Clear Falls Football Booster Club

General Membership Meeting


Opening: The Regular Meeting of the Clear Falls Football Booster Club General Membership was called to order at 7.05 pm on Tuesday January 19th at The Lone Star Grill by Carla Wade.

Purpose: Carla Wade stated the sole purpose of the CFFBC is to raise money and donate our time to support our Clear Falls Football Program.

Present: Carla Wade, Monica Schmid, William Broadus, Kristin Broadus, Yvonne Foltz, Charles Draper, Robin Sabo, Mike Gutierrez, Lisette Gutierrez, Kate Jeffery, Brian Mc Laughlin, Steve Morris, Craig Bolding, Crystal Bolding, Rob Foltz, Gini Kreiter, Erich Kreiter, Desiree Lozano, Cort Petterson, Paul Wankowicz, Dawn Thompson-McMinn, Courtney Sackett, Darin Massey, Jonathan Jaynes

Approval of Minutes: Monica Schmid. The minutes from the previous meeting were distributed and reviewed. William Broadus motioned to accept minutes and Yvonne Foltz 2nd the motion. All in favor

Financials: William Broadus reviewed financial report. Up to date balance is 10,829.06 after expenses and taxes. Some money has not been cleared from the banquet. We are on a solid footing for next year. Motion to accept financial report made by Yvonne Foltz and 2nd by Charles Draper. All in favor

Discussion Items:

* Head Coach: Zach Head spoke about his expectations and his background. He is ready to begin a great season. He was able to visit CF facilities and has met some of our coaches. He is very excited to be part of the Clear Falls Football team. Coach stated that we are here for the players to make them succeed and raise them into men. They will learn expectations very quickly. Athletes will have one rule… Do what is right at all times. Our program motto is “Win the Moment” one step at a time. Be great in that one instance at whatever you are doing.

*Golf Tournament fundraiser for the spring. Tentative date. April 25th possibly at south shore golf club. We need to recruit golfers, hole sponsors and personal sponsors to participate. We need various gift certificates, auction items, baskets and donations. We will have a banner listing all the sponsors. Planning committee needed. Please sign up. We need at least 10 people on the event. 1-5 hour event. Meal will be provided after event. Athletes will also work the event. No brisket sale this season.

*Nominations: February 16th. Charles Draper. Bylaws call for presenting ballot of nominations. More names needed to run for the office. We will help hand off transition period. Please nominate names.

*Motion to adjourn meeting was made by William Broadus and 2nd by Yvonne Foltz.. All in favor. Next meeting will be Feb 16th