Truancy Procedures for Unexcused Absences and/or Tardies
The following proceduresare to be taken when a student has unexcused absences and/or tardies:
Event by Student/Parent / Action Taken by School/District/CourtAll Absences / An attempt must be made and appropriately documented to ascertain the reason for the absence or tardy.
3 Unexcused Absences and/or Tardies
Student is classified as a Truant / An attempt(phone call, email, personal conversation) must be made and appropriately documented to inform both the student and the parent/guardian of the dates the student was absent/tardy. The 1st Truancy letter (on school letter-head) must be sent to the parent and a copy retained in the student file folder.
High School & Middle School
A Truancy Diversion Program (TDP) notification is sent to the DPP who in turn sends it to the Court Designated Worker. A TDP meeting will be held at the court house at a designated date for all TDP students and their parents. The District Judges will also be in attendance to speak to the parents.
4th or 5th Unexcused Absence and/or Tardy / Refer to FRYSC for a home visit. FRYSC rep is to visit the home in a supportive non-threatening manner, offering assistance and explanations of attendance policies.
6th Unexcused Absence and/or Tardy
Student is classified as an Habitual Truant / 2nd Truancy Notice is sent to the parent/guardian. The Principal or designee must ensure that appropriate interventions are occurring at the school level (parent conference, student conference, home visit, one-call, truancy notification, FRYSC involvement, etc.) If barriers exist, assistance should be provided.
7th Unexcused Absence and/or Tardy / The Final Notice Request form is sent to the DPP. The following documents must be included in the following order.
- Final Notice Request
- Truancy Report
- Certification (with notarization)
- Copy of 1st Truancy Notice
- Copy of 2nd Truancy Notice
- FRYSC Report
- DO NOT send Infinite Campus Attendance Report (DPP will always copy the most current report)
8th + Unexcused Absence and/or Tardy / Elementary
3rd Notice – Do not include all documentation (it has already been previously filed)
As students continue to have unexcused absences and/or tardies continue to send
4th, 5th, & 6th Notices. If the student continues to have unexcused absences and/or tardies the parent will be referred to court.
Middle School and High School
Affidavit is sent to the DPP. It is completed by the secretary/attendance clerk, FRYSC rep, and DPP. Upon completion of the affidavit the DPP will deliver it to the Court Designated Worker. The CDW will then involve the student in a diversion program. If the diversion is unsuccessful the student will be referred to court.