Task / Evidence / Points
Cooperates with team members and shares tasks /
  • Works well with team members and does fair share of tasks—20 points
  • Works somewhat well with others and shares some of the tasks—10 points
  • Does not cooperate with team members and does not share responsibilities—0 points
/ 20
Takes notes as topic is learned /
  • Takes thorough and complete notes on topic—10 points
  • Takes some notes on topic—5 points
  • Take no notes on topic—0 points
/ 10
Writes an outline of presentation or a paper /
  • Writes an outline or paper that uses the conventions of English writing, is clear, and addresses the key issues of topic—20 points
  • Writes an outline or paper that uses some of the conventions of English writing, is somewhat clear, and addresses some of the major points of topic—10 points
  • Does not write a paper or outline or does not address any of the major points of topic—0 points
/ 20
Creates a poster /
  • Creates a poster that sticks to the main points of topic and includes relevant text and pictures that are easy to read from a distance—10 points
  • Creates a poster that somewhat adheres to the main point of topic and includes some relevant text and pictures and is somewhat easy to read from a distance—5 points
  • Does not create a poster or creates an illegible poster—0 points
/ 10
Gives a clear presentation to class with group members /
  • Presents with group to class in a clear way about has been learned—20 points
  • Presents with group in a somewhat clear way about what has been learned—10 points
  • Does not present with the group or does not focus on the topic of group’s research—0 points
/ 20
Writes a multiple choice question /
  • Writes a multiple choice question that relates to student presentations—10 points
  • Writes a question that somewhat relates to the presentations—5 points
  • Does not write a question or writes a question is totally unrelated to the presentation topics—0 points
/ 10
Takes a test over class composed questions /
  • Takes test about the whole class’ multiple choice questions and scores 75% or higher—10 points
  • Takes test about the whole class’ multiple choice questions and scores 50% or higher—5 points
  • Does not take test or scores below 50%—0 points
/ 10
TOTAL / 100