General Meeting Minutes

Date: Sunday, June 8, 2014, 2121 N. Victoria Drive, Santa Ana

Opening: The general meeting of the Floral Park Neighborhood Association was called to order by Blake Anderson, President at 3:15 p.m.

Present: Blake Anderson President

Mark Mittman 1st Vice President Whitney Mittman 1st Vice President

Sarah Krutsinger 1st Vice President John Krutsinger 1st Vice President

Ed Murashie Parliamentarian Ashley Lawson Co-Social

Joe Magaddino Treasurer Erin Suica Co-Social

Jeff smith Membership Sandy DeAngelis Home Tour

Nancy Smith Co-Communications Bev Schauwecker Co-Communications

Welcome to Our Home: Sandy DeAngelis welcomed all to their home.

Welcome and Introduction of New Neighbors: Jeff commented that there lots of new neighbors at the mixer held last week, and asked first-time attendees to identify themselves.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the March 23, 2014 General Membership Meeting were approved. (Motion for approval from Erin Suica; 2nd from the floor; approved.)

Recap of 2014 Home Tour: Sandy presented a plaque to Helen Alberts, commemorating her ten (10) years on the committee. Sandy then presented certificates from the City of Santa Ana to the homeowners in attendance: Erin Suica, Chris Switzer, Blake Anderson. Certificates from the City of Santa Ana were then presented to committee members in attendance: Sarah Krutsinger, Helen Alberts, Jessica Carr, Bev Schauwecker, Erwin Schauwecker and Ruth Seigle.

Report of Net Income from the 2014 Home Tour: Joe Magaddino, Treasurer gave a report, filed subject to audit.

New Business:

Motion to approve the sum of $6,000 for scholarships, and $3,000.00 for community grants was approved.

(Motion for approval Mark Mittman, 2nd from the floor)

Social Events: report was given on future social events by Ashley Lawson and Erin Suica. Next event will be the Freedom Fest on June 28 on Heliotrope.

Legacy Award: Blake explained the history and purpose of this new award. Bricks will be placed in Sarah Mae Downie Memorial Herb Garden to honor recipients. Guidelines and Nomination forms were passed out to those in attendance. The form will be on our web site.

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Presentation of Scholarships: Mark Mittman and Sarah Krutsinger asked Mayor Miguel Pulido, Rich Miller, Superintendent and Dawn Miller, Assistant Superintendent of the Santa Ana Unified School District to assist in awarding the scholarships. Each student was then introduced by a member of the Sponsorship committee, and given certificates and a check. Recipients were:

Joseph Bangor Annual Scholarship: Antonia Silva, Orange County School of the Arts

FPNA Scholarships: Maria Gutierrez, Santa Ana College

Dulce Lopez, Valley High School

Sabrina Khan, Segerstrom High School

Jocelin Lim, Segerstrom High School

Estefania Huitron, Valley High School

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bev Schauwecker, acting Secretary