

Minutes of Meeting

Date:Friday, February 1, 2001

Time:10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Committee Members: Prof. Tony Blair, Dr. Sheila Cameron, Dr. Richard Caron, Dr. Alan Gold, Prof. Neil Gold (Chair), Mr. Jerry McCorkell, Dr. Alfie Morgan, Mr. Nameer Rahman, Dr. Graham Reader,Ms. Anne Reagan, Dr. James Weese

Absent: Ms. Laura Chesnik (regrets), Ms. Gwen Ebbett (regrets), Mr. Liam McCarthy (regrets), Dr. Kathleen McCrone (regrets), Dr. Linda McKay (regrets),Dr. Veronika Mogyorody (regrets),Dr. Bulent Mutus

Invited Guests: Dr. Frank Hawkins, Dr. Kai Hildebrandt

In Attendance: Dr. John Corlett, Mr. Kerry Eagen, Dr. Michael Salter, Ms. Ilene Sova, Ms. Linda Urquhart, Ms. Renée Wintermute (Secretary)

Formal Business

1Approval of Agenda

It was noted that, under item 6.4, a Special Panel to review Windsor International=s Five Year Plan Annual Status Report also be established. Item 7.1, report on the Five Year Plan Annual Status Report review process, was added to the agenda.Although agenda items were not discussed in sequential order, the minutes do reflect the agenda order of business.

Motion to approve amended agenda - Mr. Jerry McCorkell

Seconded -Dr. Alfie Morgan


2Approval of Minutes

Minutes of January 16, 2001.

Motion to adopt the minutes - Dr. Rick Caron

Seconded - Dr. Alfie Morgan


3Business Arising from the Minutes

It was NOTED that:

$the PDC has not yet voted on Earth Sciences= program proposals due to the parallel review of the Five-year plan annual status reports.

$the Review Panel=s recommendations regarding Earth Sciences= Five Year Plan Annual Status Report will help determine the way forward for the area.

$once PDC receives and approves the Five Year Plan Annual Status Report Review Panel=s recommendations for the area, it will be in a better position to consider the five program proposals.

$the program proposals were positively reviewed.

4Outstanding Business

It was noted that the Registrar=s has received the calendar proofs from the Faculty of Science. However, it is still awaiting Business and Engineering=s submissions. In order to provide students with a calendar by the end of the Winter semester, the Registrar must receive all calendar proofs as soon as possible.


PDC Minutes - February 1, 2001


5Chair=s Report

Ms. Anne Regan and Prof. Tony Blair were welcomed as new members of PDC. Ms. Regan is a student representative for the UWSA and Prof. Blair is replacing Prof. Mady Kelly as a representative for the former College of Arts and Human Sciences.

Items Requiring Approval

6Reports/New Business

6.1 Minor Program/Course Changes

It was NOTED that:

$the subgroup comprised of Dr. John Corlett, Prof. Gold, Dr. Kai Hildebrandt (for FASS minor changes), Dr. Boucher (for Human Kinetics minor changes) and Mr. Kerry Eagen reviewed the minor program/course changes and are presenting their recommendations to PDC to be forwarded to Senate. Some Committee members offered suggestions and comments regarding the minor program/course change requests.

$given time constraints, not all minor program/course changes were provided to Committee members.

$in cases of changes to cross-listed courses, Faculties affected by the change should be notified. To some degree, this is provided for on the Minor Program/Course Change Form. As well, the system in the Registrar=s ensures that once a course is changed, that change is automatically effected wherever the course is listed in the calendar.

$this process will hopefully be delegated to the Faculties which would forward changes to PDC.

It was AGREED that:

$in the future, minor program/course change requests will be available for review on the PDC website.

$the minor program/course changes forms will not be distributed to Senate. Rather the supporting documents will be available for viewing by contacting the Assistant Clerk of the Senate.

Re: Document PDC01-02-01(6.1.1)

It was NOTED that:

$there were a few minor corrections:

$on page 1 of 7, under Renumbered Courses, A10-121 Introduction to ... 01-121" should read: A10-120 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew I to be renumbered: 01-120"

$on page 1 of 7, under Renumbered Courses, A10-122 Introduction to ... 01-122" should read: A10-121 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew II to be renumbered: 01-121"

$on page 2 of 7, under Renumbered Courses, A48/49-355 The Ethnography...@ should read: A48/49-353 The Ethnography...@

$on page 7 of 7, delete the English course under Courses to be cross-listed.

$on page 7 of 7, under Courses to be cross-listed, A48-327 Social Movements@ should read: A48-327 Social Movements to be cross-listed as 54-327"

Motion: Subject to the changes above, that the PDC approved the minor course changes listed in document PDC01-02-01(6.1.1) and forward the report to Senate for information.

Dr. Weese/Dr. Caron


Re: Document PDC01-02-01(6.1.2)

It was NOTED that:

$there was a minor error in Motion 1, document PDC01-02-01(6.1.2):

$course 95-522 should be titled AInstrumentation and Modeling in Kinesiology@

It was AGREED that:

$in Motion 1, document PDC01-02-01(6.1.2), the phrase Asubject to resources@ be deleted. Given that PDC=s mandate states that the Committee concerns itself with the academic quality of programs and not resource allocations, it is not necessary to add this phrase.


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Motion 1:That the following course additions be approved:

95-362 Human Factors and Work Performance

95-522 Instrumentation and Modeling in Kinesiology

Dr. Weese/Dr. Morgan


Motion 2:That the Women=s Studies General BA (3 Year) program degree requirements be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Gold/Dr. Weese


Motion 3:That the Women=s Studies Major BA (4 Year) program degree requirements be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Gold/Dr. Weese


Motion 4:That the Women=s Studies Combined Major (4 Year) program degree requirements be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Gold/Dr. Weese


Motion 5:That the course requirements for a Minor in Women=s Studies be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Gold/Dr. Weese


Motion 6:That the course requirements for a Certificate in Women=s Studies be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Gold/Dr. Weese


Motion 7: That the new Child Psychology Minor be approved.

Dr. Gold/Dr. Weese


Motion 8:That the Psychology Major program degree requirements be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Gold/Dr. Weese


Motion 9: That the Minor in Oriental Studies be deleted.

Dr. Weese/Dr. Caron


Motion 10:That Major requirements for the Combined Modern Languages Major (Italian option) and the Combined Modern Languages Major (two language option) be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course forms.

Dr. Weese/Dr. Caron


Re: Motion 11

It was NOTED that:


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$After discussions last year, Visual Arts withdrew its Five Year Plan and submitted a new one in December 2000 which is currently being reviewed. Nothing is recalled to have been said throughout this process which would indicate that Visual Arts did not want to withdraw its four-year Art History program.

$the area may have perceived a pressure to withdraw the 4-year Art History program.

$very few students continue to the fourth year in the Art History program.

$the three-year degree program in Art History will remain.

$Art History courses are generally in demand, particularly the first and second year courses.

$it will not be feasible to run the 4-year Art History program with only one faculty member, given the upcoming retirement.

It was AGREED that:

$Dr. Kai Hildebrandt would approach Visual Arts regarding the proposed withdrawal of the four-year Art History program to clarify the area=s position and report back to PDC with the area=s decision.

Motion 12:That the course requirements for a Minor in History be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Caron/Dr. Cameron


Motion 13:That the Major requirements for the B.A. (Major) in Language and Logic be amended according to the submitted PDC Program/Course forms.

Prof. Blair/Mr. McCorkell


Motion 14:That the course requirements for a Certificate in Latin American and Caribbean Studies be changed according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Weese/Mr. McCorkell


Motion 15:That the major requirements for a degree in Sociology or Criminology be amended according to the submitted PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Weese/Mr. McCorkell


6.2 BSW Program Proposal & Social Work Course Changes

BSW Program Proposal

It was NOTED that:

$offering a one-year second entry BSW program would not undermine the Area=s proposed one year MSW program, currently being reviewed by OCGS.

$individuals in possession of an Honours BA (4 year program) would be eligible for entry into the one-year second-entry BSW program.

$in order to gain admission into a Masters of Social Work, the applicant must possess a BSW. This program would allow interested students to complete the requirement in one year (3 semesters), permitting them to move quickly forward to their Masters.

$Wilfrid Laurier University currently offers a two-year MSW in which the qualifying year for the Masters is the first year. One of the benefits of this program is that students who complete the two years at Windsor would receive two degrees (BSW and MSW) while students who complete the program at Wilfrid Laurier would receive an MSW only.

$the requirement for entry into this field of practice is a BSW. Individuals interested in middle or top management positions, however, will most likely need to acquire an MSW degree.

$the proposed one-year BSW and the one-year MSW consist of 3 terms each.

$in formulating this program proposal, members from within and outside the University were consulted. These discussions indicated that there was a clear market demand for the one-year MSW. Offering a one-year BSW program may increase that demand for, but not compete with, the MSW.


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$Social Work will need to direct its request for a sessional stipend to the Budget Committee.

$the proposed one-year BSW fills the current student need. Once the one-year MSW is well established, Social Work may wish to consider withdrawing the one-year BSW program in favour of a two-year MSW program.

$the two-year BSW program, for graduates of General BA (3 year program), has been successful. It is felt that the one-year BSW will be equally successful.

Motion:That the proposed one-year second-entry BSW program be approved.

Prof. Blair/Mr. McCorkell


Social Work Minor Program/Course Changes

It was NOTED that:

$given that Social Work practicums are demanding, requiring the student to complete 400 hours of field work per year and attend classes four days a week, the area is proposing increasing the weight of their practicum courses form 4 credits for 800 hours to 8 credits for 800 hours.

$their would be no cost difference for full-time students. However, the additional credits would increase the cost for part-time students.

$increasing the weighting from 4 to 8 credits allows the area to redirect the courses to meet the needs of particular students, specifically those students who do not complete all the field work.

$the practicum courses are graded as pass/fail.

Motion: That Social Work=s field practice requirements be amended according to the submitted the PDC Program/Course change forms.

Dr. Weese/Dr. Morgan


6.3 Discussion on recording of course grades obtained while on exchange

It was NOTED that:

$currently there is no uniform practice at the University for dealing with courses and grades received while on exchange.

$Human Kinetics proposed to add a course which would appear on the student=s transcript, recognizing that s/he participated in an exchange program. To do so would acknowledge the student=s participation in an international exchange program.

$currently, because courses from other Universities are transferred as University of Windsor equivalencies, it is not immediately clear from a student=s transcript that s/he studied on exchange.

$Human Kinetics proposed offering a course titled AInternational Exchange@ which would appear on the transcript without a grade, followed by the four course and grade equivalencies.

$with Human Kinetics= proposal, students would essentially be receiving a course credit for the exchange experience. If implemented, this should be provided to all students in exchange programs.

$for those Universities which recognize a full course load to be four courses, adding the AInternational Exchange@ would help reflect on the transcript that the University of Windsor student had completed a full course load, given that Windsor recognizes five courses to be a full course load.

It was AGREED that:

$it is important that a coherent and uniform plan across the University be developed for matters relating to international exchanges. Dr. Alan Gold is in the process of establishing a Working Group to develop such a plan.

$although a general uniform plan could be developed, minor variations may be needed for different programs.

$on behalf of the PDC, the Working Group created and Chaired by Dr. Alan Gold will develop a uniform plan for exchange programs outlining principles while allowing for minor variations within the various programs. It will then forward its recommendation to PDC and APC.


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$a representative from Human Kinetics would sit on the Working Group.

$members of the exchange community would continue to be approached to sit on the Working Group or participate informally in the development of the plan.

$currently, the Working Group membership includes: Dr. Alan Gold (Chair), Dr. Ron Barron, Ms. Kim Moore, Mr. Jerry McCorkell (student representative - OPUS), Dr. Scott Martyn (Human Kinetics).

6.4 Establish Athletics and Recreation, Leddy Library and Windsor International Five Year Plan Annual Status Report Special Review Panel

It was NOTED that:

$since Leddy Library, Athletics and Recreation and Windsor International are non-program offering areas, the recommendations from the PDC Special Panel will be forwarded directly to AMG, rather than to PDC, and then to the Budget Committee.

$the Humanities Research Group (HRG), also a non-program offering area, has just completed the Five Year Plan process.

It was AGREED that the Special Panel membership for the Five Year Plan Annual Status Reports from Athletics and Recreation, Leddy Library and, Windsor International be:

$Dr. John Corlett

$Ms. Gwen Ebbett

$Prof. Neil Gold

$Mr. Liam McCarthy

$Dr. Linda McKay

(Dr. Jim Weese will replace Ms. Gwen Ebbett for the Leddy Library review)

Additional Business

7Question Period/Other Business

7.1 Five Year Plan Annual Status Report Review Process

The document PDC01-02-01(7.1), outlining the Five Year Plan Annual Status Report Review Process, was distributed. Members were reminded that there is a Special Full-day PDC meeting on February 14, 2001, from 8:30am-3:30pm. An agenda indicating when the reports on Music and Visual Arts will be discussed will be distributed.

It was noted that Earth Sciences wished to meet with the Engineering and Science Five Year Plan Annual Status Report Review Panel prior to the February 14, 2001 full Committee meeting.


Motion to adjourn - Mr. Jerry McCorkell

Seconded - Ms. Anne Reagan



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