5:30 P.M. – CONFERENCE ROOM – STE. 168

  1. Chairman Jones called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.. Commissioner Becky Denney and Commissioner Jerry Barnes were present.
  2. Prayer - Chairman Rob Jones

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Amendments to Agenda –1) Under Old Business – Vivian Roland request;

2)Board Appointments – Item G under Action Items 3) Quit Claim Deed - Item H under Action Items.

Approval of Agenda

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Agenda; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted aye.

  1. Finance Report – Faye Harvey reported that the November 2013 Financial Report reflects 11 months of the 2013 fiscal year. Expenditure budgets should be 91.67% or less. General Fund Revenue collections for the period ending November 30, 2013 total $16,022,577 or 78.09% of the budgeted amount. As of November 30, 2013, we collected $4,582,294 in current year property tax which was billed on October 4, 2013. General Fund expenditures for the first eleven months of 2013 are $17,958,279 or 87.53 of budgeted amounts. Overall, expenditures are 4.14% under the allowable level. Some departmental budgets were over 91.67% and Ms. Harvey gave explanations for the variances. Mrs. Harvey announced that several completed financial reports are now available to the public. This included the 2012 final audit, a historical review of the county’s fund balance and changes in debt and capital assets for fiscal years 2004 – 2012, as well as a report of projects that were and were not funded through the 2008 SPLOST that wraps up this year. She reported that the SPLOST will only bring in around $23 million. The Courthouse renovations, $15,667,369 million; debt service on the administration building, $3,123,649; and debt service on the adult detention center, $3.2 million were fully funded. Mrs. Harvey said the historical report was self explanatory. However, she asked that any questions be submitted in writing to her by email or mail. She said she doesn’t want to give an incorrect answer.
  2. Consent Agenda


  1. Old Business
  1. Request from Vivian Roland regarding removal of interest and penalties from tax bill.

Commissioner Denney said they need a list of guidelines from Tax Commissioner Sharon Troglin. This item was “tabled”.

  1. New Business


  1. Action Items
  1. Approve Minutes
  1. Regular Board Meeting - November 21, 2013
  2. Public Hearing on 2014 proposed Budget – December 5, 2013
  3. Work Session – December 5, 2013
  4. Called Meeting – December 5, 2013

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 21 and the December 5 meetings. Commissioner Denney seconded the motion to approve the minutes. All voted Aye.

  1. Rezone Request


  1. Adopt FY 2014 Budget

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to adopt the FY 2014 budget. Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted Aye.

  1. Deed – ACES property

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to authorize Chairman Jones to sign the deed when prepared; Commissioner Denney seconded; All voted Aye.

  1. Deed – Pickens County well property – 30 x 30 to be deeded back to Fred Hawkins. This is a dry well.

Commissioner Barnes made a motion for the County Attorney to process the deed; Commissioner Denney seconded; All voted Aye.

  1. Cell Tower Requests
  1. Request for construction of Telecommunication Tower and Associated Structures at 370 Thompson Lane, Pickens County, GA.

Commissioner Barnes abstained.

This item was “tabled”.

  1. Request for Construction of Telecommunication Tower and Associated Structures at 8404 Hwy 136 West, Pickens County, GA.

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the Request; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; all voted Aye.

  1. Request for construction of Telecommunication Tower and Associated Structures at 318 Winston Road, Pickens County, GA.

This item was “tabled”.

  1. Board Appointments
  1. Adopted Resolution appointing Bart Connelly to the Pickens County Board of Tax Assessors for a five year term beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2018.

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the appointment; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted Aye.

  1. Adopted Resolution reappointing Pat Holmes to the Pickens County Planning Commission for a four year term beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2017.

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the appointment; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted Aye.

  1. Adopted Resolution reappointing Jim Fowler to the Pickens County Planning Commission for a four year term beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2017.

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the appointment; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted aye.

  1. Adopted Resolution reappointing Tim Jordan to the Pickens County Water and Sewer Authority for a three year term beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2016.

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the appointment;

Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted aye.

  1. Adopt Resolution reappointing Tommy Shaw to the Pickens County Water and Sewer Authority for a three year term beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2016.

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the appointment;

Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted aye.

  1. Adopt Resolution reappointing Amy Smith and Bill Brown as the county members to the City of Jasper – Pickens County Land Bank Authority, for a four year term beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2016.

Commissioner Barnes made a motion to approve the appointment;

Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted aye.

  1. Quit Claim Deed by and between Pickens County, Georgia and Old Towne Developers, LLC for property at 35 West Church Street, Jasper, GA. (Releasing property back to Old Towne Developers, LLC)

Commissioner Barnes made a motion authorizing Chairman Jones to sign the Quit Claim Deed; Commissioner Denney seconded the motion; All voted aye.

  1. Guests/Comments
  1. Gary Copeland – Budget questions. Mr. Copeland said that this is the best it has been and it takes everybody’s efforts.
  2. Steve Griffin - Budget overages 2006-2010

He asked what the plan is for building the contingency fund. Mrs. Harvey said we now have a little over $500,000 . Commissioner Denney said that SPLOST was part of the plan and we have to stay diligent and realize it takes time to build up the contingency fund.

  1. Mark Roland – tax collection
  2. Bart Connelly – suggested inviting those who are over their budget to come and answer questions.
  1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m.

The BOC meetings are videotaped and may be viewed at .

These Minutes were approved on January 16, 2014.