BOARDElliot Abrams, Chair

Bryce Boyer, Vice-Chair

Jeff Luck, Supervisor

Josh Troxell, Supervisor

Walt Wise, Supervisor

STAFFDoug Erickson, Township Manager

Brent Brubaker, Township Engineer

Pat Hubert, AssistantTownship Engineer

John Petrick, Chief of Police

Kim Wyatt, Finance Director

Joe Price, Senior Planner

Betsy Dupuis, Solicitor

Joe Wilson, Consultant

ABSENTSusan Wheeler, Parks Project Manager


Kathy Mextorf, LCC


The January 3, 2011 Patton Township Board of Supervisors meeting held at the TownshipMunicipalBuilding was called to order at 7:00 PM by temporary Chair Elliot Abrams.


Mr. Luck nominated Mr. Abrams for Chair. Seconded by Mr.Boyer, the motion passed


Mr. Luck nominated Mr. Boyer for Vice-Chair. Seconded by Mr. Abrams, the motion passed



Mr. Boyer stated that in regards to GraysWoodsPark he requests that the minutes state that the Board of Supervisorswould be more engaged in the master planning process. Mr. Erickson respondedthat staff would propose a scope of work for the Master Plan to include specific reports to the Board and Planning Commission prior to production of a final product, and the Board could review that and determine if it included sufficient opportunities for input. Mr. Erickson also noted that he would report back to the Board on the results of an upcoming meeting with the state and federal regulatory agencies regarding potential development of the park.

Mr. Wise moved to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2010 meeting, as amended per Mr. Boyer’s comments. Seconded by Mr. Troxell, the motion passed 5-0.


No comments were offered.



(1) Regular Meeting Dates

Mr. Abrams stated that since 1985 the Board of Supervisors has met on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month andthe Board should establish its meeting dates for 2011 and should also set a starting time for meetings. He noted that since January 1998 the Board meetings have started at 7:00 p.m.

The agenda proposed a schedule similar to that of the last several years is recommended which includes regular meetings on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month with adjustments as follows:

JanuaryOne organization and one regular meeting

June-AugustOne regular meeting on the third Wednesday

NovemberOne regular meeting and two special budget meetings

DecemberOne regular meeting

The following specific schedule of meetings is recommended for 2011:

Regular Meetings (2nd and 4th Wednesdays unless noted)

January 26 (4th Wednesday)July 20 (3rd Wednesday)

February 9 and 23 August 17 (3rd Wednesday)

March 9 and 23September 14 and 28

April 13 and 27October 12 and 26

May 11 and 25November 2 (1st Wednesday)

June 15 (3rd Wednesday)December 14 (2nd Wednesday)

Special Budget Meetings

November 9 (2nd Wednesday)Budget presented; work session, tentative adoption

November 16 (3rd Wednesday)Public hearing; budget work session

Organizational Meeting

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mr. Luck moved to adopt the meeting schedule as recommended, with a start time of 7:00 PM. Mr. Boyer seconded, the motion passed 5-0.

(2) COG Committee Assignments

Mr. Abrams explained that members of the Board of Supervisors serve on Centre Region Council of Governments (COG) Standing and Ad Hoc Committees andeach committee consists of one elected official from each municipality.


a.Organization (cont’d)

(2) COG Committee Assignments (cont’d)

The Board members agreed upon the following list of COG Committee assignments:

Committee / 2010 Meeting Date / 2011 First Meeting / 2010 Incumbent
Executive / 12:15 PM, Tues prior to GF / 12:15 PM, Jan 18 / Abrams, Boyer Alt
Public Safety / 9:00 AM, 2nd Wed / 9:00 AM, Jan 12 / Boyer, Wise Alt
Finance / 8:30 AM, 2nd Tues / 8:30 am, Jan 11 / Wise
Human Resources / Noon, 1st Tues / Noon, Jan 4 / Troxell, Abrams Alt
Public Svcs. & Env. / Noon, 1st Wed / Noon, Jan 5 / Boyer, Wise Alt
Trans. & Land Use / 12:15 PM, 1st Mon / 12:15 PM, Jan 10 / Luck, Abrams Alt
Parks Capital / 12:15 PM, 2rd Thurs / 12:15 PM, Jan 13 / Luck, Troxell Alt

Upon a motion from Mr. Wise, seconded by Mr. Troxell, the Board continued the PattonTownship policy whereby alternates, including ad hoc alternates (other Board members and the Manager), may vote at COG Committee meetings when they fill in for the regular Committee member, by a 5-0 vote.

(3) Board Committee Appointments

The Board members agreed upon the following Committeesassignments:


ABC Committee (2 members)Wise & Troxell

Source Water Protection ProjectBoyer

Centre Area Cable Consortium DirectorLuck

Patton/Halfmoon Area Plan Steering CommitteeTroxell & Boyer

Spring Creek Watershed CommissionBoyer, Bob Donaldson Alt.

Open Space Stewardship Committee LiaisonWise

Conservation & Efficiency Committee LiaisonLuck


a. Organization (cont’d)

(4)PSATS Convention Voting Delegate and Authorized Attendees

Mr. Abrams stated the annual State Convention of the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) will be held in Hershey on April 17-20, 2011 and a copy of the preliminary conference program was enclosed. Mr. Troxell will serve as the voting delegate. All the Supervisors indicated they would attend for at least a day.

(5)Appointments to Authorities, Boards and Commissions (ABCs)

The Board must appoint Township residents to serve on Authorities, Boards and Commissions where terms of incumbents have expired or a member has resigned.

Mr. Erickson noted that the following residents are eligible for reappointment and have agreed to serve an additional term. Mr. Luck moved to reappoint the following residents, seconded by Mr. Boyer. The motion passed 5-0.

ABC / Incumbent(s) / Years Served / Yrs in new Term / Term will Expire
Spring Creek Watershed Comm. / Bryce Boyer
Bob Donaldson (Alt) / 1
1 / 1
1 / Jan. 2012
Jan. 2012
Vacancy Board / Gary Vratarich / 2 / 1 / Jan. 2012
Conservation & Efficiency Comm. / Robert Morgan
Dirk Grupe
Clifford Bastuscheck / 3 / 3 / Jan. 2014
Planning Commission / Jeffrey Hermann
Jeff Kokoskie / 6
5 / 4 / Jan. 2015
Jan. 2015
Recreation Advisory Committee. / Judith Minor
Chris Hurley / 6
6 / 3 / Jan. 2014
Jan. 2014
Water Authority/ICDA / Majid Allen / 4 / 5 / Jan. 2014
Zoning Hearing Board / Dan Trevino / 1 / 3 / Jan. 2014
Tax Appeals Board / Cindy Nucciarone / 1 / 3 / Jan. 2014

Mr. Abrams noted there are also vacancies on ABC’s to be filled with new appointments because the position is new, or because the incumbent has completed the maximum number of terms or is otherwise ineligible or unable to continue serving. These vacancies include the following:

  • C-NET Board (1)
  • Centre Area Transportation Authority (1)
  • Planning Commission (2)
  • Sign Review Board (1)
  • Zoning Hearing Board Alternate (1)


a. Organization (cont’d)

(5)Appointments to Authorities, Boards and Commissions (ABCs)

The ABC Committee will review the applications in the current Talent Bank and present recommendations for new appointments to fill vacancies at the next Board meeting.

The annual appointment of a Planning Commission member to the Centre Regional Commission will be made at the next Board meeting following receipt of a nomination from the Township Planning Commission.

(6) Treasurer's Bond Limit

Mr. Abrams explained that the Second Class Township Code requires that the Board of Supervisors set the bond amount for the Treasurer. The amount of $1,500,000 is recommended for 2011, a continuation of the 2010 amount.

Mr. Troxell moved to set the Treasurer’s bond amount at the recommended level of $1,500,000. Mr.Luck seconded, the motion passed 5-0.

(7) Expenditure Approvals

Mr. Abrams stated that the Board should authorize the Purchasing Officer (Manager) to approve individual purchases of a routine nature up to $4,000, and of an emergency nature up to $10,000, with all procurement actions to be reported to the Board of Supervisors. This has been the Board's policy since 2002.

Mr. Boyer moved to approve expenditure authorizations at the levels recommended. Mr. Luck seconded, the motion passed 5-0.

(8) Bank Depository

Mr. Ambrams noted that the Board should continue use of First National Bank as the general depository for the Township's checking and savings accounts with the stipulation that any bank, savings institution, or PLGIT may be used for the investment of Township funds.

Mr. Abrams asked about the decision to stay with the same bank and Ms. Wyatt explained that Township money is deposited at several banks to be fully insured, and the general depository is at First National Bank because of a long relationship with very good service and no fees.

Mr. Boyermoved to continue the practice of usingFirst National Bank as the general depository for the Township’s checking and savings accounts. Mr. Luck seconded, the motion passed 5-0.


  1. Code Administration Study

The Board deferred this item to the January 26, 2011 meeting.


Mr. Erickson reminded the Board that the annual ABC Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be held on Friday, January 28, 2011.

Chief Petrick informed the Board that a promotion ceremony for Sean Albright will be held on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at noon.


Mr. Troxell informed the Board that he went to the Patton/Halfmoon Area Plan Steering Committee on December 14, 2010 in which they continued to discuss the traffic analysis that Trans Associates is doing.


Mr. Erickson informed the Board that there were a couple letters of correspondence:one is a letter from an engineering firm and the other document wasfrom a volunteer for Clearwater Conservancy. The Board asked for a presentation on this mapping project from Clearwater at a future meeting.


There being no further business, by Mr. Boyer’s motion and Mr. Luck’s second, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.


Douglas Erickson, Township Secretary