Mid-State Special Education

Montgomery County/Carlinville Region

Region Board Meeting

September 13, 2006


The regular meeting of the Mid-State Special Education, Montgomery County/Carlinville Region Board was called to order by Chairman Kelly at 8:30 a.m. Present were Mr. Kelly, Mr. Burton, Ms. Falconer, and Mr. Juenger. Ms. Nichols and Mr. Wasson were also present.

The meeting opened with recognition of visitor Alison Boutcher, assistant director of Mid-State Special Education Christian Region and future Director of Mid-State Special Education Co-op after Mr. Wasson’s retirement in June, 2007.

A motion by Mr. Burton, seconded by Ms. Falconer, approving the minutes of the August 15, 2006 meeting carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

The financial report, statement of position, and bills were presented and discussed.

A motion by Ms. Falconer, seconded by Mr. Juenger, to approve the financial report and bills carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A lengthy discussion occurred regarding the Budget for the current year. There was some confusion regarding exactly which version of the budget was to be approved at this meeting. Ms. Vancil, Mr. Wasson, and Ms. Nichols answered several questions from the Board regarding the budget. Mr. Burton strongly suggested that the auditor be called in as soon as possible and spend as much time as necessary to help the MC/C Region analyze their very large deficit and develop a plan to get out of debt and stop deficit spending. A great deal of discussion occurred about these issues. Ms. Vancil presented several spreadsheets to assist the board members in analyzing different aspects of the budget.

A motion made by Mr. Burton, seconded by Ms. Falconer, to approvethe budget as presented with adjustments made at the September 13, 2006 Board meeting carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Ms. Falconer, seconded by Mr. Burton, to enter into Executive Session carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay at 11:20 a.m.

At 11:35 a.m. Executive Session ended and the meeting returned to open session.

A motion made by Mr. Juenger, seconded by Mr. Burton, to grant a 3% raise to behavior specialist Webb Fuller carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Ms. Falconer, seconded by Mr. Juenger, to accept the resignation of non-certified staff member Cathy Butler carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Mr. Burton, seconded by Ms. Falconer, to hire a registered nurse for Sihler Pre-K in Litchfield to attend to one student who is turning three years old and has profoundly significant medical needs carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Ms. Falconer, seconded by Mr. Burton, to hire Kim Herschelman as the registered nurse for Sihler Pre-K for 2 hours per day to begin with the potential to increase up to 4 hours per day if the student can handle it carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

A motion made by Mr. Juenger, seconded by Ms. Falconer, to hire the following non-certified, highly qualified personnel: Nichole Brown to fill a vacancy at JD Colt Elementary School 7 hours per day 5 days per week carried by a roll call vote of 4 yes 0 nay.

Assistant Director’s Report

Ms. Nichols shared a report summarizing the positive comments from the Judy Woods in-service that Mid-State Special Education MC/C Region hosted. Ms. Nichols reported that upcoming trainings for staff will include Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction with Reading Mastery, CPI Training, and Illinois Alternate Assessment writing pilot training for grades 3, 5, 6, 8, and 11. IAA portfolio training has already occurred.

Ms. Nichols reported that she and the coordinators have scheduled and attended several IEP meetings. The coordinators have been to every building numerous times and the behavior specialists have been monitoring a number of students in all four school districts.

Ms. Falconer asked if there were any future in-services scheduled on intervention training and the upcoming new regulations regarding referring children for special ed. services. Ms. Falconer requested Ms. Nichols research any opportunities for trainings on this issue and forward that information to her at the Panhandle school district.

Mr. Wasson stated that he would be coming around with Alison Boutcher to every building in every district in the MC/C Region to formally introduce her as the new upcoming Director over the next few months.

A motion made by Ms. Falconer seconded by Mr. Juenger, adjourned the meeting at 11:50 a.m.