PTO Meeting Minutes held on April 9, 2013Submitted by: Kelly Santolucito

  1. Accept PTO Minutes from March Meeting:

Motion to amend March mtg minutes: vote did not take place during March Meeting for half of Box Top earnings to go to library, only a discussion took place. Vote took place at April meeting andmajority agreed to use half of Box Top earnings for library.

  1. Treasurer Report:

Mr. Gasbarro provided PTO with an update on the budget. Reports that budget is still frozen. In planning for next school year, focus is on restoring trust and transparency across the 5 towns. Mr. Gasbarro reports that they have proposed for half time coverage for school library in next year’s budget. Also, Foreign Language and Related Arts will remain intact. Questions were raised regarding to class size. Mr. Gasbarro and Mr. McCall report that there are no caps for class size, only recommendations.

Update on Superintendent’s search: School committee vote takes place in April and then search committee will be determined.

  1. Community/Fundraising:

Teacher Appreciation – Scheduled for May 1st (Half day). Setup volunteers scheduled to come in from 10:30-11:30. Cleanup volunteers will come in at 1:00. Contact Julie McDonald with questions.

Community Reading Day – postponed until next school year.

Panther Run Update – Great turnout afterschool with student runners. Still in need of volunteers on Race day. To date, 210 runners have registered for 5K, 86 children have registered. We can expect an additional 100-150 runners to register the day of the 5K. Discussion was raised that the first day of T-ball is 4/27 at 9:00, which may interfere with 1 mile Fun Run. Raffle tickets will be sold the day of the 5K. Contact person: Diane Rocha.

Volunteer List – Susan Horton and Kelly Santolucito will generate and distribute this list at the beginning of the next school year.

PTO Structure Form – distributed at meeting. Members will fill out form and return it to meeting in May.

Monette Magic Show – 4th grade fundraising event was a success.

  1. Teacher Input:

Very impressed and happy with organization of PTO. Discussion raised regarding teacher request for classroom supplies made quarterly versus 1x per year. Mrs. Norton made request of PTO for an increase in classroom dollars for each teacher. This will be put on May agenda. Grade level PTO reps. can check in with teachers a couple times per year to find out what their supply needs are.

  1. Upcoming Events:

Field Day – discussion tabled until May meeting.

6th grade dance – 6th grade parents would like to coordinate this before end of school year.

8th grade graduation – Request made for PTO funding for 8th grade graduation. PTO voted and majority agreed that $500 would be put towards 8th grade graduation.

PTO Attendance: Melissa Arvanigian, Kelly Santolucito, Julie McDonald, Jim Carlson, Cindy Moran, Sandy Gregory, Heather Larson, Joseph Scanlon (WRSD), Darryll McCall (WRSD), Anthony Gasbarro (WRSD), Lisa Reece, Deb Pillsbury, Diane Rocha, Amy Norton, Susan Horton, Kristina Pelczarski, Rachel May, Yasminka Lemic-Nadeau, Leslie Hynes, Kathi McCollumn, Jen Farley