
Iowa ASCD Executive Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2nd Floor – Olmsted Building on Drake Campus

3:50 – 8:00 P.M.

Directors Present: Diane Campbell, Allan Eckelman, Becky Martin, Leslie Moore, Sara Oswald, Susan Pecinovsky, Elaine Smith-Bright, Kym Stein, Veta Thode, Kevin Vidergar, Pam Vogel, Jeff Watson, Amy Wichman, Sue Wood, Jason Eillingson, Rita Martens, Amy Whittington

Directors Absent: Pam Zeigler, Cindy Swanson, Chris Welch, Jan Westerman-Beatty,Ottie Maxey

Focus on Our Group Norms: Listen for Understanding, Speak to Be Truthfully Understood, Confront the Tough Challenges, Come Prepared, Have Fun, Start on Time and End on Time, Value Diversity, Honor Confidentiality

Kevin welcomed the Directors and asked them to share our names/roles and reactions to today’s session on Backward Design with Jay McTighe.

Susan Pecinovsky moved and Jason Ellingson seconded the approval of the September Board Meeting Minutes. Motion carried.

Our balance is approximately $132,804.04. Jason Ellingson moved and Diane Campbell seconded the approval of the Financial Update as read by Kevin.

Related to Strategic Plan Action 1: Innovation and Leadership in Teaching and Learning, written updates were provided for the Fall Institute and the Fall Academy. A decision was made to drop the grade level conference for 2015. We will also consider strands from the Curriculum Academy and Summer Institute as possibilities for follow-up content for fall events.

At 5:00, Patricia Adams from Cengage/Gale provided a virtual 30-minute overview on how to access the 30 books and related articles. Board members will have access during the remainder of November and December to access them ourselves and be able to share with members the benefits of this opportunity. Members will receive access on January 1, 2015. Kevin will highlight this benefit tomorrow at Day 2 with Jay Mc Tighe.

The board agreed to go paperless at conferences. We agreed to have a dedicated page on our website for each event in order to connect to the app for each event.

A written update was shared with the board on the Curriculum Leadership Academy and discussed with the board. It will be held April 23-24, 2015. The theme is “Assessing the Core: Grading for Learning.”

A written update on the Summer Institute was shared with the board. It is being planned around five strands of high reliability organizations, and a board member is in charge of each strand: a culture for achievement (Susan); implementing the core (Rita); effective teaching (Becky); standards-based grading (Sara O); competency-based education (Jason/Lou); Bob Marzano is the keynote and closer. Lou is in talks with the Teacher Leadership Compensation Committee facilitated by the DE, and we need to consider whether/how TLC might be included in our Summer Institute, added as a separate day, or not collaborating at all. Lou will keep us updated.

Amy Wichman provided a written update to the board on Member Relations and E-Learning, which is part of the Strategic Plan Action 2. Discussion centered on beginning a membership drive from January 15-February15. Leslie Moore moved to go forward with the membership drive on those dates, with a goal of increasing by 250 members and spending no more than $2500. Susan Pecinovsky seconded. Motion carried. Amy Wichman will be in contact with board members as to next steps.

The Higher Education update was provided to the board. Elaine shared that she and Jan again provide reduced-rate membership information to ICPEA in advance of the new semester, when new cohorts are likely to start. They would like to include a flyer about the new ebooks offering.

Jason Ellingson provided an update to the board on partnerships and sponsorships.

There was no update from Social Media.

Jason Ellingson shared the update on development of our mobile app. Target date for completion is December 1, 2014. It should be ready to use during the Curriculum Leadership Academy.

Kevin Vidergar shared a written update on Emerging Leaders with the board. Board members working with ASCD’s Emerging Leaders shared their work with them.

Susan Pecinovsky shared a written update with the board on Strategic Plan Action 3: Advocacy and Influence. Pam Vogel will check in to getting Pasi Salberg (Finnish Lessons) to come to Iowa in the next few months to share ideas from his book on creating a world class education system that could connect with legislators, Iowa ASCD members, and the public.

Diane Campbell moved and Elaine Smith-Bright seconded to accept the proposed changes to our strategic plan. Motion carried.

We would like further review of the strategic plan in February to ensure we are implementing the plan as intended.

Lou Howell provided the board with a written update on Iowa ASCD’s biennial plan with ASCD.

Allan Eckelman shared the plan for the final evaluation of Iowa ASCD’s Executive Director. Kevin Vidergar will let the board know the result of the Executive Director evaluation and ask for an electronic vote to offer the Executive Director a contract for 2015.

Allan Eckelman provided a written update on our plan for auditing our finances.

Lou Howell provided a written update on board members who will be attending the ASCD conference in Houston in April.

Contact Becky Martin if you have names for nominations for two members-at-large.

Our next board meeting will be at 10:00 on February 10, 2015 at the Hotel Savery.

At 8:30, Susan Pecinovsky moved and Jason Ellingson second to adjourn. Motion carried.

Iowa ASCD – Minutes for November 12, 2014