Olympic College
Richard Snapp
Email: / Website:
Cengage course key for Fall 2015is E-HY7W443MWT6ML

BUS 201 Business Law – Fall 2015


Business Law Today, Standard: Text and Summarized Cases, 10th Edition

Roger LeRoy Miller
ISBN-10: 1-133-27356-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-133-27356-1
CengageNOW Access Code; South-Western Cengage Learning

The purchase of the custom printed textbook includes only those chapters deemed relevant to this course. The full E-book is also included with the purchase of the text at no extra charge. Access to CengageNOW is also included with the purchase of the printed text chapters.


This course provides an introduction to Business Law. Topics include: the U.S. Legal System, Constitutional Principles, Business and Tort law, Contracts, Business Organization, Employment law, Intellectual Property and other topics related to business and personal law.


This course is designed to provide you with a greater understanding of the law and hopefully evoke an interest in the judicial system as a whole. It is intended to be an introduction to Business Law, thus covering many topics that you deal with on a daily basis as a consumer and pertinent areas of the law that will affect your business careers.

The course is not meant to replicate subject material as presented to law students in graduate law schools, nor is it designed to make the student an expert in one or more areas of the law. It is, rather, designed to introduce areas of study providing a framework for the analysis of legal problems confronting business. This course will provide background knowledge about the law which will also be useful in other Business courses and when participating in the political process.

The text strategy is to:

  1. Present current legal topics relevant to business.
  2. Demonstrate how these topics apply to the practice of business.
  3. Provide an approach to legal analysis for addressing legal problems encountered in the practice of business.


At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  1. Comprehend and apply the objectives of the law that pertain to business.
  2. Name and define the sources of law.
  3. Explain the structure and function of the State Court system and the Federal Court system.
  4. Identify and comprehend the key elements of basic tort law as it relates to business.
  5. Define contracts and understand the essential elements of contract law.
  6. Comprehend the personal and consumer protections afforded individuals.
  7. Understand forms of business organization.
  8. Use the legal subjects learned in class in their personal and professional lives.


There are three primary websites that will be used during this class.

  1. My course website ( ).
  1. The text supplemental site. A link to this site is available at my course website.
  1. The CengageNow site. There is a link at my course website to a site providing information about registering at the CengageNow site for this class. There is also a link to the regular CengageNow login site at my course website.


First, you should view and print the course syllabus. Please read this document carefully.

Next, you need to complete your CengageNOW registration. CengageNOW is an online assignment and assessment tool that you will use to access the graded chapter homework and lesson assignments. Before you begin, you must have either purchased a new textbook, which includes the CengageNOW access number or using a credit card, you may purchase access to CengageNOW online. After you have registered, your account is activated. From this site, you will be able to access and complete the chapter and lesson homework assignments and access your grades for these assignments. Complete instructions for registering at the CengageNow site are available at my course website.


The course consists of 23 assignments and three exams. There are five extra credit assignments.

Assignment 1 - Chapter 1 - The Legal Environment
Assignment 2 - Chapter 2 - Constitutional Law
Assignment 3 - Chapter 3 - Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Assignment 4 - Chapter 4 - Torts and Cyber Torts
Assignment 5 - Chapter 5 - Intellectual Property and Internet Law
Assignment 6 - Chapter 7 - Ethics and Business Decision Making
Assignment 7 - Chapter 9 - Nature and Classification
Exam 1 (assignments 1-7)
Assignment 8 - Chapter 10 - Agreement in Traditional and E-Contracts
Assignment 9 - Chapter 11 - Consideration, Capacity, and Legality
Assignment 10 - Chapter 12 - Defenses to Contract Enforceability
Assignment 11 - Chapter 13 - Third Party Rights and Discharge
Assignment 12 - Chapter 14 - Breach and Remedies
Assignment 13 - Chapter 15 - The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts
Assignment 14 - Chapter 18 - Negotiable Instruments: Transferability and Liability
Assignment 15 - Chapter 19 - Checks and Banking in the Digital Age
Exam 2 (assignments 8-15)
Assignment 16 - Chapter 21 - Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy

Assignment 17 - Chapter 23 - Agency Relationships in Business

Assignment 18 - Chapter 24 - Employment, Immigration, and Labor Law
Assignment 19 - Chapter 25 - Employment Discrimination and Diversity
Assignment 20 - Chapter 26 - Sole Proprietorships and Private Franchises
Assignment 21 - Chapter 27 - All Forms of Partnerships
Assignment 22 - Chapter 29 - Corporate Formation, Merger, and Termination
Exam 3 (assignments 16-22)
Extra Credit 1 - Chapter 6 - Criminal Law and Cyber Crime
Extra Credit 2 - Chapter 8 - International Law in a Global Economy
Extra Credit 3 - Chapter 36 - Real Property and Landlord/Tenant Law
Extra Credit 4 - Chapter 33 - Consumer and Environmental Law
Extra Credit 5 - Chapter 31 - Investor Protection, Insider Trading, and Corporate Governance

The learning resources for each chapter include the minimum activities required to learn this material. Using these and other resources will help you be successful in the course.

  1. Chapter objectives and overview. These are available in the text at the start of each chapter.
  1. The PowerPoint slides present you with a chapter lecture. Links to these slides are available at my course website.
  1. The video clips contain business law applications to real world situations. Links to these videos are available at my course website.


  1. In the textbook:
  1. Read the assigned chapters.
  1. Special attention should be given to the learning objectives, the case examples and exhibits, and the chapter summary.
  1. The text includes feature boxes that communicate or illustrate how Business Law relates to the world of business including Adapting the Law to the Online Environment, Linking the Law, Beyond Our Borders and Landmark in the Law.
  1. At websites:
  1. View the PowerPoint Lecture. Links are available at my course website.
  1. If a video is available for the chapter, view the video(s). The video clips contain business law applications to real world situations, clips from popular films, and lecture explanations of legal concepts. These videos are very useful in explaining the content so I encourage you to take the time to view them. Links to the videos are available at my course website.
  1. Complete and submit the assigned Chapter Homework Assignments by their completion dates. The assignments are completed at the CengageNow site. A link to the login page for the CengageNow site is available at my course website.
  1. Complete and submit the exams by the completion dates. The exams are completed at the CengageNow site. A link to the login page for the CengageNow site is available at my course website. The exam dates are available at my course website.


Chapter Homework: Personalized Study Assignments 640 points

(Assignment 1-4@ 25 points, Assignments 5-22 @ 30 points)

Exams (3 @ 120 points each)360 points


Total 1,000 points

Extra credit available (5 @ 20 points) = 100 points

All students are expected to comply with The Code of Student Conduct: WAC 132C-120. Printed copies or excerpts may be found in many of OC’s publications. Key components of The Code include:

a.maintain high standards of honesty and integrity

b.respect the rights, privileges, and property of other members of the college community


Percent /


/ Percent /






/ Percent /


96% / 4.0 / 80-81%+ / 3.0 / 68-69%+ / 2.0 / 56%+ / 1.0
95% / 3.9 / 79%+ / 2.9 / 65-67%+ / 1.9 / 55%+ / 0.9
93-94%+ / 3.8 / 78%+ / 2.8 / 64%+ / 1.8 / 54%+ / 0.8
90-92%+ / 3.7 / 77%+ / 2.7 / 63%+ / 1.7 / 53%+ / 0.7
89%+ / 3.6 / 76%+ / 2.6 / 62%+ / 1.6 / below 53% / 0.0
88%+ / 3.5 / 75%+ / 2.5 / 61%+ / 1.5
87%+ / 3.4 / 74%+ / 2.4 / 60%+ / 1.4
85-86%+ / 3.3 / 73%+ / 2.3 / 59%+ / 1.3
83-84%+ / 3.2 / 72%+ / 2.2 / 58%+ / 1.2
82%+ / 3.1 / 70-71%+ / 2.1 / 57%+ / 1.1

*No “I” grades will be given in this course. You must earn a minimum grade of 53% for the course requirements during this quarter or a “0.0” grade will be assigned.


Allassignments are due by December 10 at 11 pm.

Even though the assignments aren’t due until the end of the quarter you should do the assignments throughout the quarter. It is very unlikely you will do well on an exam unless you have already completed the assignments covered by the exam.

After you have read the chapter and completed the chapter activities you should be ready to complete the Personalized Study Assignment. This assignment consists of three components; a Pre Test, a Personalized Study Plan and a Post Test. You will complete a Pre Test to determine your understanding of the chapter material.

  1. Based upon your score from the Pre Test a Personalized Study Plan will be created to address any deficiencies or areas that need further review. After completion of the Personalized Study Plan you may want to retake the Pre Test to verify that you understand the chapter content.
  1. After completion of the Personalized Study Plan you should be prepared to take the Post Test. The Post Test will be graded as a Pass/No Credit exercise. You must score 70% or higher to earn credit for the assignment.
  1. You will have three attempts to earn a 70% or higher on the Post Test.
  2. After three attempts, if you do not earn a 70% or higher score no points will be recorded.
  3. Once you achieve a 70% or higher score you will have earned the 10 points available for the assignment.
  1. There is no time limit to complete the assignment.
  1. The assignment will be completed online at the CengageNOW website.
  1. To access the Chapter Homework: Personalized Study Assignments choose the Cengage link on my course website.
  2. Once you enter the secured portion on CengageNOW select the title of the assignment you are completing, i.e. “Chapter Homework: Personalized Study Assignment No. 1”, “Chapter Homework: Personalized Study Assignment No. 2”, etc.
  3. Answer the multiple-choice questions and submit your answers.
  1. Be sure to click on the “Done” button at the bottom of each assignment when you have completed it.
  2. Your score for the assignment will be available online right after the assignment is submitted.


  1. Only those chapters and videos assigned for reading and viewing will be used for testing purposes.
  1. You will have three hours to complete each exam. Each examwill include 40 multiple-choice questions.
  2. The three hour time frame will be sufficient if you are prepared for each exam.
  3. Do not expect to have the time to look up each answer in the text. Be prepared!
  1. Your answers will be completed online at the CengageNow website.
  1. Be sure to click on the “Done” button at the bottom of the exam when you have completed it. DO NOT LET THE TIME RUN OUT.
  1. Each exam is open book and open notes.
  1. Be prepared to complete each exam in a single session. Once you open the exam file, the two hour timer will begin.
  1. Do not begin the exam until you have the requisite time necessary to complete the exam. You cannot enter the exam, exit and re-enter.
  1. Please mark your calendars for the exams. See the “Exam Dates” at my course website.
  1. Your score for anexamwill be available online the day after the exam period ends.
  1. Feedback for your graded exam on the day following the exam period.Follow the same procedure to access the feedback that you used to access the exam.


If you are interested in earning additional points, you may read additional chapters and complete personalized study assignments for each chapter. The extra chapters included as extra credit are in addition to the assigned chapters.

Each extra credit assignment is worth 20 points. Total possible extra credit is 100 points.

  1. Completion is not required, but you may complete any or all of the Extra Credit Assignments.
  1. The assignments are completed in the same manner as the chapter homework assignments.
  1. Each assignment is worth 20 points.
  1. There is no time limit for completing each assignment.
  1. Each assignment must be completed by the end of the quarter.
  1. The assignments will require you to apply the legal theories presented in the extra credit chapters, so a thorough reading of the chapter is required.
  1. Use the same procedure to access the extra credit assignments as you use to access the chapter homework assignments.


If you do not have a computer or have access to one, your tuition allows you access to the computer labs on campus. After you have established your student account at the lab, you will be able to visit the website and you will then be able to register for access to the secured portions of the class website. There will be a lab assistant available to help you set-up your student account and help you with any questions you may have accessing the website.


I communicate with students through your OC email account. Please check email daily. OC automatically provides email accounts when students register and pay their tuition and fees. A student email account is assigned the same day of payment for tuition and fees. Your login name will be “username” where “username” is your first and last name together with no spaces. This is the same account used to log into computers in the computer labs. For example, a person whose name is John Smith would enter: johnsmith

The first time you log in, your password will be the first letter of your last name capitalized + a hyphen + last 4 digits of your Student ID. For example, if John’s Smith student ID was 860-12-3456 hispasswordwould beS-3456. Passwords can be reset once you get in. If you have questions or problems, you can contact the Help Desk r call 360-475-7600. For more information on how to access your student email account go to:


1.When do I get my OC student e-mail?It is assigned the same day of payment of tuition and fees. If you encounter any issues, please contact the Help Desk at 360-475-7600.

2.Where do I get more information about Student Email? Go to this link on the OC webpage:

from the main OC page, under “Current Students”, find“Email Access”,and click to be directed to the email account information.

3.What is my OC student e-mail address?Starting in Winter quarter 2013, the convention will .(Please note that if there is more than one of that particular name, they will have a number after their name). For example:. If you have a common name, please check with the IT HelpDesk at 360-475-7600.

4.How do I check my mailbox?From the main OC page, go to the “current student” tab, and scroll down to e-mail and follow the instructions.

5.Can I redirect my other e-mail accounts to OC?Though it is possible to forward your OC email to your personal email address, we don’t recommend it as we cannot guarantee the delivery of third party email. It is best to use your OC email directly or setup your device/computer to multiple email accounts.

6.Do I need to change my e-mail in OASIS?Yes, that would be very helpful and we recommend this to ensure that we receive your email from a guaranteed source such as the OC student email.

7.Can I get my OC email on my iPhone or other electronic device?Yes. It will be available on the OC website or you can contact the IT Help Desk for more information.

8.Will my Financial Aid information come to this e-mail address?Continue to check the financial aid portal for your application status. Any required communication will be sent to your OC email address.

ACCESS Services at Olympic College

Any student who feels he or she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact Access Services in Room 204 of the Humanities & Student Services Building, (360) 475-7540 or by email . For more information visit