- Type of organization
- Informal group Yes No, if YES go to next
- Formal legal entity Yes
- For profit cooperative Yes
- Nonprofit NGO Yes
- LTD Yes
- Shareholder Yes
- Daughter companies or legal entities founded or owned by the organization, Yes, please explain ______
- Main activities of the organization
- Currently main activity
- Joint services Yes (Mechanization, irrigation, facilities)
- Procurement of inputs Yes(discounts, delayed payment)
- Sales of produce Yes
- Benefits and subsidies Yes (Government of donations)
- Loans and credits Yes (Cash, Inputs)
- Other ______
- Main reason for forming of the organization
- Joint services Yes (Mechanization, irrigation, facilities)
- Procurement of inputs Yes(discounts, delayed payment)
- Sales of produce Yes
- Benefits and subsidies Yes (Government of donations)
- Loans and credits Yes (Cash, Inputs)
- Other ______
- Assets/Property of the organization
- Mechanization, describe ______, value in __ ‘000 GEL
- Facilities, describe ______, value in __ ‘000 GEL
- Other assets , describe ______, value in __ ‘000 GEL
- Responsibility of the organization/members
- Towards government (criminal and revenue services)
- Elected /Delegated responsible persons/management Yes
- Joint, all members share responsibilities Yes
- Guaranteeing with assets of the organization Yes
- Guarantying with assets of all members Yes
- Towards buyers and commerce laws
- Elected /Delegated responsible persons/management Yes
- Joint, all members share responsibilities Yes
- Guaranteeing with assets of the organization Yes
- Guarantying with assets of all members Yes
- Towards creditors and suppliers
- Elected /Delegated responsible persons/management Yes
- Joint, all members share responsibilities Yes
- Guaranteeing with assets of the organization Yes
- Guarantying with assets of all members Yes
- Legal activities of the organization from inception
- Cases with legal actions initiated by the organization No._____
- Cases with legal actions against the organization No._____
- Managing of the organization
- Self-management by all members
- All members vote on all issues Yes
- Members elect/delegate organization members as management Yes
- Members elect bodies within the organization Yes
List ______
- Provide duration of mandate of delegated persons/bodies ______years
- Reelection required , or automatic prolongation of mandates of delegated persons and bodies within the organization is possible
- Professional management , paid by ______
- Control of the organization, beyond tax issues
- Control bodies elected by members Yes
- External control used Yes
- Control/review as part of the operating procedures Yes
- Number of members
- How many members the organization has now ___.
- How many members the organization had 3 years ago ___, 5 years ago ___ and 10 ___ years ago
- Do you distinguish different types of members Yes No, if No go to next
- Active and passive Yes
- On basis of participation in the organization Yes
- On basis of voting and decision making rights Yes
- On basis of ownership and division of income Yes
- List differences between types of members Yes
- List responsibilities of the members towards the organization/each other (membership fee paid, delivery of production for sales, use of services etc.)
- What percentage of the households in the community are members ______%
- How many communities does the group collectively cover ______
- Membership fees/contributions
- Is there membership fees paid
- On entrance, Yes, how much __ GEL
- Monthly Yes, how much __ GEL
- Annual Yes, how much __GEL
- Membership fees are paid in cash , on bank account , in kind
- Total annual income from membership fees __GEL/annum
- Use of the membership fees for:
- Salaries Yes
- Running costs Yes
- Activities Yes
- Investments Yes
- Decision of use of membership fees, is made by ______
- Members are aware/able to get details on use of paid membership fees Yes
- Enrolling new members
- The association open to all that want to join Yes
- Are there prerequisites for joining, (ownership, status, production size ) which candidates have to meet prior joining , please describe any prerequisites ______
- Is there an appeal/applying process for joining Yes, describe ______
- Is there a joining review/acceptance procedure Yes, describe ______
- Does the joining process include endorsements Yes No, if No go to next
- Unanimous by all members Yes
- by the majority of members Yes
- by the management Yes
- Excluding or limiting members
- Is there a procedure for excluding members Yes
- Does the exclusion process include endorsements Yes No, if No go to next
- by all members Yes
- by the majority of members Yes
- by the management Yes
- automatic if responsibilities are not met Yes
- Is membership permanent regardless of meeting responsibilities Yes No, if YES go to next
- Membership expires if not renewed Yes
- Membership on hold if contribution is not paid Yes
- Certain rights lost if members responsibilities are not met Yes, and list consequences ______
- How many members have been excluded/limited up to now ______
- Membership registry
- Exists Yes No, if No go to next
- Is it renewed on annual/monthly basis Yes
- Registry available to members and/or others
- Responsible for maintaining of the registry is ______
- Registry is kept by the ______
- What percent of the organization members are women ______
- Rights of owners/founders and members
- Are there differences in rights between the owners/founders and the rest of the members
- Please explain ______
- Can one member through increase participation reach a higher level in the organization or part of the ownership , please explain ______
- Are there differences between different members
- Please explain ______
- Can one member through increase participation reach a higher level in the organization , please explain ______
- Management / Members and training
- Has the management/members and the organization as whole ever received specialized advice/training on: Management of Farmer Organizations , Democracy in Farmers Organizations or other ______
- Does the management have any formal degree or at least training on Economy , Management , Markets and Marketing
- Does the management or any of the members have a degree or at least training on Agronomy , Plant Protection , Livestock , Veterinary Medicine, Integrated Pest Management , or other relevant technical knowledge ______
- Voting system and voting rights
- For decisions that concern all members do you use a voting system
- One member one vote Yes
- Different voting right per size of share in the organization or participation in the activities Yes
- Voting through representatives of groups (village representatives, group representatives etc. Yes
- On average what is the turnout for voting in ____% of the total members
- How long does it take to organize voting and agree on decision _____ days
- Type of voting
- Open declaration by raising of hands or confirmation of will Yes
- Anonymous with ballots Yes
- Other, please describe ______
- Members of our group are willing and able to assume responsibilities when delegated Yes
- Meetings and regularity of meetings
- Does the organization hold regular meetings with delegated representatives and members
- How many times per year do delegated representatives meet ______times
- How many times per year do all members meet _____ times
- Are records kept from the meetings Yes
- How do you inform the delegated representatives and members of the upcoming meetings, decisions, news etc.
- Personally, ether by responsible persons/ management , or through delegated representatives
- By telephone, ether by responsible persons/ management , or through delegated representatives
- By notification board/s , please describe where they are placed ______
- Effectiveness of meetings
- Our meetings are very productive Yes
- Our meetings are not very productive Yes
- Our meetings are sometimes very productive. Yes
- Complaints and conflict mitigation
- Is there a complaint receipt, review and complaints system in place for the activities of members of the organization Yes No, if No go to next
- Is exclusion from the organization a possible outcome Yes
- Are non-members able to submit complaints Yes
- Is there a system for conflict mitigation between members, for issues which are not a direct concern of the organization, but with potential consequences Yes No, if No go to next
- Please describe ______
- Is exclusion from the organization a possible outcome Yes
- What is the track record for conflict mitigation
- There are many conflicts Yes, or few conflicts among members Yes
- Are the conflicts restricted to certain individuals or groups within the organization Yes
- How are conflicts resolved
- usually fairly quickly resolved Yes
- the group may be able to resolve them Yes
- the group is not effective in resolving them Yes
- Internal Management System and Rulebooks
- Beyond the statute of the organization is there any other write document on rules within the organization Yes No, if No go to next
- Please elaborate, QMS , Rulebook , Code of Conduct , Other ______
- How are new members informed on all the decisions and rules of the organization, please describe ______
- Changes in the organization
- Has the membership or leadership of the farmers‟ organization changed in the last 5 years Yes and since inception Yes?
- Has the organization changed during the past year (e.g., many new members, lots of members leaving, more men/women members or in leadership positions, etc.) in the last 5 years Yes and since inception Yes
- Joint input supply Yes No, if No go to next
- Have you established agreements to buy commodities from specific suppliers Yes
- From retailers Yes
- From wholesalers Yes
- Importing their own Yes
- Number of items acquired through joint supply ___
- Total value of annual joint input supply __‘000 GEL, on organization or member level ,and __No of members/annum jointly procuring
- Joint access to credits/advances for investments or until harvest
- Commercial Banks Yes
- Projects and other subsidized credit sources Yes
- Agricultural and other input suppliers (retail or wholesale) Yes
- Buyers Yes
- The organization itself
- Amount of obtained credits __’000 GEL/annum, in cash or in kind on organization or member level , __No of members/annum
- Has the access to credits improved Yes, or worsened Yes, in the past few years
- Availability of credits and advances Yes No, if No go to next
- Available to all members Yes
- Available to certain members Yes
- Collateral required Yes, how much _’000 GEL/annum
- Provision of credits to members by the organization Yes No, if No go to next
- Funds Yes,how much __’000 GEL/annum
- Services Yes,how much__’000 GEL/annum
- Inputs Yes,how much__’000 GEL/annum
- Technical support to members, trainings and education Yes No, if No go to next
- Advice type (check applicable, one per each advice provided)
- On production (technical) Yes
- organizational/managerial and accountancy level Yes
- Availability of technical support (check applicable, one per each advice provided)
- Constant/regular Yes
- Seasonal availability Yes
- Ad-hoc availability Yes
- Origin of the technical support
- Organization, costs covered by the organization (employee)
- Other, costs covered by Project/Donor , Input supplier, Buyer,
- Joint services Yes No, if No go to next (check applicable items, give description)
- Mechanization/Machinery services Yes ______
- Post-harvest and transport related services Yes ______
- Labor related services Yes ______
- Administrative services (accountancy, cost benefit, registration , status and tax related)
Yes ______
- Market and marketing related services Yes ______
- Application for credits, donor support, subsidy etc. Yes ______
- Agricultural pharmacy exists Yes No, if No go to next
- Access
- Open only to members Yes
- Open to the general population Yes
- Benefits
- Offers discounts to members Yes
- Offers credited inputs to members Yes
- Provides revenues to members Yes
- Provides revenues to the organization Yes
- Provision of technical advice on selection of inputs
- Field visits and control Yes
- Involvement in IPM and Quality/Safety Assurance Standards Yes
- Cost benefits of agricultural production exists Yes No, if No go to next
- Farm accountancy recording
- on member level exists Yes
- on organization level exists Yes
- Farm cost benefit and profitability of activities analysis
- on member level exists Yes
- on organization level exists Yes
- Bookkeeping on activities and incomes
- Bookkeeping on earnings, costs and revenues (yearend accounting)
- Exists Yes, On member level Yes, On organization level Yes
- Is provided to the revenue services Yes
- Is adopted by members/organization Yes
- Ability to organize activities
- The organization has adequate funds and resources for its desired activities Yes
- The organization has reserve for contingencies. Yes
- The organization is able to mobilize funds or resources for most activities Yes
- The organization is not able to mobilize funds or resources for its activities. Yes
- Marketing of products
- Every man for himself find buyers Yes
- Members support identification of buyers and organization of sales Yes
- Organization’s management supports organizing sales Yes
- Organization’s management finds buyers Yes
- Market available without need for any activities on organization level Yes
- Sales of products
- Quantity of sales
- Quantity of sales per farmer in ____ tons and ____‘000 GEL/annum
- Quantity of sales as farmer organization in ___tons and ____‘000 GEL/annum
- Every member sells individually in every sense Yes
- Every member sells individually, but information (on quantities, prices, quality criteria and buyout) are shared for easier sales Yes
- Organized buyout by the farmer organization Yes
- What is the organization cost for this in total, or per member in ____‘000 GEL
- Organized buyout by buyer Yes
- Delivery to buyer without prior organizational arrangements Yes
- What are the major obstacles for marketing commodities and getting a good price? ______
- Have these changed over the past 5 years. Yes
- Buyers and contracts
- Written contracts with buyers (continuous or seasonal) in ‘0 Tons/Annum Yes
- What were the obstacles to fulfilling the contracts ______
- Verbal contracts with regular buyers (permanent or seasonal) ‘0 Tons/Annum Yes
- Verbal agreement for general cooperation in accordance to market conditions Yes
- Fixed prices, quantities, delivery deadlines included Yes
- Approximate prices, quantities and delivery on basis of previous experience Yes
- Completely open on basis of market conditions Yes
- Ad hock traders, set the rules Yes
- Sales to
- Retail sales handled by each member (green markets) Yes
- Local buyer available to all villagers (seasonal or permanent trader, processor) Yes
- Remote buyer available to all villagers (seasonal traveling traders) Yes
- Local buyer available to all members (collection center, trader, processor) Yes
- Remote buyer available to all villagers (processing factory) Yes
- Remote buyer available to members (shops in cities, supermarkets) Yes
- Local or remote buyers available only to individual members (groceries in cities, greenmarkets etc.) Yes
- Sales through
- joint organization account in ____‘000 GEL/annum
- individual member’s account in ____‘000 GEL/annum
- cash payments to the organization and distribution to members in ____‘000 GEL
- cash payments to individual members in ____‘000 GEL
- invoicing and forwarding/receipt documentation issued Yes
- Number and type of donations received since establishment
- Equipment_____ time/s, a total of _____ pieces
- Mechanization_____ time/s, a total of _____ pieces
- Facilities in _____ time/s, a total of _____ ‘0 m2/m3
- Technical support
- Improvement of products_____ time/s
- Finding markets and improvement of marketing_____ time/s
- Production technology_____ time/s
- Organization aspects _____ time/s
- Field visits
- In Georgia_____ time/s
- Abroad_____ time/s
- Approximate value of received donations in ‘000 GEL
- Type ______and ______‘ 000 GEL
- Type ______and ______‘ 000 GEL
- Type ______and ______‘ 000 GEL
- Number of donors that provided support and amount per donor
- ______‘ 000 GEL
- ______‘ 000 GEL
- ______‘ 000 GEL
- Ownership of provided donations
- All members Yes
- Group of members Yes
- One member Yes
- Management Yes
- Organization Yes
- Use of provided donations
- All members Yes
- Group of members Yes
- One member Yes
- Management Yes
- Responsibility for the donation
- Delegated member , the management , no responsibility
- The donor/implementer preformed ____ controls, with a frequency of _____ controls/annum (for finished projects).
- Total Turnover of the organization
- Turnover through the organization account in ____‘000 GEL/annum, including sales, memberships, donations etc.
- Average turnover per member in ____‘000 GEL/annum when not sold through the organization
- Total costs for running of the organization
- Number of paid staff ______and total salaries in ____‘000 GEL/annum
- Offices and facilities costs in ____‘000 GEL/annum
- Maintenance and other costs in ____‘000 GEL/annum
- Net income for the organization
- Total net income of the organization in ____‘000 GEL/annum
- Who decides on the use of the net income of the organization, members, management, jointly.
- For which purpose the net income is used usually, sharing and distributing as income to the members , salaries and running costs of the organization , investments in production , investments in joint facilities, services and equipment , other ______
- Is the organization registered for payment of VAT Yes
- Are any of the members registered for payment of VAT, presuming you have legal entities as members and individual entrepreneurs Yes
- Procurement
- Does the organization pay VAT during:
- procurement of inputs and services for its own needs Yes
- procurement of inputs and services on behalf of its members Yes
- Do the members pay VAT during procurement of inputs and services Yes
- Claiming VAT
- Is the organization able to claim VAT on procured inputs and services Yes
- procurement of inputs and services for its own needs Yes
- procurement of inputs and services on behalf of its members Yes
- Do the members claim VAT during procurement of inputs and services Yes
- Sales and VAT
- Is the organization able to sell the production of its members Yes
- Is the organization required to first formally buy the production of its members and then sell it further to the final buyers Yes
- Is the organization entitled to windrow cash for buyout of produce from its members Yes
- During sales of products through the organization account, is the organization required to show/pay VAT Yes
- During sales of products through the members accounts/or in cash, are the members required to show/pay VAT Yes
- Sales format
- Is the organization able to handle sales on behalf of its members Yes
- Sales of products by the organization are possible
- No, only payments through the account Yes
- Only if fiscal bill is issued, and daily sales are transferred to the account Yes
- Without any limitations, provided appropriate documentation is kept Yes
- Without any limitations or requirements Yes
- Sales of products by the individual members are possible
- No, only payments through the account Yes
- Only if fiscal bill is issued, and daily sales are transferred to the account Yes
- Without any limitations, provided appropriate documentation is kept Yes
- Without any limitations or requirements Yes
- Income tax
- Are the employees/management of the organization required to pay income tax of revenues obtained from the organization Yes
- Are the members required to pay income tax on revenues from sales of their production, sold through the organization Yes
- Are the members required to pay income tax on revenues from sales of their production, sold through in cash or through their own accounts Yes
- Profit tax
- Is the organization required to pay annual profit tax on earnings (net income) Yes
- Are investments and reinvestments exempted from profit taxation Yes
- Property tax
- Is the organization required to pay annual property tax (fixed assets such as land, facilities etc.) Yes
- Are the organization members required to pay annual property tax (fixed assets such as land, facilities etc.) Yes