The proposal of the ANC was as follows:

1.  A member may give notice of a Motion of No Confidence to the Speaker in terms of section 102 and 52(4) of the Constitution and the member may request the Speaker to agree to allow the motion for consideration by the House.

2.  Before the Speaker decides on this matter, h/she must take into consideration the factors listed in subrule 3 and must consult with the Leader of Government Business and the Chief Whip of the Majority Party.

3.  The Speaker must take into consideration and give due regard to the following factors before making a decision on this matter;

i)  The views expressed by the Leader of Government Business and the Chief Whip with regard to the availability of members of the Executive and the practicality of the accommodation of the motion on the programme of the House;

ii)  The constitutional imperative of obtaining and maintaining the proper and appropriate balance between the principle of majoritarianism and the deepening and broadening of multi-party democracy in our country;

iii)  The likelihood of the requisite majority being obtained in the House when the motion of no confidence is being voted on;

iv)  Whether a similar motion of no confidence or matter with a similar subject matter has been debated recently especially during the present session of the House; and

v)  Any other relevant and rational factor the Speaker deems fit.

4.  In the event of a motion of no confidence being requested against the Speaker of the House, the request shall be addressed and decided upon by the Deputy Speaker of this House.

5.  Such a discussion shall not exceed the time allocated for it by the Speaker after consultation with the Leader of Government Business and the Chief Whip of the Majority Party.

6.  Questions of privilege may not be discussed in this rule.

7.  A Motion of No Confidence is passed by this House of the vote is supported by a majority of its members.

8.  Notwithstanding Rule 96 an amendment to a motion of No Confidence may be moved to express confidence in the subject or subject matter of the motion.