Študentská konferencia UNICA Rím 2017 spodtitulom:"Towards a Student-Centred University"

Napíš motivačný list vAj (rozsah A4) na 1 z tém diskusného fóra:

1 - Quality of HigherEducation

• How to improvethequality of thelearningexperience? (EuropeanStandards and GuidelinesforQualityAssurance in the EHEA)

• Evaluation of learninginstruments (QualityCommittee)

• Highqualityuniversitieswithlowfees: Isitpossible?

2 – Student-CentredLearning

• Concept of “Student-CentredLearning”

• Benefits of innovativelearningforteachers and students

• Challenges of innovativelearningforteachers and students

3 - New ways of teaching and learning

• Learning in thedigitalera: E-learning and MassiveOpenOnlineCourses (MOOCs)

• Innovation and Education: Canuniversitiesnurturethecreativity of students?

4 – Fosteringaccess to HigherEducation

• Importance of diverseclassrooms

• Student services

• HousErasmus+: What are thechallenges international students and trainees face whenlookingforaccommodationabroad and how to improvethesituation

• National/Institutionalpolicies/strategiesforaccess to HigherEducation

5 - Student Mobility

• Barriersforstudent mobility: Visas and socio-economicissues

• How to choosetheuniversity to study at: Are the international rankingsused by students?

• European and international mobility for study or traineeshipsunderthe Erasmus+ programme: Benefits and challenges

6 – Recognition

• Recognition of credits and conversion of thegradesforexchangestudents

o EGRACONS: EuropeanGRAdeCONversionSystem

o PRIME: Problems of Recognition In Making Erasmus

• Recognition of titlesfordegreeseekingstudents (LisbonConvention)

7 - Employability of students

• Cooperationwithenterprisesforthecontinuousimprovement of education and employabilityof Students

• Impact of students' international mobility on theiremployability

• Hard and soft skills: Are Europeanuniversitieshelpingstudents to developboth?

• Formal and non-formaleducation

8 – GreenerUniversities

• Greeneruniversities: The role of students

• SAVES project: Puttingstudentsattheheart of anenergy-efficientEurope

• WE ARE PARIS project -

9 – Integration of refugees: Whatcanuniversities do?

• How to overcomelanguagebarriersasan international student?

• Refugeecrisis: Canuniversities do more?

• Theimportance of cross-culturalunderstanding

10 - TheFuture of Europe

• Unity and diversity in Europe: Thechallenge of multiculturalism

• Student mobility and theenlargement of theEuropeanUnion

• Europe'spoliticalfuture

Súčasti prihlášky: CV aprihláška

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