Name:Shemeika HenryDate: November 22, 2010

Topic: Consumer Health in AdvertisementsGrade: 10th grade

Student Objectives (linked to National Health Education standards):

HEALTH EDUCATION STANDARD 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services.

Students will

The student will be able to:

1)compare and contrast influences on buying decisions;

2)identify selling techniques;

3)compare techniques advertisers use to capture attention;

4)explain how advertising affects decisions; and

5)display creativity in developing an advertisement.

Differentiation for diverse learners: Student will only have to answer questions 1-5 and have only two articles to review.

Teacher Objectives: The teacher will give accurate/informative information about consumer health in advertisements.

Assessment Strategy: In a small group (2-3) students will create their own article using the psychological approaches learned.

Task: Students will move to different advertisements posted around class and answer questions.

Evidence: Answers to questions and creating their own advertisement.

Criteria/Rubric/Checklist: See Attachment

Instructional Outline:

Lesson Progression / Teaching Reminders
Set Induction: Discuss objectives, tell what the how and the why.
-The students will learn the importance of health concerns in advertisements.
-Present consumer terms, "buyer, seller, product, service, needs, emotions, and transaction."
-Present psychological approaches used to increase sales of products, i.e., heighten emotions, satisfy present needs, and promise quick results.
-Describe the concept of selling new products by creating desires (perceived needs).
-Encourage students to work together with peers (small group 2-3) to review a variety of advertisements.
-Allows student to review advertisements and answer questions pertaining to the psychological approaches.
- Assessment: allow students to create an advertisement of their own product using the criteria given to follow.
Allow students to share the advertisement that they created. / -Be clear about objectives
-Check for understand before giving task

Materials: Magazine ads, questions, paper, markers and crayons


Meeks, L., Heit, P, & Page, R. (2011). Comprehensive School Health Education:Totally Awesome Strategies for Teaching Health (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Tackmann, D.L. (2000). Hands-On Health. Woodland Hills, California: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Website: National Health Standards

1. What is the product being sold?
2. What is the purpose of the ad?
3. Who should buy this product?
4. What psychological approach is used to increase sales of this product, i.e., heighten emotions like fear or love, satisfy present needs, promise quick cure or results, create a need or desire?
5. How reliable is the source of the ad for health information?
6. Which statements about the product are true?
7. What important information is missing?
8. What are the product ingredients?
9. What are the health benefits of the product, if any?
10. Are there any negative or side effects for consumers to consider?
11. What is the credibility of the product manufacturer?
12. How were the product's features enhanced to improve its appeal to you (e.g., use of an attractive spokesperson or athlete, make-up, food styling, special photographic techniques)?
13. How would you change the advertisement to benefit consumers?