Arrowhead Ranch Phase V Homeowners Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Regular Session

September 20, 2012

Present: Absent:

Mark Schwarz, PresidentRobert Sartor, Vice President

Larry Rosenthal, Treasurer (arrived at 7:10 pm)Diane Knight, Member at Large

Martha Robbins, SecretaryMelissa Meyer, Member at Large

Jeffery Hass, Member at Large

City Property Management Company (CPMC)

Patty Garman, Community Manager

Marge Vander Molen, Recording Secretary

Special Guest: StillwaterLandscaping Management Representative

Call to Order

Quorum was not obtained until 7:10 p.m. at which time the meeting was called to order by

Mark Schwarz, President.

Approval of Minutes

The Boardfirst and seconded that the following resolutiontobe adopted:

RESOLVED, to approve theAugust 16, 2012Regular Session minutes as submitted for Arrowhead Ranch Phase V Homeowners Association (AR5 HOA)

The motion was carried the Board, with Marti Robbins and Jeff Hass abstaining, not beingpresent.

StillwaterLandscaping Management Presentation – Was given.

New Business

Overseeding – Motion

MOTION made by Mark Schwarz, seconded by the Board approved Stillwater LandscapingManagement per their proposal to do theoverseeding for the Community.

The motion was accepted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Filling of Holes in Turf Areas– Motion

MOTION was made by Jeff Hass, seconded by the Board approvedStillwater Landscaping Management’sproposal to fill in holes in turf areas.

The motion was accepted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Irrigation Repair – Motion

MOTION was made by Marti Robbins, seconded by the Board approvedStillwater Landscaping Management’sproposal for completing irrigation repairs.

The motion was accepted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Pg 2 (AR5 - Regular Minutes


Tree Removal – Motion

MOTION was made by Larry Rosenthal, seconded by the Board approved the tree removal and replacement by Stillwater Landscaping Management per theirproposal.

The motion was accepted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Debit Card – Motion

MOTION made by Larry Rosenthal, seconded by the Board to given Patty Garman a pre-paid credit card of $200.00.

The motion was accepted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Manager Report

Patty Garman’s explanatory Action Item list was presentedas stated in the board package and reviewed by the Board of Directors.

Financial Report

Larry Rosenthal, Treasurer, presented and reviewed the financial report of August 2012 with the Board of Directors.

NOTATION: Larry Rosenthal requested that every 6 months, January and July, the Reserve account be funded in full.

Fidelity Bond Coverage – Motion

MOTION made byJeff Hass, seconded by the Board to approve two (2) million dollars in fidelity bond coverage.

The motion was accepted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.

Social Committee

  • Holiday Lights Contest

Holiday light contest judging to be done by Jeff Hass and Marti Robbins between December 14th and the 16th of that month.

Old Business

Sidewalk Repairs – Motion

MOTION made by Larry Rosenthal, seconded by the Board to approve Faulkner Fence Inc. for a concrete proposal on sidewalk repairs to start.

The motion was accepted by a unanimous, affirmative vote.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15p.m. by the President, Mark Schwarz.

Respectfully submitted,

Marge Vander Molen Recording Secretary