In the movie, Kids, there were a few sexual activities. The value of these activities will be evaluated in this paper. I believe that these sexual activities were valuable; all experiences are valuable.

I believe that all experiences are valuable. Let me start by defining an experience. An experience is an event that teaches a person involved about oneself and changes the course of a person's, who is involved, life.

x is an experience iff

x teaches a person involved about oneself, and

x changes the course of a person's, who is involved, life.

Knowledge about oneself is valuable, because the knowledge is necessary to interact with other people. Changing the course of one's life is also valuable. Anything that has enough of an effect on a person's life to actually change the direction that a person is moving, must be valuable. Therefore, if knowledge about oneself is valuable and a change of direction of ones life is valuable then experiences must also be valuable, by the definition stated previously.

In the beginning of the film, Telly is talking a virgin into having sex with him. This sexual activity is an experience, because Telly learned that the only thing that he wanted out of life was to have sex with virgins, this knowledge changed the course of Telly's life; having sex with virgins was now his only goal in life. The virgin in the situation learned much about the experience, she learned that she wanted to be cared about so much that she was willing to go against her first reaction and choose to have sex with Telly; she also learned that some people lie in order to get things that they want, Telly told her that he would be gentle, the sex would not hurt, and that he cared about her; lies on all counts. This sexual activity also changed the course of the virgin's life, in that she now has HIV. Since this sexual activity taught the people involved about themselves and changed the course of their lives, this sexual activity is an experience and therefore valuable.

The encounter in the pool between the two girls, was a sexual activity. The girls learned that their performance of sexually explicit actions does lead to peer approval, but also leads to them being treated as sexual objects instead of people. I think that by learning this information these girls will choose to not bend to peer pressure and will allow this experience to guide them in future situations. This sexual activity taught the people involved about themselves and changed the course of their lives, this sexual activity is an experience and therefore valuable.

The sexual activity between Telly and Darcy, was also an experience. Telly learned that the only thing that he valued in life was having sex with virgins. Telly realised that he had nothing of value to cling to in his life, except his life choice of sex. This was his only path in life. Darcy learned that she wanted acceptance more than she wanted to obey her mother. Darcy new path in life was to live with HIV. This sexual activity definitly was an experience and was therefore valuable.

The sexual activity between Jenny and Casper was an experience. From this activity Casper learned that he was willing to rape a girl, just for the pleasure of sex. This activity also changed the course of Casper's life because he will have to live a life with HIV. I think that Jenny learned that the situations that she has put herself in has put her in danger. She has learned that people are not to be trusted. I think that her life will change direction, in that she will no longer be involved in this group of people and that she will try to stay alive as long as possible, meaning no longer interacting with drugs and partying. This sexual activity thus qualifies as an experiment, and is therefore valuable.

These are all of the sexual activities in Kids, since all of these activities are experiences, all of the sexual activities in Kids are valuable.

1) If an activity is an experience, then it has value

2) All of the sexual activities in Kids are experiences

c) Therefore, all of the sexual activites in Kids are valuable.