosis, ischemic heart & cerebrovascular disease, for synergists see: Hawthorn, Garlic 5000, ChelaCo, Ginkgo 2000 and Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex. For asthma & other chronic obstructive airway conditions, see: PulmaCo, Euphrasia Complex, Broncafect, and ResCo. For insufficient hydrochloric acid & other enzyme secretions see: DiGest. For hypothyroidism see: Thyroid Complex. For psoriasis see: DermaCo, Albizia Complex, LivCo and Burdock Complex.
Cramplex – Primary use: Primary Dysmenorrhea, Inflammatory Bowel, Headaches (including Migraines) –
(2 tabs 3-4x per day for Dysmenorrhea beginning a few days before and for the first 1-2 days of menses) – specificfor relief of cramps & pain and is highly indicated for IBS, any visceral organ pain and headaches at similar dosing for as long as needed. Cramplex is also valuable in Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis. May be combined with Boswellia Complex for both males & females for inflammatory conditions. For Migraines: 2 tablets every two hours until relieved and refer to Feverfew & Rehmannia Complex. Synergists for dysmenorrhea: Magnesium Lactate (3-6), and/or Calcium Lactate (6-12), Tuna Omega-3 Oil(3-6), Utrophin PMG, Pituitrophin PMG, Ovatrophin PMG, Cataplex F, Symplex F, For-Til B12, Cal-Ma Plus, Cyrofood. If PMS or Endometriosis is present add: Chaste Tree (2-4), Evening Primrose Oil (3-6)or Black Current Seed Oil (3-6). To enhance the liver’s ability to breakdown elevated sex hormones & xeno-hormones add: Cruciferous Complete (3-6), LivCo (3-4) or Livaplex (3-9). For inflammatory bowel disease & pathogenic bowel infestation see: Boswellia Complex, Gotu Kola Complex, Garlic 5000, Gut Flora Complex, and Cat’s Claw Complex.
Cranberry Complex – Primary use: Urinary Complaints - (1 tab 3-4x per day) – Prevention & treatment of urinary tract infections, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, kidney stones, etc. Synergists: Albaplex (6-9), Arginex (3-6), Echinacea Premium, Renafood, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Catalyn. For Prostatitis add: Palmettoplex (4-6) or ProstaCo and Echinacea Premium (2-4).
DermaCo – Primary use: Skin Complaints, Systemic detoxification -(1 tab 3-4x per day) – chronic skin conditions, acne, eczema, psoriasis, boils, gout & rheumatic conditions, helps eliminate toxins through liver, kidney, bowel & lymph. Synergists for skin: Dermatrophin PMG (3-6),Livaplex (3-9), Gotu Kola Complex (2-6), Allerplex,Albizia Complex, Calcium Lactate,Antronex, Wheat germ oil perles, Zymex, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Cataplex F. Add Rehmannia Complex (2-4) for autoimmune related conditions such as scleroderma. Consider 21 Day Purification Program for systemic detoxification.
DiGest – Primary use: Comprehensive Digestive Support – (1 tab 15 minutes before meals) – For best results, suck on tablet for 2 minutes to experience the bitters before swallowing. This is a full spectrum digestive aid that promotes endogenous HCL, gastric enzymes & bile secretions, supports liver metabolism and tonifies the gastrointestinal tract. This formula is very useful in cases of sluggish digestion, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation, irritable & inflammatory conditions of the stomach & bowel, cholecystitis and gallstones. Synergists for enzyme support: Zypan (3-6) and/or Multizyme (3-6), for bile secretion, gall bladder/liver support, constipation: AF-Betafood (3-9), Cholacol, Choline, Livaplex, Livton Complex, FenCho.
For flatulence & gut acidification: Zymex (6-9), Cal-Amo, Lactic Acid Yeast, Garlic 5000, Vitanox. For irritable & inflammatory conditions of the stomach & bowel: Okra Pepsin E3 (6-9),Cramplex (4-8), Pre-biotic Inulin,Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Linum B6, Gastrex, Zymex, Chlorophyll Perles, Lact-Enz. For Candida and other pathogens see: Gut Flora Complex, Cat’s ClawComplex. For Parasites see: Wormwood Complex.
Dong Quai – Primary use: Scanty & irregular menses, etc. - (1 tab 2-3x per day) – Female anti-anemic blood building tonic, irregular menses, cramps & pain, circulatory support. Can be used with Wild Yam Complex for menopause or Chaste Tree for PMS & pre-menopause. Synergists: E-Poise (3-6), Simplex F (3-6), For-Til B12, Black Currant Seed Oil, Chlorophyll Perles, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Cyrofood. For cramps add: Cramplex (6-8), Saligesic, Evening Primrose Oil.