God the Father – Small Group notes

This is not a list to work through but one to pray about and choose the right questions for your Small Group. Some of these questions may create extreme reactions; be sensitive and careful with people where this is an area that has caused pain.

  1. Why does God use the title “Father” as a way of describing himself? Why do we describe Jesus as the “Son of God”? Why does the God choose describe the persons of the Trinity in this relational way?
  2. It was suggested that Fatherhood and Manhood is under attack in our society; do you agree or disagree; giving a reason for why you believe as you do?
  3. What are the fruits of a culture that has vilified Fathers and Headship? How can Christian Fathers be different?
  4. A number of “Father” types were described on Sunday can you name them? [List below]





•Foster Dad’s

•Adopted Dad’s

•“Uncle’s” - family friends, etc.

•Big brother

•Men who show the way

Which of these “types” of Father apply to members of your Small Group?

  1. Ask people to describe their experience of a “Father”? How has their Father helped them or hurt them? [Remember that people must feel safe to be real and so create a context for that stating that issues discussed at Small Group stay at Small Group].
  2. Read Ephesians 3:14-15 – What does this verse mean? How does God dictate what we should understand as a Father?
  3. The Aramaic word “Abba” denotes both intimacy and respect; do we approach God with both of these attitudes?
  4. It was said that we often attribute to God the Father attributes of our natural Father or our Father figure; do you agree? Ask people to share if they have ever done so. Ask people to share what they had put onto God the Father that on reflection they knew was their human Father / Father figure. [Remember that people must feel safe to be real and so create a context for that stating that issues discussed at Small Group stay at Small Group].
  5. Any good thing we see in our natural Fathers; whether they are / were believers or not are a reflection of the perfect heavenly Father – take time to thank God for all the positive memories you have of your Father / Father figure.
  6. How can declaring God to be a “good, good Father” be a springboard for telling people the gospel in a “Fatherless” generation. How would you go about doing this?