EIA Study Brief No. ESB-075/2001

Flyover and Adjoining Footbridge between Yuen Long On Ning Road and Kau Yuk Road June 2001

Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499), Section 5(7)

Environmental Impact Assessment Study Brief No. ESB-075/2001

Project Title : Flyover and Adjoining Footbridge between

Yuen Long On Ning Road and Kau Yuk Road

(hereinafter known as the "Project")

Name of Applicant : Regional Highway Engineer/NT, Highways Department

(hereinafter known as the "Applicant")


1.1An application (No. ESB-075/2001) for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study brief under section 5(1) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) was submitted by the Applicant on 23.4.2001with a Project Profile (No. PP-128/2001).

1.2The Project Profile (No. PP-128/2001) proposed to build a single two lane elevated road of about 330 metres in length over the existing Yuen Long Nullah between Yuen Long On Ning Road and Kau Yuk Road with a 200 metres long footbridge (of about 5 metres wide) adjoining the elevated road. The Project will also include access ramps, staircases, associated landscape, drainage, street lighting, traffic aids and E&M works and environmental and drainage mitigation measures. The location of the Project is shown on Plan No. P/2183/PP1 of the Project Profile (No. PP-128/2001) and Figure 1 of this EIA study Brief.

1.3Pursuant to section 5(7)(a) of the EIAO, the Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) issues this EIA study brief to the Applicant to carry out an EIA study.

1.4 The purpose of this EIA study is to provide information on the nature and extent of environmental impacts arising from the construction and operation of the Project and related activities that take place concurrently. This information will contribute to decisions by the Director on:

(i)the acceptability of the Project and its alignment and any adverse environmental consequences that are likely to arise as a result of the Project;

(ii)the conditions and requirements for the detailed design, construction and operation of the Project to mitigate against adverse environmental consequences wherever practicable; and

(iii)the acceptability of residual impacts after the proposed mitigation measures are implemented.


2.1The objectives of the EIA study are as follows:

(i)to describe the Project and associated works together with the requirements for carrying out the Project;

(ii)to identify and describe elements of community and environment likely to be affected by the Project and/or likely to cause adverse impacts to the Project, including natural and man-made environment;

(iii)to provide information on the consideration of alternatives, include no-build option, for avoiding and minimizing the environmental impacts to the sensitive receivers and the environment;

(iv)to identify and quantify emission sources and determine the significance of impacts on sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;

(v)to identify and quantify any potential landscape and visual impacts, especially to sensitive receivers, existing or planned, having line of sight to the Project and to propose measures to avoid/mitigate these impacts;

(vi)to identify any adverse impact on the flow regime and water quality of Yuen Long Nullah and Inner Deep Bay and to proposed measures to mitigate these impacts;

(vii)to identify any negative impacts on site of cultural heritage and to propose measures to mitigate these impacts;

(viii)to propose the provision of mitigation measures so as to minimize pollution, environmental disturbance and nuisance during the construction and operation of the Project;

(ix)to identify, predict and evaluate the residual environmental impacts (i.e. after practicable mitigation) and the cumulative effects expected to arise during the construction and operation phases of the Project in relation to the sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;

(x)to identify, assess and specify methods, measures and standards, to be included in the detailed design, construction and operation of the Project, which are necessary to mitigate these environmental impacts and reducing them to acceptable levels;

(xi)to investigate the extent of the secondary environmental impacts that may arise from the proposed mitigation measures and to identify constraints associated with the mitigation measures recommended in the EIA study, as well as the provision of any necessary modification;

(xii)to investigate the feasibility, effectiveness and implications of the proposed mitigation measures; and

(xiii)to design and specify environmental monitoring and audit requirements to ensure the effective implementation of the recommended environmental protection and pollution control measures.


3.1The Purpose

The purpose of this study brief is to scope the key issues of the EIA study. The Applicant has to demonstrate in the EIA report that the criteria in the relevant sections of the Technical Memorandum on the Environmental Impact Assessment Process of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as “the TM”) are fully complied with.

3.2 The Scope

3.2.1The EIA shall state the objective of the Project and the specific problem that the Project is aimed to address. The EIA shall also describe in detail the extent and characteristics of the Project.

3.2.2The EIA study shall address any key issues identified during the course of the study and the cumulative environmental impacts of the Project, through interaction or in combination with other existing, committed and planned developments in the vicinity of the Project.

Alternative Consideration

3.2.3When preparing the EIA report in accordance with the technical requirements below, the Applicant shall provide information on the consideration and evaluation of all alternatives, including construction methods, pedestrianisation schemes and no-build option, to the Project with a view to avoiding and minimizing the potential environmental impacts to the maximum practicable extent.

3.2.4The EIA report shall include reference to the consideration of the alternative options to the Project like traffic management on existing road network and alternative project alignments/designs. The Applicant shall compare the main environmental impacts of different options, alignments and designs with the proposed Project, provide reasons for selecting the proposed approach, road alignment and design, and the part environmental factors played in the selection shall be described.

3.3Technical Requirements

The Applicant shall conduct the EIA study to address all environmental aspects of the activities as described in the scope as set out above. The EIA study shall include the following technical requirements on specific impacts.

3.3.1Cumulative Environmental Impact

The Applicant shall assess and evaluate the cumulative environmental impacts arising from the project and other planned development in its vicinity, including but not limited to the Yuen Long Bypass Floodway, the Sewer Upgrading Works at Yuen Long Town, and the proposed Public Transport Interchange and Residential Development near the West Rail Long Ping Station.

3.3.2 Air Quality Impact

General Requirement Applicant shall follow the criteria and guidelines for evaluating and assessing air quality impact as stated in section 1 of Annex 4 and Annex 12 of the TM respectively. assessment area for air quality impact shall generally be defined by a distance of 500 m from the boundary of the project site, yet it may be extended depending on the circumstances and the scale of the project. Applicant shall assess the air pollutant concentrations in accordance with the latest set of Guidelines for Local-Scale Air Quality Assessment Using Models issued by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), HKSAR. (ref. EPD's home page under items for Air - or other methodology as agreed by the Director.

Impact Assessment air quality impact assessment shall include the following:

Background and analysis of activities

(i)Provide background information relating to air quality issues relevant to the Project, e.g. description of the types of activities during construction stage of the Project such as stockpiling of excavated materials that will likely give rise to dust/odour emissions and those activities during operation stage of the Project such as fuel combustion that will give off gaseous emissions.

(ii)Give an account, where appropriate, of the consideration/measures that had been taken into consideration in the planning of the Project to abate the air pollution impact. That is, the Applicant should consider alternative construction methods/phasing programmes and alternative modes of operation to minimise the constructional and operational air quality impact respectively.

(iii)Present the background air quality levels in the assessment area for the purpose of evaluating the cumulative constructional and operational air quality impacts.

Identification of Air Sensitive Receivers (ASRs) and examination of emission/dispersion characteristics

(iv)Identify and describe representative existing and planned/committed ASRs, in particular Chung Sing School, that would likely be affected by the Project. The Applicant shall select the assessment points of the identified ASRs such that they represent the worst impact point of these ASRs. A map showing the location and a description including the name of the buildings, their uses and height of the selected assessment points shall be given. The separation distances of these ASRs from the nearest emission sources should also be given.

(v)Provide an exhaustive list of air pollutant emission sources, including any nearby emission sources, including particulate emissions, exhaust emissions from vehicles under normal operation, which are likely to have impact on the Project based on the analysis of the constructional and operational activities of the Project in (i) above. Examples of constructional stage emission sources include stockpiling, concrete batching and vehicular movements on unpaved haul roads/nullah banks on site, etc. Examples of operational stage emission sources include vehicular flow etc. Confirmation of the validity of the assumptions and the magnitude of the activities (e.g. volume of construction materials handled, traffic mix and volume on a road etc.) shall be obtained from the relevant government department/authorities and documented.

Construction phase air quality impact

(vi)The Applicant shall follow the requirements of the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation in dust control to ensure construction dust impacts are controlled within the relevant standards as stipulated in section 1 of Annex 4 of the TM. An audit and monitoring program during constructional stage shall be initiated to verify the effectiveness of the control measures and to ensure that the construction dust levels be brought under control.

(vii) If the Applicant anticipates a significant construction dust impact that will likely cause exceedance of the recommended limits in the TM at the ASRs despite incorporation of the dust control measures stated in (vi) above, a quantitative assessment should be carried out to evaluate the construction dust impact at the identified ASRs based on the emission strength of the emission sources identified in (v) above. The Applicant shall follow (xi) to (xv) below when carrying out the quantitative assessment.

Operational phase air quality impact

(viii) The Applicant shall calculate the expected air pollutant concentrations at the identified ASRs. Calculations for the expected impact shall be based on an assumed reasonably worst case scenario. The evaluation shall be based on the strength of the emission sources identified in (v) above. The Applicant shall follow (xi) to (xv) below when carrying out the quantitative assessment.

(ix)For calculation of future road traffic air pollution impacts, this shall be based on the highest emission strength from the road within the next 15 years upon commencement of operation of the proposed road. The Applicant shall demonstrate that the selected year of assessment represents the highest emission scenario given the combination of vehicular emission factors and traffic flow for the selected year.

(x)If there are vehicular tunnels, full enclosures proposed in the Project, it is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that the air quality inside these proposed structures shall comply with EPD's "Practice Note on Control of Air Pollution in Vehicle Tunnels". For assessment of air quality impact due to emissions from the tunnels/full enclosures, the Applicant shall ensure that the emission amount and the pollutants emitted from these tunnel/full enclosure have been agreed with the relevant tunnel ventilation design engineer and documented.

Quantitative Assessment Methodology

(xi)The Applicant shall apply the general principles enunciated in the modelling guidelines (paragraph above) while making allowance for the specific characteristic of each project. This specific methodology must be documented in such level of details (preferably with tables and diagrams) to allow the readers of the assessment report to grasp how the model is set up to simulate the situation at hand without referring to the model input files. Details of the calculation of the emission rates of air pollutants and a map showing all the road links for input to the modelling shall be presented in the report. The Applicant must ensure consistency between the text description and the model files at every stage of submission. Prior agreement of the general methodology between the Applicant and the Director is advised.

(xii)The Applicant shall, based on the nature of the activities analysed in (v) above, identify the key/representative air pollutant parameters (types of pollutants and the averaging time concentration) to be evaluated and provide explanation for choosing these parameters for the assessment of the impact of the Project.

(xiv)The Applicant shall calculate the cumulative air quality impact at the identified ASRs and compare these results against the criteria set out in section 1 of Annex 4 in the TM. The predicted air quality impacts (both unmitigated and mitigated) shall be presented in the form of summary table and pollution contours, for comparison with relevant air quality standards and examination of the land use implications of these impacts. Plans of suitable scale should be used for presentation of pollution contour for determining buffer distances required.

(xv)If there are any direct technical noise remedies recommended in the study, the air quality implication due to these remedies shall be assessed. For instance, if barriers that may affect dispersion of air pollutants are proposed, then the implications of such remedies on air quality impact shall be assessed. If an enclosure is proposed, then portal emissions of the enclosed road section and air quality inside the enclosed road section shall also be addressed. The Applicant should highlight clearly the locations and types of agreed noise mitigating measures, ASRs as well as tunnel/road enclosure and their portals (where applicable) on the contour maps for easy reference.

Mitigating measures for non-compliance

(xvi)The Applicant shall propose remedies and mitigating measures where the predicted air quality impact exceeds the criteria set in section 1 of Annex 4 in the TM. These measures and any constraints on future land use planning shall be agreed with the relevant government departments/authorities and documented. The Applicant shall demonstrate quantitatively that the resultant impacts after incorporation of the proposed mitigating measures will comply the criteria stipulated in section 1 of Annex 4 in the TM.

Submission of model files

(xvi)All input and output file(s) of the model run(s) shall be submitted to the Director in electronic format.

3.3.3Noise Impact Applicant shall follow the criteria and guidelines for evaluating and assessing noise impact as stated in Annexes 5 and 13 of the TM respectively. noise impact assessment shall include the following :

(i) Determination of Assessment Area

The noise impact assessment shall include all areas within 300m from the boundary of the project site. Subject to the agreement of the Director, the assessment area could be reduced accordingly if the first layer of Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs), closer than 300m from the boundary of the project site, provides acoustic shielding to those receivers located further away.

(ii) Provision of Background Information

The Applicant shall provide all background information relevant to the Project including relevant previous and current studies. Unless involved in the planning standards, no existing noise levels are particularly required.

(iii)Identification of Noise Sensitive Receivers

(a)The Applicant shall refer to Annex 13 of the TM when identifying the NSRs. The NSRs shall include all existing ones and all planned or committed noise sensitive developments and uses.

(b) The Applicant shall select assessment points to represent all identified NSRs for carrying out quantitative noise assessment described below. The assessment points shall be agreed with the Director prior to the quantitative noise assessment. A map showing the location and description including name of building, use, and floors of each and every selected assessment point shall be given.

(iii) Provision of an Emission Inventory of the Noise Sources