HCS/539 Version 6 / 1
Weekly Overview
Week 4
Promotion and public relations are equally important to the marketing plan. Promotion refers to how the product will be marketed or communicated within the market. Organizations must effectively inform target audiences about their products and services to develop interest. Social media is now a big part of promotion and selling techniques. In addition to traditional billboards and brochures, think about inserting a website, as well as e-mail and social networking, into your marketing plan.
Public relations involve promoting the scope of the organization’s skills and dedicated employees, such as releasing a statement or encouraging the news media to broadcast a story when a hospital wins an award, as well as crisis communication. Public relations also helps keep key management informed of change, serving as an early warning system to help anticipate trends. Public relations professionals use research and sound ethical communication techniques as principal tools.
What you will cover
1. Promotion and public relations
a. Analyze key factors influencing the selection of promotional alternatives.
1) Factors
a) Sales force
b) Campaign focus
c) Media strategy
d) Advertising strategy
e) Public relations
2) Promotional selections include the level of influence needed from soft approaches, such as awareness campaigns to customer satisfaction, which is more aggressive
3) Decision based on two elements
a) Most efficient method to reach target audience
b) Cost of use related to overall promotion budget
b. Identify effective marketing communications tools used in promoting products or services in health care.
1) Advertising
a) Media selection
b) Copy design
c) Message, slogan, branding
d) Newspapers, flyers, journals, magazines, posters, billboards
2) Sales promotion
a) Trade shows
b) Health fairs
c) Contests
d) Point of purchase materials
e) Personal selling
f) Entertainment: integrating health care messages in film, television, stage, and radio
g) Websites
h) Direct mail for sales leads, e-mail campaigns, or informative brochures
i) Social media
3) Public relations
a) Non-paid advertising
b) Controlled by an outside party
(1) Newspaper
(2) Televised news
(3) Public service announcements
c) Paid elements
(1) Any PR staff
(2) Celebrity spokespersons
(3) Personal appearances
(4) Press conferences
4) Push and pull strategies
a) Push
(1) Originates in the channel of distribution and sales
(2) Parties raise awareness and move the product forward in the market
b) Pull
(1) Originates with the consumer
(2) Direct promotional appeals create attention and interest
(3) Information reaches facility, physician, or patient who request the product
c. Explain the need for public relations in health care.
1) Creates a relationship between the promoting organization and its intended publics
2) Not aggressive, rather informational and uplifting messages
3) Promotes image in an educational fashion
4) Provides in-depth knowledge on people, places, products, and services
5) For all aspects of an organization, including employees, community, financial and news community, consumers, and health care practitioners
6) Informs target audiences that product, service, or organization exists: creates leads for sales
7) Develops credibility
8) Marketing and public relations in health care
a) Overlap between the functions of marketing and public relations
(1) Market research
(2) Fundraising
(3) Organizational image assessment
(4) Answering and addressing questions
(5) Developing a media strategy
(6) Ethical practices, patient privacy, and socially responsible practices apply
b) Some distinct differences between marketing and public relations
(1) Does not involve the following:
(a) New program or service development
(b) Market assessment
(c) Program pricing
(2) Involves developing many promotional pieces delineated by the marketing plan and team
(3) Acts as a bellwether to test the value of the product or service
(4) Anticipates changes and trends
d. Determine effective utilization strategies for social media in health care.
1) Website capabilities including banners, buttons, pop-up ads and e-mail blasts
2) Video: show live procedures
3) Conduct training
4) Improve health and wellness
5) Communicate news and information
6) Finding and keeping quality staff
7) Consumers: social media
a) Promotion
b) Data collection
c) Education
d) Monitoring
e) Relationship building
f) Notification
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