St Aloysius’ College

Senior School Uniform List

  • College blazer
  • House tie
  • White shirt
  • College V-neck jumper
  • Mid-grey trousers
  • Grey socks
  • Formal black shoes
  • College blazer
  • House tie
  • White shirt
  • College V-neck jumper
  • Mid-grey 8-box pleated skirt
  • Grey socks with school colours or black tights
  • Formal black shoes

  • College PE t-shirt
  • College PE shorts
  • White sports socks
  • Trainers (non-marking soles)
  • College games shirt
  • College PE shorts
  • White sports socks
  • Trainers (non-marking soles)
  • Plain black Lycra leggings

  • College rugby shirt
  • College rugby shorts
  • College games socks
  • College base layer (optional)
  • Rugby/Football boots (studs or mouldies)
  • College tracksuit top and training trousers
  • Gum shield
  • College games bag
  • College games shirt
  • College hockey skort
  • College games socks
  • College base layer (optional)
  • Astroturf shoes
  • College tracksuit top and training trousers
  • Shin Guards
  • Hockey stick (with Indian head)
  • Gum shield
  • College games bag
  • Plain Black Lycra leggings

Where possible, please mark items with pupil name.

Uniform and Appearance Rules S1-S6

The correct wearing of uniform and the general appearance of pupils are very important matters. The pupils of St Aloysius’ College take the reputation of the school with them wherever they go in uniform and it is therefore vital that our uniform is always worn appropriately and with dignity.

School uniform also serves to shelter young people from the ever changing demands of fashion by ensuring a level of uniformity, continuity and belonging.

These principles are the rationale behind the following rules which apply to all pupils from S1 to S5.

  1. Blazers are to be worn to assembly and church when moving from class to class and travelling to and from school, including sports fixtures (away games).
  1. College tracksuit top and training trousers may be worn for home fixtures if pupils are dropped off and collected.
  1. Shirts are to be tucked in; collars and ties are to be done up.
  1. Boys’ socks are to be plain mid-grey.
  1. Trousers are to be mid-grey (not dark grey, charcoal or black). Skirts are to be mid-grey 8-box pleated and at least knee length. Skirts and Trousers should be worn with the waistband at the waist, and not around the hips.
  1. Shoes are to be black, plain, formal and polished; shoe heels are to be no higher than 2cm from the floor to platform at the instep; boots are not permitted except when there is deep snow; trainers may be worn in the playground but must not be worn in or between classes, nor on the way to and from school (even if by a parent’s car). NB black trainer-style shoes are not acceptable as College Uniform.
  1. Any other items of clothing (coats, hats, gloves, hair accessories) are to conform in colour (dark green, grey, black) and style so as to be compatible with and not detract from the school uniform.
  1. If a scarf is worn it is to be the approved school scarf. No other scarves are allowed.
  1. Pupils who have lockers are required to use them, and to keep them locked.
  1. Bags, which should be plain and of a dark colour, may not be taken to lessons. S1-S6 pupils must have the College games bag.
  1. Jewellery (including wrist bands, bracelets and rings) is not to be worn (one plain stud in the lobe of each ear is permitted).
  1. Hair should be tidy, of a natural colour and in a style which is in keeping with the formality of school life. Extremely short cropped hair is not acceptable (#1 and #2 cuts are not acceptable). In S1-S3 long hair should be tied back in a single pony tail. In S4-6 only, hair products may be used provided they are not visible/obtrusive and the styling is discreet.
  1. Make-up is not to be worn at all in S1-3. In S4-6 make-up may be worn provided it is natural and minimal. Eye makeup, fake tan and nail polish are not permitted.
  1. Games and PE kit is to be worn as indicated in the uniform list; at informal school activities pupils are strictly forbidden to wear items of clothing in the colours and style of any professional football team.
  1. House ties are to be worn. School badges, Colours and Awards are part of school uniform.
  1. All school clothing is to be clearly marked with the owner’s name.
  1. For S5/ S6 pupils who participate in the Arrupe Programme black trousers and a burgundy polo shirt should be worn.

The Senior Depute is the final adjudicator of what is or is not acceptable uniform or appearance.