Sustainable Management IPW 2013 Metropolia

The following assignments are part of a portfolio, to be assessed individually.

Assignment 1

Before we start the course Sustainable management, let’s do a zero measurement

  • Write 150-200 words about the following situation:
  • You live in 2030 and you have 2 kids 5 and 7 years old, how do you expect society looks like at that moment and what kind of future do you see for your children. Describe in your short story wealth, health, employment, natural environment, and safety

Assignment 2

  • Calculate your ecological footprint:
  • Bring tomorrow your footprint in planets and hectares. Which factors are being measured?
  • What is the country average for Finland, compare it with other countries:
  • The Netherlands
  • USA
  • China
  • Kenya

Assignment 3

  • Bring two newspaper/magazine articles to class:
  • One about a company being involved in a people, planet, profit issue in a positive way (best practice). How does this company align PPP?
  • One about a company involved in an issue in a negative way. How did this company respond to the issue?

Assignment 4

Visit Hans RoslingGapminder site and load the gapminderworld software.

  • Compare Finland, USA, China and Kenya on
  • CO2 emissions; which country emits most CO2 in total, and per capita?
  • Tax Revenues (% of GDP)
  • Battle deaths per 100.000 people
  • Internet users per 100 people
  • Water withdrawal (cu meters per person)
  • Improved sanitation, overall access (%)
  • Explain the differences you find.

Assignment 5

Find a company listed in Fortune Global 500 (2012), with a recent (2011-12) CSR report.Check for Global Reporting Initiative CSR reports the site

Check the CSR report on quality. Since how long do they report (and yearly)?What kind of GRI standard/level?Is it 3rdparty audited/checked?Do they make use of (universal) standards? Like ISO, Fair Trade, labels, LEED, etc.What kind of framework for CSR is used? (Global Compact, Agenda 21, Earth Charter, etc.)Are there other quality markers you can think of?

In what stage is your CSR company?Check for the 6 factors at which stage the company is. Give overall conclusion.

Assignment 6

What is the marketing strategy of your CSR company? Give an example.

What kind of labels/certification do they use to communicate their CSR policy/sustainability

What is their target group for their products?

Do you consider them sincere? (e.g. is advertisement misleading or inspirational?)

Evaluate together with assignment 5 the CSR policy of your company, from a People, Planet, Profit, and ethical point of view. Are they truly sustainable?

Assignment 7

Discuss in the team the findings of assignment 5 and 6.

Select a company (only 1 company p. team) that is most interesting to share and use in a poster.

What is the company doing in the field of CSR?What sustainability innovations are they developing?Are they truly CSR? How do they communicate it? Tell about Marketing strategy.

Give a 5 minute presentation and make a 10 slide PowerPoint.

Assignment 8

Do the cultural Creative test. What is your score? Did you expect this? Do you consider this test to be valid and reliable?

Assignment 9

Evaluate the zero measurement. Did you change your mind? Why? Which parts of this course did influence you most?

What is your stance towards CSR and Sustainable development?

Hand in portfolio of the assignments on Friday 17 May, 2013.

M. de Lind van WijngaardenHU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht