Truancy Procedures for Unexcused Absences and/or Tardies

The following proceduresare to be taken when a student has unexcused absences and/or tardies:

Event by Student/Parent / Action Taken by School/District/Court
All Absences / An attempt must be made and appropriately documented to ascertain the reason for the absence or tardy.
3 Unexcused Absences and/or Tardies
Student is classified as a Truant / An attempt(phone call, email, personal conversation) must be made and appropriately documented to inform both the student and the parent/guardian of the dates the student was absent/tardy. The 1st Truancy letter (on school letter-head) must be sent to the parent and a copy retained in the student file folder.
High School & Middle School
A Truancy Diversion Program (TDP) notification is sent to the DPP who in turn sends it to the Court Designated Worker. A TDP meeting will be held at the court house at a designated date for all TDP students and their parents. The District Judges will also be in attendance to speak to the parents.
4th or 5th Unexcused Absence and/or Tardy / Refer to FRYSC for a home visit. FRYSC rep is to visit the home in a supportive non-threatening manner, offering assistance and explanations of attendance policies.
6th Unexcused Absence and/or Tardy
Student is classified as an Habitual Truant / 2nd Truancy Notice is sent to the parent/guardian. The Principal or designee must ensure that appropriate interventions are occurring at the school level (parent conference, student conference, home visit, one-call, truancy notification, FRYSC involvement, etc.) If barriers exist, assistance should be provided.
7th Unexcused Absence and/or Tardy / The Final Notice Request form is sent to the DPP. The following documents must be included in the following order.
  • Final Notice Request
  • Truancy Report
  • Certification (with notarization)
  • Copy of 1st Truancy Notice
  • Copy of 2nd Truancy Notice
  • FRYSC Report
  • DO NOT send Infinite Campus Attendance Report (DPP will always copy the most current report)
The DPP will hand deliver the Final Notice to the home of the student and attempt to have a conversation with the parent/guardian offering support. If no one is home the DPP will send the form via certified mail. For high school students the DPP will also hand deliver a copy of the Final Notice to the student and conference with the student. The DPP will also deliver all truancy documentation to the County Attorney’s office. The County Attorney will send a stern letter to the parent cautioning them against further truancy.
8th + Unexcused Absence and/or Tardy / Elementary
3rd Notice – Do not include all documentation (it has already been previously filed)
As students continue to have unexcused absences and/or tardies continue to send
4th, 5th, & 6th Notices. If the student continues to have unexcused absences and/or tardies the parent will be referred to court.
Middle School and High School
Affidavit is sent to the DPP. It is completed by the secretary/attendance clerk, FRYSC rep, and DPP. Upon completion of the affidavit the DPP will deliver it to the Court Designated Worker. The CDW will then involve the student in a diversion program. If the diversion is unsuccessful the student will be referred to court.