(BY Er.G.MANUNEETHI, DSE(H), C&M, Villupuram)


This is a wonderful software created by joining satellite photos taken from all parts of the world including hills, oceans etc.This geographical information helps Civil engineers in many aspects.

These photos are updated frequently to give us the present position of earth surface.

This is helpful for Transportation engineers and Town planning engineers in many ways .let we see them in detail.

1.Helpful in measuring distance of a road, building or any structure on the world surface.

2.To find the area of a particular place.

3.To find Longitude and Latitude of a particular place.

4.To find the Bearing of a line or building or alignment.

5.To find the altitude of a point on the earth .Elevation profile can be seen.

6.Reconnaisance Survey in ghatsectionandfixing bridge or road alignment.

7.3D structures of buildings (foreign countries only) are useful.

8.Cross check the levels and compass survey which were done manually.

9.Inspect the bridges in street view.

10.Find the development or changes happened in the past.

11.PHOTOScan be uploaded by anyone to Google earth.

12.Entertainment portion(Inspecting tourist spots around the world)


This is a software developed to share systems across the world. It is similar to screen mirroring.

This is very useful for the engineers of our department to discuss and analyze estimates and other issues from desk top to desk top. Thus saving valuable time and money.

The advantages are,

1. Online sharing of estimates, photos, drawings etc.

2. Voice over IP. That is voice chat with a help of mic and speakers attached to laptop or computers is possible.

3. Video chat is also available.

4. Mobile phones can also be used to connect with any computers with the help of Team Viewer.

5. Android mobile phone and other engineering applications .