Nether Stowey Parish Council


HELD ON MONDAY 12th July 2004 AT 7.00pm


Present: Parish Councillors Joyce Standring

Lorraine Clark

Rita Corbett

Alan Corkett

Liz Dean

Carol Parsons

Teresa Youe

In attendance:

District Councillor Ken Dyer

Parish Council Clerk Ainslie Ensor

4 Parishioners


Parish Councillor Mark Fitzmaurice

District Councillor Lillian Cartwright

District Councillor David Joslin

County Councillor John Edney

2922 Cllr Cartwright

Cllr Dyer reported that Cllr Mrs Cartwright was recovering after an operation. Councillors asked him to pass on their best wishes for a speedy recovery.

The meeting was closed and opened to the public.

Matters raised:

§  Brambles etc growing out from bank in Mill Lane & Lime Street hinder pedestrians

§  Possibility of traffic calming measures in Mill Lane

§  What is the status of the new disabled parking space in Lime Street? - The Chairman explained that the Parish Council were not consulted regarding this parking space. The position is that anyone who holds a blue disabled badge can request the provision of such a space but the designated space is not personal to the person making the request, it can be used by anyone holding a disabled badge. The Chairman stated that in view of the comments about this and other parking problems in the village, that the question of parking in the village would be included in the agenda for the Parish Council meeting in September.

§  The Parish Council was requested to lobby the County Council for a pedestrian crossing on the A39 to serve people crossing to the Church and farm shop.

The Parish Council meeting was reconvened.

2923 Approval of Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th June 2004

Proposed by Cllr Corbett, Seconded by Cllr Dean, the Minutes were approved.

2924 Parish Council Vacancy

The Clerk reported that no request for an election had been received by the Returning Officer. Therefore, it was open for the Parish Council to fill the vacancy by way of a co-option. It was agreed that the vacancy be advertised in the next Parish Newsletter and would be considered at the next meeting.

2925 Matters Arising

The Clerk reported that following the presentation about the proposed Wind Farm he had been contacted by the regional co-ordinator for Greenpeace who had stated that they would be supporting the proposal. The planning application had still not been received by West Somerset DC.

Minute 2911 – the Clerk reported the request that the surplus telephone box be donated to the Parish had been acknowledged by British Telecom, who had stated that there would be a delay in giving a substantive response due to the large number of responses they had received regarding the rationalisation programme.

Minute 2917 – the Clerk reported that he had further discussions with County Highways and Cllr Edney regarding the lengthsman scheme and that a meeting for interested parties would be arranged for mid September.

Minute 2918 (i) – thanks had been received from the various organisations to which grants had been made.

2926 Cemetery

The Clerk reported that he had received a complaint regarding the condition of a grave and reminded Councillors that the maintenance contractor did not maintain individual graves. It was the responsibility of the owner (holder of the exclusive burial right) of the grave to maintain the grave and any monument erected thereon. However, if it was known that there was no one, or that a person was unable, to care for a particular grave and the Parish Council was so informed, the maintenance staff would be instructed to keep the grave in a tidy condition.

2927 Highways

(i)  It was agreed that the Council should write to County Highways with regard to the disabled parking space in Lime Street and express concern that the creation of restricted parking spaces would exacerbate the already difficult parking situation in the village

(ii)  The Chairman reported that the yellow notices detailing parking restrictions had been removed. This was the result of a government ruling that such notices were not required, the yellow lines on the road being sufficient. However, many of the yellow lines in the village needed renewing and a letter would be written to Highways requesting that this be done.

(iii)  The Clerk reported that the draft Traffic Order for the 40mph speed limit on the A39 in the vicinity of the Stogursey Lane / Lime Street junction had been received.

(iv)  The Clerk circulated details of the procedure for reporting faulty highway street lights, illuminated traffic signs, bollards etc. Any faults should be reported to 0845 6010939 giving details of the problem with the name of the road and the number / letter of the faulty unit.

(v)  The Clerk reported that he had received notification of the temporary closure, for one week from 28 July, of Barnsworth Farm Road, Stringston.

(vi)  It was agreed that the Council make a formal request to the County Council that they provide a pedestrian crossing on the A39 in the vicinity of the Church.

2928 Parish Council Communications

The Clerk reported that further to report in April 2004 (minute 2879) he had been investigating the cost of producing future newsletters. This had been based on the assumption that the Parish Council produced four quarterly newsletters and one annual report each year.

Two options had been looked at in detail; having the newsletters etc printed by a local printer or producing them in house using a fast printer linked to the office computer. Over 5 years the cost of printing using an outside printer was estimated at £9,200; the cost of printing in house would be £5,500 plus lease costs for the equipment of £6,255.

Although the in house cost was more, other items, such as Council Minutes, would be printed on the same equipment at a cost saving over the current arrangement. Taking into account such potential savings the financial difference between in house and external printers was too small to be significant. In addition the in house facility could be offered to local voluntary organisations and neighbouring Parish Councils, the resultant income being used to offset the capital cost of the equipment.

Councillors expressed the view that they considered the in house option was the better as it gave more flexibility for the future and would allow additional services to be offered by the Parish Council.

Proposed by Cllr Clarke, seconded by Cllr Parsons, it was agreed that, in accordance with Financial Regulations, the Clerk to the Parish Council obtain three competitive quotations for the supply of a suitable printer and report back to a future meeting.

2929 Reports

Playing Field Cllr Youe reported on that the Playing Field Committee had organised a Fun Day to raise funds for the playing field refurbishment. Unfortunately, the roof of the portacabin had been damaged by children climbing on to it and it now leaked. The fair the previous weekend raised c. £250 for the playing field, although the Sunday car boot sale was a wash out. The Committee had received complaints about the toilets, which were left in a bad state when the door was left unlocked. Complaints had also been received about young people riding motorbikes on the playing field.

Cllr Standring declared a prejudicial interest in item 2930(d) and left the meeting. Cllr Corkett took the Chair.

2930 Planning

(a) Address: 8 Bishop Road

Proposal: Erection of conservatory to rear elevation

Response: Supports

No objections

(b) Address: 5 Mount Road

Proposal: Erection of front porch and single storey rear extension to garage

Response: Supports

No objections to the proposed development

(c) Address: Barn at 33 Mill Lane

Proposal: Retention of use of barn as holiday accommodation

Response: Supports

The conversion has been undertaken tastefully within the setting and does not intrude on neighbouring properties

(d) Address: 4a Castle Street

Proposal: Display of one illuminated facia sign to front elevation and one A board to front of property

Response: Objects

The Parish Council objects to the external lighting for the following reasons

·  Lights not in keeping with conservation area

·  Lights intrude on other people’s property

·  No other properties in conservation area have been permitted external lights

The Parish Council is not opposed to the A board but feels a smaller board may be more appropriate to the area

Proposed by Cllr Parsons, Seconded by Cllr Corbett the above responses were approved.

Cllr Standring rejoined the meeting and took the chair.

2931 Liaison

Cllr Dyer had nothing to report.

2932 Village Maintenance

The following matters attended were noted:

·  Garden Maids had been instructed to cut back the Mount Road verge, tidy the Lime Street bank and cut the grass round the cyclogym on the playing field

·  New dog & litter bins had been ordered for the playing field Sedgemoor DC had stated there would be a delay in their installation

·  The Clerk had reached agreement with owner of 32 Coleridge Rd for the hedge in Palmers Path to be cut by Garden Maids (on a recharge basis)

·  An anonymous complaint had been received about dog fouling in Banneson Rd / path leading to the playing field. Details had been passed to the Dog Warden at Sedgemoor DC

·  The clerk would contact the property owner regarding the broken slabs opposite the Ancient Mariner

·  There had been more problems with waste paper in library car park, Sedgemoor District Council had been contacted and were reviewing the situation.

·  The toilets in the car park had been blocked by vandals.

2933 Finance

The following payments for the previous month were presented for ratification:

Payee / Amount / Details
Chanin & Thomas / 150.00 / Office rent July
Nether Stowey Village Hall / 17.00 / Rent for public meeting 8th June 2004
Sedgemoor Community Transport / 24.09 / Mini bus hire June 2004
SWEB Energy / 15.90 / Clock tower electricity
A Ensor / 537.07 / Salary June £496.57, mileage £25.60, postage £14.00, Parking £0.90
Inland Revenue / 131.12 / PAYE/NI
Nether Stowey Recreation Field Committee / 400.00 / Grant approved 14 June 2004
Total / £1,275.18

Proposed by Cllr Parsons, Seconded by Cllr Dean, the above payments were approved.

2934 Correspondence

Correspondence received included:

From / Subject
British Nuclear Group / Hinkley Point A News
Clerks & Councils Direct / Magazine – July
Community Council / Newsletter
Community Council / Thatch Magazine
Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance / Receipt For Grant
K Clarke / Copy Letter To English Heritage Re Nether Stowey Castle
NALC / Local Council Review
NALC / Notice Re Annual Conference
Parrett Catchment / Newsletter
Quantock Deer Management / Deer Count
Sedgemoor District Council / Re Draft Planning Guidance For The Provision Of Affordable Housing
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Decisions 03/06/2004 To 09/06/2004
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Applications 10/06/2004 To 16/06/2004
Sedgemoor District Council / Sedgemoor News, Arts Strategy Summary,
Somerfest Details
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Applications 17/06/2004 To 23/06/2004
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Decisions 10/06/2004 To 16/06/2004
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Applications 24/06/2004 To 30/06/2004
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Decisions 17/06/2004 To 23/06/2004
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Certificate 8 Bishop Road
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Applications 01/07/2004 To 07/07/2004
Sedgemoor District Council / Planning Decisions 24/06/2004 To 30/06/2004
Somerset County Council / Re Waste Local Plan
Somerset County Council / Re Junk Mail
Somerset County Council / Quantock Hills JAC Agenda 16 July 2004

2935 Matters for Information

Forthcoming Events

·  Friday 23 July 2004 – 12.30pm Sedgemoor CAB AGM – Bridgwater

·  1-3 October 2004 – NALC Annual Conference – Scarborough

Nether Stowey Primary School

Old classrooms being removed 28 July – new ones to be installed during August

Clerk will be away from 24th July to 30 August (inclusive).

2936 August Meeting

Proposed by Cllr Dean, seconded by Cllr Corkett it was agreed that the Parish Council would not meet during August.

2937 Date of Next Meeting

This will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 13th September 2004 at 7.00pm.

The meeting closed at 8.25pm.

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