Present: Councillor D Otter, Chairman. Cllrs Barthorpe, Fletcher, and Doney.
In attendance: Mr J W Haddon, Parish Clerk, PCSO Airey (part), Cnty Cllr Yates (part) and Dist Cllr Sutton & 5 members of the public.
16/022 Apologies for Absence
Received from Cll Knight (work) and Cllr Smith (Holiday)
16/023 Declaration of Interests & Applications for Dispensation
There were no declarations of interest.
16/024 Minutes of a Meeting of the Council
Resolved: That the minutes of a meeting of the Council, held on 9th May 2016 be approved as a correct record. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
16/025 Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
16/026 To Receive Reports from Police, District and County Cllrs.
Dist Cllr Sutton reported on the ongoing matters that were still under discussion with respect to Gypsy Corner.
Cnty Cllr Yates updated the Parish Council on the new Highways Co; VIA, and what the current situation was with regard to the proposed devolution, mentioning that a consultation was still available on the County’s website.
PCSO Airey’s said that there had been 3 crimes reported for Hayton, 2 burglary other and 1 vehicle damage.
PCSO Airey was asked to arrange for Sgt Croft to attend the next PC meeting (5 Sept) if possible to explain speeding issues.
16/027 Correspondence
(a) NCC, document on proposed seasonal byway closures, (b) letter on First Aid Courses, (c) SLCC, details of 2016-2018 Salary Award
Resolved: All items were noted, with item (c) agenderised for Sept meeting.
16/028 Community Led Plan
Clerk reported that we were still awaiting confirmation from Solicitor that Gypsy Field had been registered with the Land Registry.
16/029 Finance
Resolved: That the following accounts be approved for payment:
(i) Melwood Studios, Feb Newsletter - £38.00; Chq 0832
(ii) LC Printing, June Newsletter - £100.00; Chq 0833
(iii) Nth Notts Landscapes, Grasscutting - £770.40; Chq 0834
(v) E.On, Electricity - £16.95; Chq 0835
(vi) J W Haddon, Salary May/June - £353.40; Chq 0836
(vii) Notts ALC, LCR Magazine - £17.00; Chq 0837
(viii) Isle of Axholme, Land Drainage fees - £13.12; Chq 0838
(ix) J W Haddon, Website Hosting - £44.93; Chq 0839
(x) Clarborough V H, Room Hire - £20.00; Chq 840
(x) P Pryar, Noticeboard repairs - £83.16; Chq 0842 (chq841 cancel)
Cheques were raised, signed and the accounts agreed for payment.
Balances on the account were agreed at: Current a/c - £15,037.92
16/030 Parish Fields & Associated Works
Clr Otter reported that the Millenium Field would need some end of year work doing to it to keep it from becoming too overgrown.
16/031 Interactive Speed Signs
Clerk gave a brief report from the information he had received from Notts CC (Sean Parks); in essence it appeared that whilst speeds through Hayton were sufficient to warrant signs, the number of vehicles at peak hour (94) were insufficient, as the recommendation is 250.
The type of sign which Cllr Smith had noted was not of a type that Notts CC were prepared to maintain.
The option for Hayton PC to purchase their own signs was still a viability.
It was pointed out that there was a ISS situated at Welham which probably got less traffic through it than Hayton. Cllr Sutton said she would look into this and report back.
16/032 Highways & Footpaths
Mr H Oates’ report reiterated the proposed seasonal Byway closures and mentioned the changes within the Highways Dept and ROW Teams.
A discussion around the state of Tiln Lane, the creation of passing places had been raised with Cllr Otter. As a resident of Tiln, Cllr Doney commented that it would probably be of more benefit if the lane was properly resurfaced.
Resolved: Clerk to write to Highways
16/033 Planning
The following planning applications were considered, it was felt that there was no need to raise any issues on any of the applications.
(a) 16/00693/HPD – Petriburg, 6 Main St, erect single storey rear extension – General Permitted Development (Approval)
(b) 16/00662/LBA – The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, replace conservatory with orangery – Pending Consideration
(c) 16/00632/FUL – Hayton Lakes, erect single storey units for fish rearing, refreshments and storage – Pending Consideration
(d) 16/00397/CTP – Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use for a Loft Conversion, including Dormer & Velux Windows.
Fieldfare, 98 Main Street – Pending Consideration
(e) 16/00346/HSE – Erect 2 storey side extension with front lobby, renovate conservatory to rear, erect detached single garage to side
Dovedale, 63 Main Street – Pending Consideration
16/034 Urgent Matters of Concern
The Clerk reported that Cllr Burton had resigned his position and that there was now a vacancy on the Parish Council.
16/035 Dates of Future Meetings
Proposed future meetings to be held on
5th Sept; 7th Nov; 9th Jan 2017; 6th March.
The meeting closed at 21.00
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