Science 8th Grade - Ms. Gagliardi

Welcome Parents,

I am very excited to have the opportunity to be your child’s teacher this year at Gorzycki Middle School. Please review the information in this letter about my classroom expectations.

Units of Study

The 8th grade curriculum is divided into eight units of study. They are: Chemistry, Physics, Characteristics of the Universe, Earth, Sun and Moon, Weather Systems, Earth’s Features, Ecosystems, Problem Based Learning, Health & Sexuality

Make Up Work

Make up work is work that was assigned in class on a day you were absent from class. You have three school days to turn it in, starting from the day you return to class. You are responsible for getting the make up work from me and to me. You are required to do all work that was assigned and hand in those that are for a grade. Please let me know of special circumstances requiring extra time to complete make-up work. Please refer to page 3 of the student agenda for more details regarding make up work.

Late Work

Students are encouraged to turn work in on time. Having work finished when it is due has many benefits. You don't fall further behind, you are prepared for class discussions and activities and you are ready and prepared for tests and quizzes when your work is completed by the assigned due date.In the event that work is not turned in on time, there will be a penalty:

Work turned in late will receive 5 points off per day. If it is not turned in after 10 days the MSG in the grade book will be changed to a 0.

I reserve the right to suspend the late work policy on certain projects and activities when completion is critical by a certain time.I will inform students of this at the time the assignment is made.


Students will be given the opportunity to improve/re-do failing grades on tests and assignments when they receive a score lower than 70. The maximum score on this redone work is a 70. Students may be required to attend tutoring or complete additional review activities before being allowed to retake a test.

Students who fail a six weeks will be assigned tutoring / intervention the following six weeks.


Cheating can include copying answers, allowing someone to copy your answers, plagiarism, using unauthorized sources on a test/quiz, or having someone else complete an assignment for you.

1st offense: You will be given an alternate assignment, your parents will be notified and you will be assigned a detention. The alternate assignment will have a maximum value of a 70.

2nd offense: You will be given an alternate assignment, your parents will be notified and you will receive an office referral. The alternate assignment will have a maximum value of 70.


Students are expected to follow all school rules and classroom rules. The school rules are located in the student agenda. The school wide guidelines for success are PAWS “Prepare yourself, Accept responsibility, Work towards excellence, and Seek help from peers and adults”. I know that there are times and circumstances in a student’s life that extra patience is needed. If there are circumstances that warrant extra patience please let me know. I will respect your privacy and wishes. I do share information with the team teachers and administration.

Cell Phones/Electronic Devices

Not allowed out in class unless directly stated by the teacher. They should be off (silenced) and put away during class. There will be a zero tolerance policy with this issue. If this policy is violated then the device will be confiscated and turned into the office. See page 11 of student agenda.


After school detentions or lunch detentions will be assigned to students whose behaviors are such that actions must be taken to modify the behavior. Parents will be informed of the need for the student to stay after school so alternate transportation plans can be made. Detention is from 3:35 to 4:00 after school. Late students are not admitted. Students who do not serve their detention will be assigned two days of detention and the parent contacted. When a student still does not serve detention a referral will be written.


50% Test, Projects, Lab Reports

40% Quiz, Labs

10% Daily work/Homework


Wednesdays during Excel. Student must get s stamp in their planner in order to attend.


Notebooks are a very important tool for students. They will be given printed instructions on how they are to be set up. Students should bring a one inch binder to class with dividers and notebook paper.

Conference Time

1st period and 8th period

Contact Information


Phone: 512-841-8705

The best way to reach me during the day is email. I will respond to you as soon as I am available.

Thank you,

Ms. Gagliardi, M. Ed

Studyisland Tips

How to login Username is Firstname.Lastname@gms

Password: student ID number without the S

Studyisland provides a lesson and notecards for each lesson. Students should split the screen and have the lesson open simultaneously. Students are also allowed to use search engines to look up terms as needed.

Most studyisland assignments will be given out on Fridays and due the following Friday at 7:30 am. Therefore students have ample time to complete the required number of questions. We require students to complete 30 questions minimum and 50 questions maximum. Should students need additional assistance or support in completing studyisland assignments they should notify their teacher and utilize tutoring time during excel and after school.