Diamond Willow Summer Cantemawaste Youth Camp

Work Group Guidelines 2016

Version: September 28, 2015

Those items highlighted in yellow are significant items to note for 2016. Red highlighted items are NEW for 2016. Those items highlighted in blue are not necessarily new, but are items of importance that we are placing a greater emphasis on.

The following information pertains specifically to those coming onsite during the summer months to partner at DWM as staff at Cantemawaste Youth Camp.


The purpose of the DWM Summer Youth Camp is to strengthen youths’ relationships with God through Jesus Christ.

This purpose fulfills Diamond Willow Ministries (DWM) overall organizational vision to “bring the freedom and peace offered only in Jesus Christ to the Native American Community, becoming a source of light and an example for other communities to follow, ultimately bringing this freedom and peace to surrounding communities and the world beyond.”

The purpose will be achieved as youth are brought into a setting where they will receive individual attention and interaction from camp staff. Camp staff will teach Biblical principles while modeling Christ-like values and attitudes.


There will be four separate camps for the following grades (ages) and genders. The dates shown are the dates that camp workers will need to be onsite (Monday through Saturday), not the actual dates of the camps themselves which are Wednesday through Saturday.***New for 2016: Please note 2 of our 4 camps are now OVERNIGHT camps.

  • Camp #1 3rd-5th GirlsJune 20th- 25th(OVERNIGHT CAMP)
  • Camp #23rd-5th BoysJune 27th-July 2nd(OVERNIGHT CAMP)
  • Camp#3Kindergarten-2nd GirlsJuly 11th-16th
  • Camp#4Kindergarten-2nd BoysJuly 18th-23rd

The youth will be assigned to a camp according to the grade that they will be going into when the school year begins, not the grade they just graduated from. There may be certain exceptions when a youth will be allowed to attend a camp different than their grade would indicate.

There will be thirtyto forty plusyouth attending each camp. Youth will have filled out an application to attend camp and have been specifically selected by onsite DWM staff for attendance.

DWM will provide the teaching material for the camps. The material will be Biblically based, culturally relevant, and suited for the age and gender of the campers.

DWM is not part of a denomination, but is affiliated with independent congregations, which are generally called Christian Churches or Churches of Christ. These churches call all Christians to unite behind the practices and teachings of the church described in the New Testament as a means of more effectively evangelizing the world. It is in this spirit and with this doctrinal focus that the camps will be conducted.


Age Requirements: Allcamp staff for the four camps for the younger youth must be 15 years of age or older with no exceptions.

For those younger youth, and those that want to come as a family with younger youth, there are still opportunities to come serve at DWM outside of the two month period of these four Cantemawaste Youth Camps.

Application: All individuals desiring to come to serve as camp staff will complete an application and return it to DWM by April 1st. There may be late additions to teams that will turn in applications after April 1st, but if every effort is made by team leaders to get applications submitted by this date, it will ensure a smooth process. Only those approved by DWM will come to serve. The purpose of this is to ensure that those coming are spiritually mature and committed Christians that are equipped for the challenges of teaching and interacting with at-risk youth.

An example of individuals that should not apply are those that are not Christians, do not meet the age requirement, or that are coming because “it would be good for them.”

Completed application forms should be returned to DWM and applicants will be notified in a timely manner. Those that are selected, and that are 18 and over, will need to also pass a background check. This is necessary in order to protect the youth and for insurance purposes.

If you have completed the background check and questionnaire forms with DWM within the past two years please indicate on the form that you have done so, and complete and sign the form anyway.

The application forms are attached.

Expectations: All camp staff will be expected to read the full summer work packet and be familiar with DWM guidelines and abide by them. In particular, with a large and mixed staff of workers, the highest level of modesty, integrity and conduct is expected. This isn’t the time or place to pursue or carryon dating-type relationships. All shorts must be longer than the tips of your fingers when placed at your side. No tank tops or spaghetti straps. Further guidelines on dress will be provided. Work group leaders are expected to monitor and take corrective actions for their group members at all times.

Camp staff will also be assigned other duties, and be expected to take initiative, in areas such as assisting with meal setup and cleanup, building and grounds pickup and cleaning, etc.

Cost: Each week’s camp staff member will pay $300.00 to DWM. This will cover costs not only associated with the facility, utilities, maintenance, supplies, curriculum material and meals as described, but will also assist in covering the costs of the Native American youth that will be attending as campers.

If camp staff or teams desire to work more than one week, that is a possibility. Contact DWM and that can be coordinated. A reduced fee will be charged for subsequent weeks of $200.00 for the second week, and $150.00 for the third week

If camp staff members and /or teams desire to contribute funds above this amount, that is certainly greatly appreciated as well.

Camp Staff Size: There will need to be forty to no more than fiftycamp staff workers each week. The staffs may be comprised of one work group, or several groups working together. Individuals may also come to serve as part of the week’s camp staff. Because of thepossibility that more than one group will be working together, there will be a formalteam building and orientation time for the staff.

Individual work team groups will be limited to twenty workers. This will allow us to have a greater number of supporting churches and organizations onsite and actively partnering in the ministry.

Arrival: Monday – Camp staff teams, as well as camp staffcoming individually to serve as camp staff, will arrive no later than 5:00PM of the Mondayof camp week. Camp staff may arrive as early as Sunday, but if arriving early, please check first with onsite DWM staff to ensure that there will be adequate accommodations.

Orientation: Monday evening and Tuesday - Monday evening will largely be a team-building time for camp staff. Tuesday will be for more specific planning and preparation regarding the curriculum and camp schedule. All those serving as camp staff for the week are required to attend.

Departure: Saturday afternoon– Camp staff can depart after the end of camp, and clean-up, which will bemid-day on Saturday. We have found with the larger staffs, many people in the community did not come to worship in the summer due to the large number of visitors (camp staff). This is counterproductive to the overall purpose of the ministry, so if there are twenty or more camp staff onsite on a Sunday, we will have a separate earlier brunch and earlier worship service at the Mato Family Center to accommodate you. If leaving earlier, or later, please notify and coordinate with onsite DWM staff as early as possible.

On a related note, we also found that the local folks also did not come on Wednesday nights Bible study during the summer due to the large amount of people (Camp workers) on site. So, Wednesday night meal for the campers and camp staff will be at the Mato Family Center and be separate from the “regular” Bible study and meal taking place at the Ikce Oyate Christian Center.

Camp: Two of the camps areday campsand the youth campers will return to their homes at night. All campswill stay onsite for a “sleep-over” on Friday night. Some details of the curriculum and the schedule will be provided to camp staff prior to arrival onsite. Camp specifics will be discussed in detail at Monday’s orientation meeting.

Camp #1 and Camp #2will, however, be an overnight camp all week. The trial camp for 2015 was extremely successful and we are gradually adding weeks to monitor success to determine future camps. It may take more staffing and we will recruit work teams for these weeks that have prior experience onsite with camps.

Meals: Meals are a vital part of the camp week, both for the staff and the campers. DWM will provide all the meals for the workers and campers during the camp.

Monday evening meal will be provided at 6:00PM for the camp staff. Three meals a day will then be provided for the camp staff onTuesday through Saturday.


In addition to the “regular” camp staff, there are opportunities to meet some specific needs. DWM is recruiting individuals that may be able to fill these special roles. If interested in fulfilling one of these roles for a week, multiple weeks, or for the summer, please contact DWM as soon as possible.

  • Cook(s): Prepare and serve the meals
  • Recreation Assistant(s): Prepare for, and assist recreation Director with recreation activities
  • Maintenance worker(s): Assist with cleaning and maintenance of facility
  • Maintenanceworker(s): Take lead in cleaning and maintenance and/orrepair of vehicles


Summer Camp Staff Application






Please share a brief summary of your conversion, baptism and spiritual walk with Christ. (50 words or more.)

Why do you desire to serve as a Summer Camp Staff member? Do you have past experiences that have equipped you and/or are there certain areas you feel most suited to serve in?

How are you currently influencing others for Christ through your friendships, helping, and sharing the Bible?

Your devotional schedule:

I read the Bible (check one)__Daily __Weekly __Occasionally __Never

I pray to and praise the Lord__at meals __5 – 10 minutes daily __throughout the day __Never

I will gladly abide by DWM guidelines for Christ-like character, behavior, example, service, honesty and modesty.

(Signed) ______

Permission to Obtain a Background Check

(This form authorizes Diamond Willow Ministries to obtain background information and must be completed by the applicant. Diamond Willow Ministries must keep this completed form on file for at least five years after requesting a background check.)

In the interest of safety and security I, the undersigned applicant (also known as “consumer”), authorizeDiamond Willow Ministriesthrough its independent contractor, LexisNexis, to procure background information (also known as a “consumer report and/or investigative consumer report”) about me, prior to, and at any time during, my service to the organization. This report may include my driving history, including any traffic citations; a social security number verification; present and former addresses; criminal and civil history/records; and the state sex offender records.

I understand that I am entitled to a complete copy of any background information report of which I am the subject upon my request to Diamond Willow Ministries, if such is made within a reasonable time from the date it was produced. I also understand that I may receive a written summary of my rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

___ Please check here if you completed this form in 2015

Signature: ______Date: ______

Identifying Information for Background Information Agency

(also known as “Consumer Reporting Agency”)

Print Name: ______


Other Names Used (alias, maiden, nickname): ______

Current Address: ______

Street /P. O. BoxCityStateZip CodeCountyDates

Former Address: ______

Street /P. O. BoxCityStateZip CodeCountyDates

Social Security Number: ______Daytime Telephone Number: ______

Driver’s License Number: ______State of Issuance: ______

Date of Birth: ______Gender: ______