/ Technology
Candidate Name: / Erica L. Reed / Evaluator:

Directions to the candidate:

§  For each numbered standard/indicator, record the artifact number(s) of the item you are submitting as evidence of competence.

§  There is no specified number of artifacts that you must submit.

§  An artifact may address more than one standard/indicator.

§  Every standard/indicator must be addressed.

§  The technology product should be submitted in electronic form on CD with proper hyperlinks for navigating the work.

§  Submit directly to the Coordinator of Technology.

§  Make and keep a copy for yourself. The original CD will be kept in the School of Education archives.

§  A satisfactory score for each standard/indicator is required.

§  There are 93 total points.

Standard(s) and Indicator(s) / Artifact
Number(s) / Score / Comments /
Standard I:
Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. / 3 points each; 6 points total this section /
I-A Teacher demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Students). / Cellular Respiration Lab
I-B Teachers demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. / World of Biology Web page
Standard(s) and Indicator(s) / Artifact
Number(s) / Score / Comments /
Standard II:
Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. / 3 points each; 15 points total this section /
II-A Teachers design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners. / Cellular Respiration Lab
Evolution Web quest
II-B Teachers apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. / Evolution Web quest
Cooperative Learning Article
II-C Teachers identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability. / Inspiration Software Evaluation
TryScience Website Evaluation
II-D Teachers plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities. / Technology and Computer Assignments
II-E Teachers plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment. / Evolution Web quest
Standard(s) and Indicator(s) / Artifact
Number(s) / Score / Comments /
Standard III:
Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. / 3 points each; 12 points total this section /
III-A Teachers facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards. / Eukaryotic Cell Structure Lesson Plan
III-B Teachers use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students. / Animal Cell Power Point Presentation
III-C Teachers apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity. / Cellular Respiration Lab
III-D Teachers manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. / Evolution Web quest
Standard(s) and Indicator(s) / Artifact
Number(s) / Score / Comments /
Standard IV:
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. / 3 points each; 9 points total this section /
IV-A Teachers apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques. / Section 1.1 Quiz
IV-B Teachers use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. / Miss Reed's Grade book
IV-C Teachers apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. / Evolution Web Quest
Standard(s) and Indicator(s) / Artifact
Number(s) / Score / Comments /
Standard V:
Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. / 3 points each; 12 points total this section /
V-A Teachers use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. / Salamander Competition Research Paper
Salamander Competition Power Point Presentation
V-B Teachers continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. / Lesson Plan Reflection Chart
V-C Teachers apply technology to increase productivity. / Miss Reed's Grade book
Mail Merge Document
V-D Teachers use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. / World of Biology Web page
Mail Merge Document
Standard(s) and Indicator(s) / Artifact
Number(s) / Score / Comments /
Standard VI:
Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply those principles in practice. / 3 points each; 15 points total this section /
VI-A Teacher model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use. / Use of Technology in a Biology Class
VI-B Teachers apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. / ABC's of DNA
VI-C Teachers identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity / Scientist Research Project
VI-D Teachers promote safe and healthy use of technology resources. / TryScience Website Evaluation
Use of Technology in a Biology Class
Technology Use Agreement
VI-E Teachers facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students. / Technology and Computer Assignments

Fill in the appropriate artifact numbers. (3 points each; 24 points this section)

Application / Artifact(s) Which Demonstrate(s) / Possible Points / Score
Use of the Internet / Cooperative Learning Article / TryScience Website Evaluation / Section 1.1 Quiz / 3
Microsoft Word / Cellular Respiration Lab / Eukaryotic Cell Structure Lesson plan / ABC'd of DNA Lesson Plan / Salamander Competition Research Paper / Technology Agreement / 3
Microsoft PowerPoint / Animal Cell PowerPoint Presentation / Salamander Competition PowerPoint Presentation / Use of Technology in a Biology Class / 3
Microsoft Publisher / 3
Microsoft Excel / Miss Reed's Gradebook / 3
Microsoft Access / 3
Use of Software / Inspiration Software Evaluation / 3
Microsoft FrontPage / World of Biology Web Page / Evolution Web quest / 3

Grade Conversion Scale

Points Earned / <10 / 10 / 20 / 31 / 41 / 51 / 62 / 72 / 82 / 93
Letter Conversion / F / C- / C / C+ / B- / B / B+ / A- / A / A+
Grade Conversion / 0-60 / 70 / 73 / 77 / 80 / 83 / 87 / 90 / 93 / 97

Rubric for Scoring the Technology Portfolio

Performance / 1
Performance / 2
Expectations / 3
Expectations /
!  The artifact submitted for the standard has no relevance.
!  The artifact does not demonstrate sufficient use of technology.
!  The artifact may lack sufficient or meaningful integration with items merely “packaged” together.
!  Formatting may indicate an amateur level of interfere with the achievement of the purpose. / !  There is an awareness of the standard, but there is no application.
!  The artifact may demonstrate limited use of technology.
!  There may be lists or references included, but there are no indications of how they will be used to teach.
!  There may be materials printed (lists, websites, lesson plans, etc.) out from the Internet or from other sources, but the candidate has made no contribution.
!  The artifact may lack meaningful integration.
!  The formatting indicates less-than-professional standard. / !  There is more understanding of the standard but no detailed lesson plan to demonstrate the application to teaching.
!  There is limited but sufficient use of technology. / !  There is definite application of the standard.
!  The artifact demonstrates expanded and integrated use of technology. It demonstrates the use of many of the tool’s features.
!  Formatting demonstrates a professional appearance.
!  There are lesson plans with completed samples to demonstrate teaching proficiency.
!  There may be more than one artifact present and/or different grade levels may be represented.
!  The candidate demonstrates the ability to use technology as a tool to increase student learning and/or to increase the candidate’s productivity.

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