The Itasca County Family YMCA offers several child care programs.
WeeFolksgarten:Infants (6 weeks – 16 months)
Toddlers (16 months – 33 months)
Preschool (33 months – 6 years)
Educare:School Age (6 am – 8 am, 3 pm – 6 pm)
Full Day – most days Districts316 & 318 has no school (6 am – 6 pm)
Camp Wannago - summer child care (6 am – 6 pm)
YMCA Mission Statement
“To strengthen ourselves, families, and communities
by promoting growth in spirit, mind and body.”
YMCA Child Care
The focus of YMCA Childcare is to support and strengthen the family unit by fostering growth and development. Programs provide a warm and safe environment in which children can experience positive and creative learning.
The philosophy and policies of YMCA Childcare desire to create a supportive relationship with parents. Childcare environments are carefully planned to provide time, space and richness for each child to grow and learn.
The goal of YMCA Childcare programs is to focus on the whole child, emphasizing experiences in all developmental areas. Materials and activities are provided to stimulate curiosity, wonder and creativity. Staff is knowledgeable in providing care specific to the age of the child they work with.
YMCA Child Care Values
- Developing Positive Self-Esteem: We want to build the feeling of “I can do it” to help a child risk learning new things. Our goal is for children to be self-motivated and to develop a strong image of positive self-worth and confidence.
- Learn by Discovery: Learning by doing is a large part of our program. Children work individually, in small groups and large groups. We feel learning becomes more meaningful for children through creative, hands-on activities.
- Age Appropriate Activities: Knowledge of a child’s skills and abilities is critical. We plan and implement tasks that are within the child’s reach and will serve as a foundation for future learning. Developmental abilities vary widely, and we acknowledge each child’s individual needs and goals. Activities are planned to promote physical, cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual development. Low teacher/child ratios and small group sizes ensure a high level of quality care and personalized attention for each child. Qualified teachers and assistants are hired to plan and implement a well-balanced and diverse curriculum.
- Individuality/Peer Activities: Children need to learn about themselves and about getting along with other children and adults. We work with each child to help them learn self-control and respect by following rules, sharing, taking turns, and working in groups.
- Variety: A variety of activities are planned throughout the program. Family events, special events, speakers, swimming and gym activities, arts and crafts, community service, and more are offered. We encourage and welcome parent involvement. Staff uses community resources to enrich children’s learning experiences.
- Environment: We provide an indoor/outdoor environment that is safe, stimulating, and varied. Opportunities are made for exploring and adventure. Staff will guide and encourage new learning experiences, and help children to discover new interests. We work to create an atmosphere of love, warmth, and respect for children and parents.
- Parent Involvement and Communication: We feel that open communication and consistency between parents and caregivers creates the optimum learning situation for children. Parents are a child’s first and primary teacher. By working together we strive to provide the best learning environment for all children.
Please note that turning in registration paperwork does not guarantee you a placement at WeeFolks. Availability needs to be verified by WeeFolks Office staff. Sometimes our classrooms are full and you may need to be put on a waiting list. We are a full time care facililty. We do not accept flexible schedules.
Please schedule an admission orientation prior to your child’s first day to discuss:
- Non-Refundable Deposit: A $50 deposit is required to hold your spot once the Director has contacted you to confirm admission to the program.
- Details of registration: Forms, schedule, completed proof of immunizations and Health Care Summary signed by your family health care provider (required prior to admission).
- Rates and payments: Daily childcare rates, a registration fee, first week’s payment and a signed rate agreement.
- Non-refundable, annual registration fee:$25 for one child, $40 for a family. This fee is prorated for new admissions during the school year. Returning family registration fees are due by September 1st.
- Childcare policies and any questions you may have.
- Family traditions and customs that you would like us to be aware of.
- Nutritional concerns and your parenting practices.
Please help us by completely filling out all necessary paperwork in detail.
Effective January 1, 2016 our daily rates are:
Infant (6 weeks to 16 months)$39.00 per day
Toddler (16 months to 33 months)$33.00 per day
Preschool (33 months to 1st day of Kindergarten)$30.00 per day
- You will be notified one month in advance if there is an adjustment in rates.
- Rates are evaluated annually and adjusted on, or around January 1st.
- Please read your rate agreement carefully prior to signing it.
When exiting the program a two-week written notice is required! If your child does not attend during the two-week period, you will still be responsible for payment of those two-weeks. The two-week notice is also required for those who only attend during the school year. If you pull your child from the program for the summer you must talk to the office, as you are not guaranteed a spot for the fall.
Late fees: We are licensed to be open from 6 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday. You will be charged $10.00 per child from 6:00-6:05PM. You will be charged $1.00 per minute per child after 6:05PM. This policy is for ALL YMCA Childcare Programs. Parents are personally responsible for these charges. Scholarship funds and Child Care Assistance do not pay late fees.
Billing services: Childcare is to be PRE-PAID. Statements will be sent out monthly for your convenience. An end of the year statement of all transactions is available in January. A drop box for payments is located outside the WeeFolks Office door and at each off site location. If an account is sent to collections a fee will be added to your bill and you will not be eligible for YMCA Childcare services in the future.
Scheduling: A written schedule for your child needs to be turned in to the WeeFolks Office by noon of the Thursday before attendance, even though you are contracted. This is our way of knowing days your child will not be in attendance due to other commitments.
Financial Assistance is available through a United Way/YMCA Partners with Youth Scholarship. You can apply for this assistance in the YMCA WeeFolks Office. Please note that this is a partial scholarship only. You will be required to provide wage verification for the 3 months prior to the scholarship BEFORE your application will be considered. ALL HOUSEHOLD GROSS INCOME IS NEEDED FOR THIS SCHOLARSHIP. Recipients are required to verify their income every six months and will need to reapply annually. WeeFolks needs to be notified of any changes in your income, immediately. You will be required to keep your portion of your bill current. Current means prepaid. If you do not keep your portion current, you will become responsible for the full amount due, and may have childcare privileges terminated. If your account is sent to collections, an additional charge, PLUS THE SCHOLARSHIP AMOUNT OF YOUR UNPAID BILL will be added to your total amount due. Once an account is sent to collections you will no longer be eligible to receive any YMCA Childcare Services. With our current local economic issues, the demand for the scholarship is high, and we want to make sure that recipients are using it appropriately.
Those receiving financial assistance through the county are responsible for paying their sliding fees and/or their portion of any bill that Child Care Assistance does not cover. The amount due is to be paid for during the month of service. Failure to keep this balance current may result in termination of Child Care Assistance and childcare services. Child Care Assistance clients are required to sign their Child Care Payment vouchers every two weeks. We must have a copy of your Service Authorization from Child Care Assistance prior to your child’s attendance. If Child Care Assistance denies payment for any reason, including not providing/signing required paperwork, you will become responsible for the total amount due, in addition to your sliding fee.
WeeFolks will be closed: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving Day and one week in August for annual training. If we are open, we may close by 1 pm on New Years Eve and Christmas Eve. When a holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, we may be closed the day preceding or following the holiday. Should ISD 318 be cancelled due to weather, WeeFolks will be closed. Please read the section on Weather Closings for more details.
You will not be charged for days that WeeFolks is closed. We will do our best to give you at least 2 weeks notice should we be closed for any days not listed above, to allow you time to arrange alternate care.
WeeFolks is not licensed for the care of sick children. Staff will determine if a child can remain at the center using the following guidelines that have been determined by the Department of Health & Human Services and our Health Consultant.
- Temperature of 101 degrees. A child who is ill or had a persistent illness may not be at the center with a fever, as they are still contagious to other children. Child must be fever free, without fever reducing medicine, for 24 hours prior to re-admittance.
- Vomiting: A child who vomits will be sent home. Your child must go 24 hours without vomiting prior to re-admittance.
- Strep Throat or any bacterial infection: If a physician diagnoses strep throat or a bacterial infection, a child needs to be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before re-admittance to the center is allowed.
- Diarrhea: A child who experiences diarrhea more than twice in a day will be sent home. A child with uncontained diarrhea, diarrhea that is not contained in a diaper, pull-up or underwear, will be sent home immediately. This is for the comfort of the child and the health and well-being of other children. Child must be free from diarrhea for 24 hours prior to re-admittance. If a child has chronic diarrhea, it is important to find the cause. All uncontained diarrhea contains bacteria and is harmful to others in the room.
- Chicken Pox: A child may not return until all blisters have dried and formed scabs. This is usually 7-10 days after the pox start. Covering blisters is not acceptable. No blisters may be open or oozing. Chicken pox is a common childhood illness and does not fall into the category of serious, long-term illness, so you will be billed for the time your child is gone.
- Ring Worm: Child must be examined by a doctor. They may be re-admitted after 24 hours of beginning treatment.
- Pink Eye: A child with pink eye or conjunctivitis will be sent home, according to Rule (3). If a physician diagnoses contagious pink eye, the child will need to have 3 doses of drops before re-admittance. A doctor’s note will be needed to confirm your visit and his diagnosis.
- Head Lice: A child must remain at home until the first treatment is completed AND no further active lice or nits are seen. A staff will inspect the child upon re-admittance, while the parent waits at the center.
- Heavy (green) nasal discharge.
- Any undiagnosed rash: Any rash needs to be seen by a doctor and have a written diagnosis prior to re-admittance.
- Significant Respiratory Distress.
- Child who requires more care than the program staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children in care.
A physician should diagnose any child who experiences symptoms of a contagious disease. A persistent fever of 101degrees or more is not a sign of teething, but a sign of possible infection. Teething can produce loose stools and low grade temps, and we keep this under consideration.
It is important for you to inform us of any health issues your child has or comes down with so that we can provide the appropriate care for your child, and to prevent the spread of illness to others.
We ask that you cooperate with staff if you receive a call to pick up a sick child. If you have any questions regarding an illness, please call before bringing in your child. The center will post information for parents when children in the center have been exposed to a contagious disease.
Please make sure you have a plan in place for when your child gets sick at childcare. If you are not able to leave work yourself, you will need to have a plan that includes a responsible person that will be able to care for your child. This is for the well being and comfort of your child, as well as all of the other children.
YMCA Childcare may exercise their right to deny further care should parents not be upfront with medical issues, the child requires more care than we are able to provide, or should the child’s medical issues present a potential risk to the other children in the center.
Our Health Care Consultant isAmber Carlson. She visits our site regularly to ensure all health rules are being followed and to make sure YMCA Childcare remains a safe place for your child.
All poisons and toxic substances are kept out of the reach of children. If, for any reason, a child were to be exposed to, or swallow a toxic substance, the Poison Control Center would be contacted immediately at 1-800-222-1222. Procedures would be followed as indicated by Poison Control.
First Aid & Emergency Care: Procedures are visually posted in each classroom. All childcare staff is certified in First Aid and Adult, Child & Infant CPR within 3 months of employment. Following is a list of telephone numbers we will use in an emergency situation:
MN Poison Control Center1-800-222-1222
Grand Itasca Clinic & Hospital 326-5000
Health Care Consultant, Amber Carlson322-2382
Itasca Dental Center326-3439
Emergency Services911
Medication: If your child requires medication during the time they are in our care, you will need to complete and sign a medication permission sheet. A separate form for each medicine is required. All medicines need to be in their original container, clearly marked with the child’s first and last name, and specific directions for use. Name of medication, dosage, time of administration, possible side effects of medicine, and duration of treatment needs to be clearly visible. Original prescription bottles with the doctor’s directions, name, etc. will be accepted as a doctor’s signature. Pharmacists are often willing to provide you with the amount of medicine needed for childcare in a separate bottle. Staff cannot administer medicine if these guidelines are not followed. We require a physician’s signature for over the counter fever reducers and cold medicines such as Tylenol, Motrin and Benadryl. Diaper rash ointment, sunscreen lotion or insect repellent for children require ONLY parent signature on our permissions form in the registration packet. Parents are responsible for providing all medications.
Immunization Records/Health Care Summary: WeeFolks is required to send annual reports to the state to verify that all registered children’s immunizations are up to date. Parents must provide up to date immunization records at registration. Immunizations need to be on the state provided form and include the child’s name, date, start date, and your signature. Children under 16 months need to have the form signed by their physician. Please update your forms in the WeeFolks Office anytime your child receives a new immunization.
A Health Care Summarysigned by a physician is required when entering the program and when changing from one program to another. This means when a child moves from the Infant to Toddler Program, the Toddler to Preschool Program, and from Preschool to School Age Program (as soon as they enter Kindergarten). A parent may not sign their own child’s Health Care Summary, even if they are a doctor or a nurse.
Handwashing, food preparation, diapering and cleaning guidelines are mandated by the State for our center to follow. This includes toys, play areas, cots and bedding. If you bring a stuffed toy or blanket for your child, it needs to be taken home and washed weekly.