
Carers Event on 21st November 2013

Coventry Central Hall,

Warwick Lane, Coventry, CV1 2HA

Are you a Carer or do you involve Carers as part of everything you do?

Would you like to work in partnership with us to develop Carer involvement?

The Department of Health strategic vision for Carers highlights the important role Carers play in creating people centred services. The national strategy for Carers was published in 2008 and revised in 2010. These set out priorities for Carers between 2010 and 2014 acknowledging their need for information, care and support and active involvement.

Coventry and Warwickshire Partners Trust’s Equal Partners Strategy recognises that Carer involvement in planning, shaping and delivering our service is vital. As part of our work to develop and take forward Carer involvement in line with our Equal Partners Strategy, Sue Eato, Associate Director Service User Carer Involvement is leading on Carers’ events. The focus of the events will be to:

• Launch a Carers Framework for involvement

• Engage and involve local carers and partners in developing involvement

• Introduce our Patient Carer Partners

• Launch our work on the Triangle of Care

• Create channels for Carers to tell their personal stories and experiences

We would therefore greatly value your contributions and attendance

If you would like to attend above event, please complete the reply slip below and send it marked for the attention of:


Mrs Jaspreet Singh

The Engagement Team

Involvement Engagement Co-ordinator

Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust

Wayside House

Wilson Lane



Email: to register your name

For further information please contact Sue Eato or Jaspreet Singh on

Tel: 024 7636 8982

Reply Slip

Carers Event on 21st November 2013

Name ………………………………………………………

Title …………………………………………………………

Organisation …………………………………………………………

Address ….…………………………………………………….



Contact No. ………………………………………………………..

Email Address ………………………………………………………..

Number of People Attending: …………………………………………

Special Requirements ………………………………………………..

I will attend  Yes  No

Please keep me informed about future Events  Yes  No

Please return slip by Wednesday 6th November 2013


Jaspreet Singh – Engagement Team

Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust

Wayside House

Wilsons Lane


Or ring 024 7636 8982 or

Email: to register your name