May 7, 2014
/ Lisa Holscher, IASWCD / CCSIMeg Leader, ISDA
Jenna Nicholson, Decatur SWCD
Scott Sanders, Decatur SWCD
- Sampling / OnFarm Research
- On Farm Network
- 5 growers signed up in Decatur County, should have some from Bartholomew and Jennings Counties, too
- Workshops
- Smiley Brothers
- are one of new growers to On Farm Network group
- Do a lot of hog manure applications
- Use cover crops
- Area SWCDs are looking at doing more field days with them, perhaps putting out demo plots.
- August 26th – 27th Wenning – Frank Gibbs
- When Roger Wenning gets to a stopping point in the field, he’ll sit down to work out Agenda, event details with local staff
- Robert Zupancic is working on details for the NRCS meeting (27th)
- Corn and Soy have committed $1200 to the event.
- Alex Case, Premier Ag – good on soil health and cover crops. Will probably present alongside Roger.
- Need to work out logistics to move from barn to soil pits
- Stewart Seeds have school busses for detasseling crews
- Scott Sanders has a chauffer’s license
- There is an opportunity to cross-promote event in Delaware County on August 22nd, featuring Ray Archuleta
- July 16th – Presentation and Media Skills
- Pilot project put on in partnership with SARE
- Fred Whitford is key presenter
- Target Audience = conservation partnership fields staff, farmers who are giving soil health presentations.
- Max target = 30
- Ask local staff to suggest individuals to attend. Note – each agency has their own chain of command that will make final decisions.
- Mix from each region (not hard and fast)
- 2 NRCS
- 2 Extension
- 2 ISDA / SWCDs
- 2 Farmers
- Scott Sanders suggested Smiley Brothers as a potential attendee
- Steve Gauck was suggested as a presentation “mentor” – Mentoring for presentations is a new idea – could have some great potential.
- Selling Conservation
- Developed and organized by ICP – How to talk to producers, “sell conservation” ranked high in Individual Development Plans
- Have talked with CCSI – design both Presentation Skills and Selling Conservation as complementary trainings. Think Presentation Skills as “lecture” and Selling Conservation as working more one-on-one, identifying and overcoming obstacles to adoption of conservation practices
- 2014 funds are available from the State Soil Conservation Board
- Looking at Chuck Hitzman from Virginia as presenter / facilitator
- Comes highly recommended – has done work in VA, MN
- Focuses on 1-on-1 conversations that lead to more practice implementation
- Either 1 or 2-day workshops
- Prefers 24-30 people in classroom-type setting
- Currently trying to determine registration fees – looking at $50
- Scott and Jenna didn’t see the fee as being a problem
- Ability to pay might be dependent on district
- Use first event as a springboard for additional workshops and/or webinars