Bohannon Curriculum Vitae

Jeanne Law Bohannon, PhD


Websites: www.rhetoricmatters.org, www.growthb4grades.edublogs.org

770.757.3265 (cell)


Ph.D. English, specialization in Rhetoric and Composition, Georgia State University, 2012

M.Ed. Teaching & Learning, Western Governors University, 2006.

B.A. Speech and Rhetoric, Georgia State University, 1995.

Areas of specialization

Multimodal Writing and Research Praxis

Experimental/Project-Based Learning for Digital Literacies

Functional Grammar for e-Authoring

Socio-Linguistic Recoveries of Marginalized Communities

Rhetorical Theory

Feminist Archival and Historigraphic Rhetorical Methodologies

Critical Composition Theory, Research, and Praxis

Digital Literacies Praxis in Undergraduate Humanities

19th-Century American Literature and Rhetorics

Relevant Employment

Asst. Professor of English, Department Digital Writing and Media Arts

Southern Polytechnic State University (Current)

Writing Center Consultant, Southern Polytechnic State University (Current)

Asst. Director, Center for Student Success Reinhardt University (RU) (2012-2013)

Coordinator, Early Identification/Early Intervention Program, RU (2012-2013)

Instructor of English, RU (2011-2013)

Advanced Teaching Fellow, Georgia State University (2009-2012)

Faculty Technical Liaison, Bedford/St. Martins Press, Georgia State University (2010-2012)

Research Associate, Geechee Lexical Heritage Project, Georgia State University (2010-2011)

Public Affairs and Legislative Policy Consultant, Georgia Department of Agriculture

Speechwriter, Public Affairs Coordinator, Georgia Department of Natural Resources


“Here in the To-day, Forgotten in the To-morrow: Re-membering and Re-covering the Feminist Rhetorics of 19th-century Actress and Author Adah Menken, Chair: Dr. Mary Hocks; Committee: Dr. Lynee Gaillet and Dr. Michael Harker

Master’s Thesis

Raising Minority Writing Test Scores Through Technology Integration: An Empirical Study, Chair: Dr. Sydney Parent


Books and Journals

“Digital Griots: African American Rhetoric in a Multimedia Age: Book Review.” Composition Studies, Spring 2012.

“Writing Assessment and the Revolution in Digital Texts and Technologies: Book Review.” Kairos 16.2, 2011.

“A Woman’s Voice: Sarah Foner, Hebrew Author of the Haskalah: A Review.” Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Spring 2011, Volume 8 Number 1.

“The Evolving Challenges of Black College Students: Book Review.” Journal of Learning Communities, April 2011.

“Unmasking the Mask: Examining the Subversive Dialect of Charles Chesnutt.” Studies in the Literary Imagination, Fall 2010.

Protected Animals of Georgia. Ed., with Jennifer Anderson and Jim Ozier, 1999.

Forthcoming. “Discourse Analysis,” “Feminism,” “Constructivism.” (Three Entries). Encyclopedia of Theory, Sage Press, 2015

Other Publications

Multimodal Mondays: A Blog Project from Andrea Lunsford, 2014-2015

Extending the CCC Conversation: Reaching Publics and Informing Policies Through the Research Center: A Virtual Event, February 2011


Analyzing Caste Variations in the Lexicon of Charles Chesnutt, October 2008.


Sapelo Island Lexical Heritage Recovery Project, sapeloisland.edublogs.org/

Aspasia: The Lost Legend. http://8170.pbworks.com/w/page/1115537/Aspasia:-The-Lost-

H.B. 452, 2005-2006 Georgia General Assembly

Selected Presentations

Invited Conference Presentations and Public Addresses

Authors’ Reception Keynote Speaker, Southern Polytechnic State University, 2014

Re-visioning the Federal Writers Project for the 21st Century, Workshop panel invited by Writing Democracy, Texas A&M-Commerce; Commerce, TX, March 2011.

“Teaching with Technology: Online Platforms in the Classroom.” For Minding the Gaps:

Exploring the Places of Our Pedagogy, New Voices: Georgia State University English Graduate Conference, 2010.

Saltwater Geechee Lexical Heritage Dictionary, Sapelo Island, 2009.

Vetted Conference Presentations

From Tweets to Tales: Animating the Writing Classroom through Digital Projects, Student Success In Writing Conference, 2014.

Beautiful Evil: A Rhetorical Recovery of 19th Century Actor and Author Adah Issacs Menken, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 2013.

Here in the (To)Day, Forgotten in the (To)Morrow: Recovering the Feminist Rhetorics of 19th-century Author and Actress Adah Isaacs Menken, College English Association, 2014.

Uncovering Feminist Performances: Archival Research Reveals Agendas, Identities, and the Gendered Spaces in the 19th and 20thCentury, Feminisms and Rhetorics, Minnesota State University, 2011.

Digital Pedagogy Special Session, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 2011.

Averting a Lexical Apocalypse: Recovering Saltwater Geechee Heritage through the Works of Cornelia Walker Bailey, Southern Culture Association, Auburn University-Montgomery, 2011.

Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Democratizing a First Year Composition Classroom to Recover and Digitally Archive Marginalized Immigrant and Refugee Rhetorics, Writing Democracy, Texas A&M-Commerce, 2011.

Look-Speak, See-Hear: Digitally Documenting the Experiences of Third World Women Immigrants, Southeast Women’s Studies Association, Georgia State University, 2011.

Averting A Lexical Apocalypse: Recovering the Saltwater Geechee Creole, Kennesaw State University, 2011.

Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Recovering the Rhetorics of Marginalized Immigrant Populations, Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2011.

Writing, Community, and Materiality In Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition, with Laura Howard, Computers &Writing, University of Michigan, 2011.

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Differently: A Nested Analysis of Girls, Writing, and Technology, Computers & Writing, Purdue University, 2010.

Penning a Science Narrative: Using WAC to Raise Test Scores, Indiana University, 2010.

Recovering Local, Marginalized Voice Through Community-University Collaborations, Double Session, with Shannon Carter, Jim Conrad, Deborah Mutnick, Laurie Grobman, Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2010.

Text the Teacher: Practicing E-Class in Freshman Composition, South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA), 2010.

Analyzing the Subversive Dialect of Uncle Julius, Southern Literary Symposium, Southern Methodist University, 2009.

The Twisted Vine: Coded Subversion in the Lexicon of Charles Chesnutt, Southeast Conference On Linguistics (SECOL), 2009.

Integrating Writing Tasks into A Science Curriculum, Georgia Council of Teachers of English (GCTE), 2009.

Unmasking the Mask: Analyzing Caste Variations in the Lexicon of Charles W. Chesnutt, New Voices Conference, Georgia State University, 2008.

Teaching Experience

Invited Guest Lectures

“Preparing Your Paper for Symposiums.” For SYE 4900, SPSU, 2014

“Writing for Academics: How to Pass the English 099 Exit Exam.” For all sections of English 099, Reinhardt University, 2012-2013.

“Beyond Dialect: Analyzing Charles Chesnutt’s Subversive Words.” For African American Literature course, Reinhardt University, 2013.

“Beyond CMS: Teaching Creatively with Course Management Software.” For Bedford/St. Martins Press, Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), 2011.

“Teaching Primary Research with Critical Pedagogy,” for Lynee Gaillet’s Advanced

Composition course, GSU, 2010 and 2011.

Using Prezi to Present Composition Theory.” English 8170 (Composition Theory), GSU, 2011.

“Teaching with CompClass in First Year Writing.” Webinar for Bedford/St. Martins

Press, 2010, 2011.

“Mind the Slots: Grant Proposal Writing.” English 6150 (Grant Writing), GSU 2010.

“Conference Presentations: Do’s and Do Not’s.” English 8080 (Modern Grammar), GSU, 2009.

Classes Taught and/or Designed

2014 American Literature 1850s-present: African American public writing

2014 Special Topics Course “Gender Identities and Rhetoric in Digital Spaces”

2014 Special Topics Course “The History and Future of Women in STEM Fields”

2014 English 2112, World Literature Since 1600, designed and taught

2013-2014 English 1101 and English 1102, designed and taught

2013 English 272, designed and taught

2012-2013 English 099, 101, 1102, and 103 designed and taught

2011 English 101 and 1101 designed and taught

2010-2011 English 1101 and English 1102, designed and taught as primary research

2009 English 1101 taught

2010 English 1101 and English 1102, designed and taught as marginalized groups theme

Administrative Roles

Operating Working Group (OWG) “First Year Programs” Member, SPSU

Early Intervention Coordinator, Reinhardt University

Pedagogy Materials Manager, Lower Division Studies Website, Georgia State University

Technical and Editorial Support, GSU CompClass E-Class, Bedford/St. Martins Press

Research Assistant to Lower Division Studies Webmaster, Georgia State University

Sponsor and Judge, Undergraduate Research Conference, Georgia State University

Professional Development

Participant, “Domain of One’s Own Atlanta Regional Incubator,” Emory University

“The History of (Mostly) Higher Education,” #MOOCMOOC Twitter Talk, Hybrid Pedagogy

“Teaching with Desire 2 Learn (D2L),” SPSU Center for Teaching Excellence

“Advising with Degree Works,” SPSU Center for Teaching Excellence

Co-Chair, “Pedagogy: Minding the Gap, English Graduate Teaching Fall Conference,”

Georgia State University (GSU)

“Connected Communities,” Conference on College Composition and Communication:

Community Engagement, First Year Writing, Graduate Student Resources, Open Forum, Teaching with Technology

“Digital Pedagogy” Roundtable, South Atlantic Modern Languages Association

“Technology and the Profession” Professional Development Community, GSU

“Teaching with Electronic Media,” Graduate Teaching Conference, GSU

“Writing Democracy” Roundtable and Workshop, Federation of Rhetoric Symposium,

Texas A&M-Commerce


To the Profession

New Work Showcase Mentor, Society of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric, 2014-15

Local Organizing Committee and Session Chair, CCCC 2011

Registration and Wayfinding Committees, SEWSA 2011

Special Session Organizing Chair, SAMLA 2010-2011

Historian, Sigma Tau Delta, Omega Iota Chapter, 2010-2011

Session Chair, Computers & Writing 2010

Assistant to Corresponding Secretary, Charles Chesnutt Society of America, 2008-2009

To the University

CTE Teaching Presentations: Integrating Digital Praxis into Teaching, 2014

Board Member, CTE Advisory Council 2014-2015

Participant, Domain Incubator (Digital Humanities), Southern Polytechnic University 2014

Collaborator and Presenter, Women’s History Month, SPSU 2014

Poster Session Judge, PSLAMP, SPSU 2013

Participant, SPSU Research Learning Community (RLC), 2013-2014

Developer/Co-Leader, “Critical Reading for FYS Instructors,” RU 2012

Developer/Leader, English 099 Essay Exam Workshop, RU 2011-2012

Faculty Sponsor, Undergraduate Research Conference, GSU 2011-2012

Regents’ Textbook Selection Committee, GSU 2010-2011

Writing Across the Curriculum Consultant, GSU 2009-2010

To the Department

Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2014-2015

Digital Media Applications Presenter, Digital Pedagogy Workshop, SPSU 2013

Facilitator, English 099 Training Workshop, RU 2012-2013

Session Developer/Leader, CompClass Mentoring Group, GSU 2011

Graduate Caucus for New Hire Job Talks, GSU 2010-2011

Lower Division Studies Portfolio Assessment Committee, GSU 2010-2011

Session(s) Chair, New Voices Graduate English Conference, GSU 2009-2010

To the Community

Sapelo Island Linguistic Recovery Wiki, 2014

Women in STEM Wiki, 2014

DREAM Act Campus Event organizational support, 2010-2011

Sapelo Island Lexical Heritage Project, 2009-2011

Saltwater Geechee Homecoming Day Sponsor and Liaison, 2009

Dog and Cat Sterilization Program Writing Consultant, 2008-2010

Honors, Awards, Grants

Marguerite Pettes Murphy Award for Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year,

Georgia State University, 2011

Advanced Teaching Fellowship, Georgia State University, 2011-2012

“Multi-model Instructional Grant.” Information and Technology, 2010-2011.

New Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year, Georgia State University, 2010.

Graduate Scholar Travel Fellowship, Computers & Writing, 2010.

Writing Consultant WAC Travel Grant, Georgia State University, 2009.


Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition

Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC)

College English Association (CEA)

National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA)

Sigma Tau Delta, Omega Iota Chapter

South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA)

Southeastern Women’s Studies Association (SEWSA)

Digital Writing and teaching Skills

Fluency: Blackboard Utilities, Desire 2 Learn, CompClass Electronic Course Platform, Prezi, Skype, Web CT, Word Press, PBWorks, Go To Meeting, IMovie