Champaign County Continuum of Care


Team Name (circle / highlight one):
FULL CoC CSPH PIT Workgroup HMIS Committee
Compliance & Monitoring Committee Membership Committee Executive Committee Other: ______/ Date:
October 18, 2017
Start time:
Meeting location:
Brookens Administrative Center – RPC Conference Room 2 / End time:
Meeting Leader:
Lisa / Recorder:
Katie Harmon / Lisa, Mike, Kelly, Jean, Andi, Katie H.
Guest: Anna Lane, HACC


Topic / Presenter / Status/Update / Action(s) taken / action(s) assigned)
Discussion of prayer during CSPH Meeting on 10/3 / Group / Discussion / Concern was expressed by a CSPH member agency regarding including prayer during a CSPH meeting because it may be exclusionary for individuals with various faiths and beliefs. Two options were discussed – 1) begin meetings with a moment of silence as necessary; 2) invite members, after the adjournment of the meeting, to stay after for prayer. Mike agreed to present these options to the CSPH chair.
HMIS Bed Inventory / Lisa / Discussion / It is important to report bed inventory updates in HMIS to RPC, so they can report information accurately in the COC NOFA and AHAR. This was agreed to be added as an agenda item to the next full COC meeting.
System Performance Measures/Strategic Work Groups / Lisa/Katie / Discussion / Katie will work on developing /identifying strategic work groups that are in line with HUD system performance measures. This will be added as an agenda item to the next full COC meeting.
Point In Time Survey / Mike / Follow Up From Last Executive Committee Meeting / Sarah Whalen from Courage Connection will coordinate the PIT this year with guidance from the COC Executive Committee. Discussion took place around training for volunteers and identifying appropriate places to target for the count.
SOAR Application / Lisa / Discussion / Cunningham Township is interested in submitting an application to HUD for SOAR TA training. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR) Technical Assistance Center is accepting applications from Continuums of Care (CoCs) that have not yet participated in the federally sponsored SOAR Technical Assistance Program.
Terms for Executive Committee Members / Group / Discussion/Term Identified / The following term end dates were discussed and agreed upon for executive committee members:
Jean – September 2019 (2 year term)
Kelly – September 2018 (1 year term)
Mike – indefinite
Lisa – September 2018 (1 year term)
Andi – September 2019 (2 year term)
COC Planning / Lisa / Discussion / Priorities for Katie to work on for the COC are as follows:
·  Look at other nearby COC’s to evaluate success if we were to merge with another COC
·  Set up strategic workgroups in line with HUD’s system performance measures
·  Assist with getting the monitoring committee re-established
·  Update binders for COC Executive Committee members
ESG Funding Priorities / Group / Discussion / The group agreed to begin to plan for establishing the CoC Board’s approach for funding priorities for ESG at the next executive committee meeting with the plan to use the February meeting to determine the procedure to apply.
December full COC Meeting / Group / Discussion / The group decided not to have a December full COC meeting.