JUNE 2, 2016
The Board of Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Dunlap, Tennessee met for a regular meeting on Thursday,June 2, 2016, in the George L. Wagner Municipal Building located in Dunlap, Tennessee.
Those in attendancewere as follows:
Vice-Mayor Jeff Johnson
Commissioner Jeff Harmon
Commissioner Allen Jones
Commissioner Judy Layne
Mayor Dwain Land was absent.
Also in attendance was Norman D. Hatfield, Recorder-Treasurer and City Attorney Steve Greer.
1Vice-Mayor Johnsonnoted a quorum was present andcalled the meeting to order at 6:02PM immediately following a public hearing on Ordinance No. 255.
2Vice-Mayor opened the meetingwith the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment ofsilence.
3A motion was made by Commissioner Jonesto approve the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Layne.
The motion was approved by a vote of 4 to 0.
4A motion was made by CommissionerHarmon to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2016regular meeting.The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones.(Note: minutes were given to each Board member for review prior to this meeting).
The motion was approved by a vote of 4 to 0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jones to approve a correction to the April 7, 2016 regular meeting, changing the date on the header from March to April. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Layne.
The motion was approved by a vote of 4 to 0.
5 (a) Vice-Mayor Johnson recognized Gabe Dixon who had requested to address the Board. Mr. Dixon is a resident living on Old Highway 8 and voiced his concerns on drivers speeding on Old Highway 8. Mr. Dixon suggested installing stop signs in an effort to slow down drivers.
Following Mr. Dixon’s remarks, Vice-Mayor Johnson noted that the Mayor and Police Chief Huth would be made aware of the requests.
6 (a)City Recorder/Treasurer Hatfield presented the Board with a copy of the City of Dunlap financial audit report from Johnson, Murphy & Wright, CPA’s, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. Norman gave each Board member a copy and reviewed several pages in the report. Norman also reviewed the findings as reported by the auditors.
7(a)Vice-Mayor Johnson presented to the Board Ordinance No. 255, “AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL DUNLAP ZONING ORDINANCE TO ADD REQUIREMENTS FOR SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITIES (MINI-WAREHOUSES) IN THE CITY OF DUNLAP, TENNESSEE” for the third and final reading. The ordinance was read aloud by the City Recorder.
A motion was made by Commissioner Layne to adopt Ordinance No. 255 as read on the third and final reading. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harmon.
The motion was approved by a vote of 4 to 0.
7 (b)Vice-Mayor Johnson presented to the Board Resolution No. 2016-6, “A RESOLUTION DEDICATING CERTAIN CITY STREETS TO THE COOPS CREEK GREENWAY PHASE II”. The resolution was read aloud by the City Recorder.
Following the discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Jones to adopt Resolution No. 2016-6 as read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Layne.
The motion was approved by a vote of 4 to 0.
8Lieutenant Coy Swangerpresented to the Board an activity report of the Police Department for the month of May 2016.
9Fire Chief Norman D. Hatfieldpresented to the Board an activity report of the Fire Department for the month of May 2016.
10The Board reviewed a report of the Natural Gas System for the month of May 2016.
11The Board reviewed an activity report of the Water, Wastewater, and Street Departments for the month of May 2016.
11 (a)City Recorder/Treasurer Hatfield updated the Board on the recent meeting with the Chattanooga based officials of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conversation (TDEC) on the sewer moratorium and the City’s plan of action to correct existing sewer inflows.
11 (b)City Recorder Hatfield requested approval for up to $22,000.00 in emergency sewer repairs. The repairs are for inflows of water around manholes. Norman also noted that Clayton Smith is still working out the details with the contractor for how many manholes would be repaired and how much material would be purchased. The contractor would be contacted and Clayton is attempting to have the repairs scheduled as soon as possible. The priority list of which manholes to be repaired is being complied by the sewer foreman Shawn Cordell.
Following the discussion, a motion was made by Commission Harmon to waive the bidding rules and approve up to $22,000.00 in emergency purchases from URETEK for inserting a sealant material in manholes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones.
The motion was approved by a vote of 4 to 0.
12Recorder/Treasurer Hatfield reviewed the current financial statements sent out to the Board. There were no questions by the Board members.
13A motion was made by CommissionerHarmon to approve all departmental reports presented. The motion wasseconded by Commissioner Layne.
The motion wasapproved by a vote of 4 to 0.
13A motion was made by Commissioner Layne to adjourn the meeting at 6:46P.M. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones.
The motion to adjourn was approved by a vote of 4 to 0.
George D. Land, Mayor
Norman D. Hatfield, City Recorder